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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. You said: I replied and made it very clear its nothing like that at all
  2. Page 20/21 https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.617854/gov.uscourts.flsd.617854.125.0_1.pdf
  3. Nothing like that at all no. Hungary is Determined to Silence Any Critics Left Standing Hungary: Media council takes steps to silence independent radio “Don’t be silenced” – Hungary's biggest independent news site collapses
  4. Things have moved on since then: US asks appeals court to lift judge’s Mar-a-Lago probe hold https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-mar-a-lago-government-and-politics-819a312522858f638a70cd9a0770d4a4
  5. False flag? Vladimir Putin said that Ukraine was trying to arrange terrorist attacks near Russia's nuclear facilities Attacking Russia's nuclear arsenal is a justification that the Kremlin cites for a potential nuclear strike
  6. I consider Prigozin to be exactly what he is, seeing you are keen on Wiki links here's the facts of who he is: Yevgeny Viktorovich Prigozhin[a] (Russian: Евге́ний Ви́кторович Приго́жин; born 1 June 1961) is a Russian oligarch[5] and close confidant of Russian president Vladimir Putin.[6] Prigozhin controls a network of companies including Wagner, a Russian state-backed mercenary group accused of war crimes in Africa, Syria, and Ukraine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevgeny_Prigozhin Although he was denying it, even attempting to sue the head of Bellingcat: Lawyers for Putin’s ‘Chef’ Abandon Libel Case Against Bellingcat Founder Yevgeny Prigozhin’s libel suit against investigative journalist Eliot Higgins is already off to a rough start. Prigozhin, 60, a catering magnate known as “Putin’s chef,” filed suit against Higgins, the founder of investigative website Bellingcat, in December after the news site published reports revealing Prigozhin’s close ties to the Kremlin and his work running the shady Wagner Group, a mercenary organization operating in conflicts in Ukraine, Africa, and the Middle East.
  7. I have no idea what your talking about, I'm not wondering about anything but don't let that stop you rambling
  8. Well sure, Vlad would also not like this emphasized I agree, after all he thought it would take a week or so to conquer Ukraine and install a puppet government. Instead its been over 7 months. In 4 days Ukraine has liberated more territory than Putin's army was able to capture in 4 months. Putin has now resorted to calling on his private unaccountable PMC the Wagner group to recruit from convicts because he's too scared to announce a full mobilization. Not only are they recruiting convicts they are also making it clear they are just cannon fodder. Some choice words directly from Prigozhin, the leader of Wagner while he's talking to the inmates: "no one retreats, no one falls back into capture, during training you will be told about 2 grenades when surrendering, If you arrive in Ukraine and decide it's not for you, we execute you." Would you like some more emphasis?
  9. I guess it was just a matter of time when towns and cities getting liberated find more evidence of atrocities. We've been hearing for weeks now of Russians recruitment campaign in prisons, offering convicts pardon after 6 months service in Ukraine. However this new video that has surfaced of the head of Wagner group doing the actual recruiting and his demands from the convicts is chilling: Video shows the head of a shadowy mercenary group recruiting at a Russian prison, offering inmates freedom if they fight in Ukraine but death if they run "Nobody goes back behind bars," Prigozhin, founder of the Russian private military company Wagner, can be seen telling men in a video from a Russian prison yard, per a translation from The Wall Street Journal's Yaroslav Trofimov. "If you serve six months, you are free. If you arrive in Ukraine and decide it's not for you, we execute you." He gives the men 5 minutes to make a choice. https://www.yahoo.com/news/video-shows-head-shadowy-mercenary-204444445.html
  10. They already do inside tours of Buckingham palace do some research
  11. While the average annual cost for UK taxpayers in royal upkeep comes to around £500m a year, Brand Finance estimates the monarchy’s brand contributes £2.5bn to the British economy in the same timeframe. Not only a great institution but also a money making one.
  12. More proof this was never about NATO Exclusive: As war began, Putin rejected a Ukraine peace deal recommended by aide PARIS, Sept 14 (Reuters) - Vladimir Putin's chief envoy on Ukraine told the Russian leader as the war began that he had struck a provisional deal with Kyiv that would satisfy Russia's demand that Ukraine stay out of NATO, but Putin rejected it and pressed ahead with his military campaign, according to three people close to the Russian leadership. But, despite earlier backing the negotiations, Putin made it clear when presented with Kozak's deal that the concessions negotiated by his aide did not go far enough and that he had expanded his objectives to include annexing swathes of Ukrainian territory, the sources said. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/exclusive-war-began-putin-rejected-ukraine-peace-deal-recommended-by-his-aide-2022-09-14/ UN secretary-general: "We are far away from the end of the war" after call with Putin UN Secretary-General António Guterres said Wednesday he feels a peace deal to end the war in Ukraine isn't close. “We are far away from the end of the war," he told reporters following a call Wednesday with Russian President Vladimir Putin. "A ceasefire is not in sight,” he said, adding, "I would be lying if I said it would happen.” https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-09-14-22/h_edfda4a983ff7e4702265fe333a2a221
  13. New Report by Lancet: Commission on lessons for the future from the covid-19 pandemic, The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic, published on Sept 15, lays bare what has been nothing less than a massive global failure—a failure of rationality, transparency, norms of public health practice, operational coordination, and international solidarity. The Commission shows that national governments were too slow and too cautious in their response to the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2. They paid too little attention to the most vulnerable groups in society. Their responses were hampered by low public trust and an epidemic of misinformation and disinformation. The result was millions of preventable deaths and a reversal in progress towards sustainable development for many countries. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)01761-5/fulltext Covid-19: Commission describes “massive global failures” of pandemic response The global response to the first two years of the covid-19 outbreak failed to control a pandemic that has led to an estimated 17.7 million deaths to date, a major review has concluded.1 The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the covid-19 pandemic, produced by 28 world leading experts and 100 contributors, cites widespread failures regarding prevention, transparency, rationality, standard public health practice, operational coordination, and global solidarity. It concludes that multilateral cooperation must improve to end the pandemic and manage future global health threats effectively. https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj.o2237 WHO responds to The Lancet COVID-19 Commission WHO welcomes the overarching recommendations of The Lancet COVID-19 Commission’s report on “Lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic,” which align with our commitment to stronger global, regional and national pandemic preparedness, prevention, readiness and response. At the same time, there are several key omissions and misinterpretations in the report, not least regarding the public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) and the speed and scope of WHO’s actions. https://www.who.int/news/item/15-09-2022-who-responds-to-the-lancet-covid-19-commission
  14. M-16 guns 50,000 THB direct from police/soldiers Police search for 3 rogue cops & soldier involved in illegal gun trade
  15. Actually Russia has released its own damning report and its not looking good: Russia Privately Warns of Deep and Prolonged Economic Damage Russia may face a longer and deeper recession as the impact of US and European sanctions spreads, handicapping sectors that the country has relied on for years to power its economy, according to an internal report prepared for the government. The document, the result of months of work by officials and experts trying to assess the true impact of Russia’s economic isolation due to President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, paints a far more dire picture than officials usually do in their upbeat public pronouncements. Europe’s sharp turn away from Russian oil and gas may also hit the Kremlin’s ability to supply its own market, the report said. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/russia-risks-bigger-longer-sanctions-135601014.html
  16. Thats one of the aspects of these events that unfolds some of the realities of what its like under Russian occupation. I have to say it can be a little heartbreaking to see all the videos of the residents greeting the Ukraine soldiers with open arms having had their towns, villages and settlements liberated. What a nightmare it must have been for them, their own homes and land under the control of another unwanted country, life as you know it suddenly gone and a new dark era of misery. So happy for them its now over but so much more to do to free all of Ukraine.
  17. From 2019 Queen Elizabeth II’s county home in Norfolk is undergoing extensive renovation works, with huge scaffolding covering part of its facade. And she will likely pay for it herself, as Sandringham House is owned by the Royal Family and not the Crown.
  18. Your post, first page of this OP "I doubt this thread will survive long though, given it can only become political." Its hardly surprising you have no idea what people are talking about here
  19. The more that's learned about the affidavit, the worse the outcome for Trump. Judge Unseals More Portions Of Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant Affidavit At DOJ's request, magistrate unseals more aspects of Mar-a-Lago search warrant affidavit. Trump lawyer told DOJ/FBI "he was advised" all White House records were in MAL storage room, and "he was not advised" any records were in any private office space. https://hillreporter.com/watch-judge-unseals-more-portions-of-mar-a-lago-search-warrant-affidavit https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.617854/gov.uscourts.flsd.617854.125.0_1.pdf More info in article
  20. Queen's funeral guests No representative from Russia, Belarus, or Myanmar have been invited, says the BBC's James Landale. Diplomatic relations between the UK and Russia have all but collapsed since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-62890879 ????
  21. You should have looked at the link he provided: "The military is hesitating as to whether this is a trap by the Russian army. However, after consulting and carefully inspecting the enemy positions, they agree: the Russian soldier is indeed waving a "white flag", signalling that he wants to surrender. At first, the video was published with the remark that it was taken in Donetsk region. However, OSINT researchers carried out geolocation and learned that the event took place in Kherson region near the village of Pravdino."
  22. Seems to be confirmed by this to, re evacuations of military families Ukrainian intelligence: Russian occupiers begin leaving Crimea, southern Ukraine with their families. An “urgent evacuation” of Russian proxies, intelligence officers, and military commanders is taking place, the Main Intelligence Directorate said. BREAKING: A new Russian decree states that from September 19th, citizens of Crimea who are eligible for enlistment are forbidden from leaving the peninsula without formal permission from regional authorities.
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