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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. So what happened to all the bots he claimed to be on twitter, didn't he say that around 80/90% of his comments on twitter were from bots and this was the reason he withdrew his original offer? Obviously some major financial decisions on his side have led to him returning to his original offer. How ironic he's carrying out polls on his account when he also claims all those bots are the main engagement on his account.....lol
  2. Hungary and Turkey unfortunately, Finland and Sweden are still waiting for them to sign the acceptance in to NATO
  3. Yep, child soldiers now being openly recruited direct from Kadyrov himself
  4. Not surprising really, Sach's an economist including a former economist advisor to Russia who promotes anti US propaganda on his own website. Denies the Uighur Chinese atrocities, Sachs has also repeated COVID-19 disinformation by China by stating publicly that COVID-19 came out of "US lab biotechnology" Also known as "Jeffrey Sachs, China's Apologist in Chief"
  5. True, not sure how that will work with the lend lease agreement now in play since 1st Oct for weapons from the US allowing Ukraine’s military to access a host of new resources in addition to the normal aid US gives. This Ukraine joining of NATO announcement is in my opinion a red herring, just a message to Putin that talks are over. After all, back in early March at the beginning of the war Zelensky publicly stated that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO and offered that as a peace deal to Putin, this was ignored by the Kremlin. President Zelensky: 'Ukraine won't join NATO to stop the war with Russia' As we all know Putin's invasion is nothing to do with NATO and all to do with land grab.
  6. Today's statement from Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Those who propose Ukraine to give up on its people and land — presumably not to hurt Putin’s bruised ego or to save Ukraine from suffering — must stop using word “peace” as an euphemism to “let Russians murder and rape thousands more innocent Ukrainians, and grab more land”. Ukraine has no need to join NATO to kick the terrorists out.
  7. Away with your trolling, that's an old report from 2021 that is on the 2020 elections, if you had actually read my link it refers to China's attempts to influence the up coming mid term elections. "The yearlong effort to sway U.S. voters marks a step change in how Chinese actors operate online." https://www.politico.eu/article/china-us-midterm-election-influence-meta-facebook/
  8. No need, plenty on Russian state TV echoing the same thing on how badly they are doing
  9. You missed his Peter the Great Speech Putin compares himself to Peter the Great in quest to take back Russian lands Putin’s remarks proved that his complaints about historical injustice, eastward Nato expansion, and other grievances with the west were all a facade for a traditional war of conquest.
  10. Yes there's a very plausible solution being carried out right now by Ukraine and its supporters, Russia is losing territory and will be kicked out.
  11. Yep Putin' nose is certainly out of joint, he's facing a revolt from his own officials and propaganists. All in Ukraine are united.
  12. You could go to the Pipeline thread and stay on topic where this has been discussed many times including by you
  13. If Putin stops the illegal invasion the war stops immediately and no further innocent civilians will be killed, murdered and raped.
  14. How do they influence? well you could read the link I posted, since you didn't bother I wont bother responding with any more
  15. I thought Putin was the salesperson for NATO, it was down to him that Finland and Sweden applied
  16. Absolutely when you have up to 2 million internet warriors from China influencing elections, creating campaigns with consistently advanced narratives on how evil the US and the west is as opposed to China, hacking US and western government entities then what do you expect. Got your 50 cent yet...lol
  17. Can you link to the specific clause in NATO that bars countries on these grounds? There is an action plan that states: "Willingness to settle international, ethnic or external territorial disputes by peaceful means, commitment to the rule of law and human rights, and democratic control of armed forces" Other than that then other NATO countries can stipulate their own objections. Norway and Sweden are both in the process but Norway especially was very close to Russian threats and could well have been involved, hence why in the interim its had some security guarantees from other countries such as the UK. So if it got involved are you suggesting it could not then join NATO?
  18. China is also a dab hand with its covert action against other nations with its "50 cents army" a group of 500,000 - 2 million state-backed internet commenters. Even used widely on their own territory to curb dissent and influence opinion especially during the covid outbreak. SEPTEMBER 27, 2022 China influence operation targeted US midterm elections Fake social media accounts originating in the world’s second-largest economy peddled partisan attacks to American voters, according to a report from Meta.
  19. Its not just Thailand, some mask mandates are still in place in the US in some states, for example, District of Columbia mandatory in libraries, health care facilities, long-term care facilities, shelters, prisons and District government buildings in which employees interact with the public. This list was updated 26th Sept 2022 https://www.aarp.org/health/healthy-living/info-2020/states-mask-mandates-coronavirus.html
  20. Kherson is slowly getting surrounded, Lyman taken so what does the Kremlin do............lol Putin's spox admits the Kremlin doesn't actually know how much of Kherson and Zaporizhzia regions it is annexing as Ukraine's forces continue to win back new "Russian" territory. Dmitry Peskov says Russia will "continue to consult with the population." https://twitter.com/maxseddon/status/1576868108244959232 Ukraine has made 'breakthroughs' in Kherson region, Russian-installed official says Reuters) - Ukrainian forces have made some breakthroughs in the southern Kherson region and taken control of some settlements, a Russian-installed official said on Monday. Ukrainian officials have been tight-lipped about the scale of their counter-offensive in the south, but Russian military bloggers have described Ukrainian tanks advancing along the bank of the Dnipro river. Russia formally moved to annex four Ukrainian territories last week, including Kherson region, but none are fully under the control of Moscow's forces and Ukraine continues to wage a counter-offensive in the south and east. https://www.yahoo.com/news/ukraine-made-breakthroughs-kherson-region-095544727.html
  21. Careful you'll be needing to visit one of those gastrologists
  22. Happy you agree then that the US does this on a grand scale, as well as provide infrastructure, tools and equipment necessary to help longterm Over the course of seven decades, the U.S. government and its people have led the global fight against hunger. https://www.wfpusa.org/mission-history/
  23. "Aid in the form of food and medical supplies solves a short term problem." Also known as saving lives.
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