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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Tonight on Russian state TV: the mood is grim, look at their faces. Dmitry Sablin, Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee, admits that Russia desperately needs "to stop and regroup" and is experiencing all sorts of shortages, compared to Ukraine that has it all —and then some.
  2. Well worth a read, Putin is being undermined by his own officials, Kremlin sponsored media & Russian milbloggers. Latest update from ISW Main points in the 14 post twitter thread: https://twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/status/1576785121948360706 Full assessment here: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-october-2 The Russian information space has significantly deviated from the narratives preferred by the #Kremlin and the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) that things are generally under control. Putin relies on controlling the information space in #Russia to safeguard his regime much more than on the kind of massive oppression apparatus the Soviet Union used, making disorder in the information space potentially even more dangerous to Putin than it was to the Soviets. Russian State Duma MPs withdrew a law that would have given mobilized men a one-time payment of 300,000 rubles (about $4,980) and other benefits, without providing a reason for their decision
  3. The pipelines explosions occurred on the 26th Sept, Biden's speech was just 2 days ago, you can't even get that basic fact right let alone who's responsible.
  4. Biden released 22 years of tax returns to IRS while he was a nominee and again once he became President.
  5. Check the poster that asked me a question on Trump and NATO.
  6. I'm not telling you to get four shots, you do what you want, why would I care, I just care about facts and information
  7. People should not rely only on diet either. Vaccines play a key role in reducing large scale outbreaks and deaths. Why else do all children receive vaccinations for viral infections such as smallpox, mumps, polio. The covid vaccines saved millions of lives not just those with underlying diseases.
  8. Still not seeing your point? Where did I say heart disease cannot be linked to diet in some circumstances, we all know deaths are greatest in those with certain conditions. Some underlying illnesses that put you at higher risk, this does not include all: Solid organ or blood stem cell transplant Sickle cell disease or thalassemia Pregnancy Cancer Chronic liver disease Asthma Cystic fibrosis Dementia Diabetes People with any type of disability that makes it more difficult to do certain activities or interact with the world around them, including people who need help with self-care or daily activities People with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) People with cerebral palsy People with birth defects People with intellectual and developmental disabilities People with learning disabilities People with spinal cord injuries People with Down syndrome Heart conditions Immunocompromised condition or weakened immune system Mental health conditions Overweight and obesity Tuberculosis https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-with-medical-conditions.html
  9. Ok no vaccine available correct, so that still brings us to in your words "several 90+ year olds surviving" I really don't see the relevance to anything as several under 90 + did not survive. What kind of logic are you using? Why not try some actual data rather than singular events from newspaper clippings, plenty of data around
  10. Yes of course several 95 year olds got it, but your link does not even say if they were vaccinated or not, what strain it was or any info whatsoever
  11. I didn't provide any links what are you talking about?
  12. What relevance to that does your article relate to? A 90+ year old surviving and her 70 year old son dying? No mention of whether either was vaccinated also?
  13. Yet her 70 year old son died of covid two weeks prior if you read further in the article. This article proves nothing. Singular cases prove nothing as with the Queen who caught covid in Feb this year and survived. She also had been vaccinated
  14. Far from deterring Putin, Trump did the opposite. Thanks to Trump, Putin was able to take advantage of a period of apparent detente during which Trump actually pursued Putin’s own policies of weakening NATO and democracy and destabilizing the West — leaving Putin free to prepare his war against the free people of Ukraine and their democratically elected government. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/03/02/putin-invade-ukraine-trump-00012897
  15. I always found the Herman Cain awards quite enlightening, sad but enlightening, they are still going strong on reddit with anti vaxxers publicly protesting the mandates or mask wearing only then to succumb and die of covid. The Herman Cain Award is a subreddit about an ironic award given to people who made public statements of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation and hesitancy, and who have later died from COVID-19 or COVID-19 complications.[1][2][3] The award is named after American businessman and political figure Herman Cain, a Republican politician who died of COVID-19 complications after attending a 2020 Trump Tulsa rally in support of then-President Donald Trump without wearing a face mask.[1][2] A text label which says "Awarded" is emblazoned on the conversation thread containing evidence and community discussions of a third party's anti-COVID mitigation positions and their subsequent death.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Cain_Award
  16. Never stop with their provocations UN Nuclear Watchdog Calls For Release Of Detained Ukrainian Plant Director The United Nations' nuclear watchdog has called for the release of the director of Ukraine's largest nuclear power plant, who was reportedly abducted by a Russian military patrol. The call late on October 1 by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Rafael Grossi came one day after Ihor Murashov was detained while travelling between the Zaporizhzhya plant and the town of Enerhodar. Murashov "was taken out of the car, and with his eyes blindfolded, he was driven in an unknown direction," Enerhoatom, the Ukrainian state company that oversees the plant, said on Facebook. https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-zaporizhzhya-iaea-return-murashov/32061530.html
  17. European countries filled up their gas storage facilities before the winter after Russia’s Gazprom reduced supplies, including through the important Nord Stream 1 (NS1) pipeline. That's what pushed up prices. "Goldman said on Tuesday it expected European wholesale natural gas prices to fall from about €215 (£186) a megawatt hour to below €100 a MWh by the end of the first quarter of next year, assuming typical winter weather conditions." https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/sep/13/gas-prices-eu-fall-sharply-goldman-sachs-eu-russia
  18. You should check the post he was responding to. Perhaps better to address that one.
  19. Lets not derail the thread by going off topic with your China advocacy when it lacks the most basic of human rights eh. UN experts call for decisive measures to protect fundamental freedoms in China https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2020/06/un-experts-call-decisive-measures-protect-fundamental-freedoms-china
  20. Also Italy, probably an alert for all countries to leave would be good! The Italian Embassy in the Russian capital issued an alert on Thursday urging all its citizens in the country to leave if their stay is not necessary.
  21. Well Putin said it was "anglo saxons" responsible Biden says it was sabotage. European and NATO officials are blaming sabotage source
  22. Two separate pipelines with 2 separate explosions each and leaks within hours of each other. Leaves little to the imagination other than sabotage to every single official and expert both West and Russian
  23. 4 different explosions? Hans Liwang, a researcher at the Swedish Defence University, told the local daily DN that traces of the explosive device can be found along the pipeline, but it is highly likely that the evidence will disappear when the gas moves up. European security officials observed Russian navy support ships in the vicinity of the pipeline leaks on Monday and Tuesday
  24. Here we have it from Russian State TV: Ukraine is declaring war to liberate these territories Russian state TV avoids mentioning Lyman and admits things are going badly
  25. A pity Russia started all this chaos and caused such a mess. Implementing decisions on grain corridors was never going to be perfect or a long term solution but is the best that can be done for now.
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