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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. This is about the US telling its citizens to leave Russia, they are not refugees leaving on mass some war torn country with babies in hand. Get a grip
  2. Stick to the facts you say, you seem to be the only person on the planet that did not comprehend what he said and what it meant. "Putin also again made explicit threats against the West. “If its territorial integrity is threatened Russia will use all the means at its disposal,” he said. “This is not a bluff.” Putin warned that Russia “also has various means of destruction” — in other words, nuclear weapons — “and some components are more modern than those of the NATO countries.” Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday that rhetoric regarding the use of nuclear weapons was "certainly not a bluff". EU's Borrell Says Putin's Nuke Threat Must Be Taken 'seriously'; 'It's A Dangerous Moment'
  3. Of course you need a sub! Do you think they would use a support vessel right next to a busy shipping lane for divers? The attacks occurred with either Spy submarines or underwater drones. "Russian submarines are very well practiced at this sort of thing, though, having honed their skills over decades "investigating" the undersea internet cables running across the north Atlantic."
  4. Exactly, just as they threatened nuclear strikes in Ukraine with the insinuation that it could also include the west, this is just another one of those threats. Look what just happened, not us, honest but wow look how vulnerable your lovely new Baltic gas pipeline that was going to save you is. Russian terrorists at work. Despicable.
  5. Gone up to 4 places now: The Swedish coastguard has reportedly found a fourth leak on the Nord Stream pipeline. https://twitter.com/SkyNews/status/1575368526327488512
  6. My 14 year old daughter wouldn't believe any of that. She does believe in study and getting good grades for a quality education in University without thinking of covid as its over for her and her school.
  7. What are you talking about? September 6, 2022 Orphanhood and Caregiver Loss Among Children Based on New Global Excess COVID-19 Death Estimates Using WHO excess mortality (more conservative than findings from IHME and The Economist), we estimate that 10 500 000 children lost parents or caregivers (Table), and 7 500 000 children experienced COVID-19–associated orphanhood through May 1, 2022. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2795650
  8. Yes far too long to only then discover it does not substantiate your claim in the slightest.
  9. According to this the announcement may still be on for the 30th Sept: The Kremlin could temporarily postpone announcing the annexation of Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory to better prepare the Russian information space and administrative organization, although September 30 remains the most likely date for some kind of annexation announcement. https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-september-28
  10. Doesn't make any criminal charges that the DOJ and FBI are investigating go away or the rulings of the courts.
  11. "Covid only rarely took the lives of healthy, young individuals." It took away the lives of millions parents or care givers to these children
  12. Exactly, from personal experience with my school age child and knowing many more of them as a result of her friends and parents they all appreciate the reasons for the restrictions that were in place.
  13. This is sounding good. Ukraine Troops Encircling Russian Forces as Putin Faces Major Defeat Maps detailing Ukrainian advance in the region amid a continued counteroffensive show its forces moving north across the Siverskyi Donets river from areas east and west of town, and east across the Oskil river from positions north of Lyman. The British Defense Ministry assessed on Wednesday that over the last few days, Ukraine has pressed its offensive operations in the northeast of the country. Its units advanced on at least two axes east from the line of the Oskil and Siverskyy Donets rivers, where forces had consolidated following their previous advance earlier in the month. https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-troops-encircling-russian-forces-putin-counteroffensive-1747189 Russian milbloggers discussed Ukrainian gains around Lyman with increased concern on September 28, suggesting that Russian forces in this area may face imminent defeat. [1] Several Russian milbloggers and prominent military correspondents claimed that Ukrainian troops advanced west, north, and northeast of Lyman and are working to complete the envelopment of Russian troops in Lyman and along the northern bank of the Siverskyi Donets River in this area.[2] Russian mibloggers stated that Ukrainian troops are threatening Russian positions and lines of communication that support the Lyman grouping. The collapse of the Lyman pocket will likely be highly consequential to the Russian grouping in northern Donetsk and western Luhansk oblasts and may allow Ukrainian troops to threaten Russian positions along the western Luhansk Oblast border and in the Severodonetsk-Lysychansk area. https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-september-28 The possibility of major Russian defeat in the Lyman-Yampil area is now very high https://twitter.com/IAPonomarenko/status/1575028962362765312
  14. The plot thickens — one day after the Nordstream explosions, Gazprom (Russia’s state gas company) again threatens to cut off Russian gas transit to Europe via Ukrainian pipelines. https://twitter.com/GazpromEN/status/1575021274878791680
  15. Not like there weren't warnings about this. US warned European allies this summer that Nord Stream pipelines could be attacked The US warned several European allies over the summer, including Germany, that the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines could face threats and even be attacked, according to two people familiar with the intelligence and the warnings. Norway regulator warns on risk of 'deliberate attacks' after drones seen near oil and gas fields In a statement, the PSA said oil and gas operators had "recently given warnings/notifications of a number of observations concerning unidentified drones/aircraft close to offshore installations" and urged "increased vigilance by all operators and vessel owners," underlining the duty to report any further sightings. Russia probably bombed Nord Stream pipeline with underwater drone, says defence source A suspected Russian sabotage attack on the Nord Stream gas pipelines was “probably premeditated and planned for” using an explosive device dropped into the sea weeks before it was detonated, according to a British defence source. The European Union and Nato have described the large blasts in the Baltic Sea as a “deliberate act” of sabotage, with Russia labelled by Poland and Ukraine as the culprit, even as investigations continue.
  16. Watched it already Putin stooges are spreading it everywhere. He's also referring to Nord 2 which was stopped already. Whats funny @farmerjo
  17. Putin's stooge Meanwhile in Russia: every state TV program is feasting on Tucker Carlson's accusations that the Biden administration is somehow involved in causing the Nord Stream damage. Military expert loved Tucker's idea about cutting undersea internet cables & said, "Sure, why not?" Watch:
  18. This also add more plausibility to Russia being responsible as I mentioned in this post above. The expert comes to the same conclusions as I insinuated. Just a 3 min video but explains the situation very well
  19. If you read all the information on this then you'd know it has an enormous potential use as already demonstrated
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