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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. This OP is about Trump who was found with documents he should not have had, documents that relate to National Security and were in his home where others had access. Its an important issue but you knew that as you typed your post anyway
  2. Sea levels rise differently in different parts of the world. https://sealevel.nasa.gov/faq/9/are-sea-levels-rising-the-same-all-over-the-world-as-if-were-filling-a-giant-bathtub/
  3. They are not saying arrest him now which is all you keep muttering, they know the due investigative procedure needs to be carried out first
  4. Amusing that's the only argument you have, which has already been explained to you may times why they are not ready yet but you refuse to acknowledge it. The onus is on you to wait just as everyone else including Trump who has been attempting to delay the investigation as much as possible.
  5. Its not just Trump, he's part of a wider investigation, one of the biggest concerns here is who else had access to the documents, the FBI have cctv evidence that some were removed from a storage room at that residence in an effort to “obstruct the government’s investigation.” Interviews and more detailed investigations into that still need to be carried out without compromising the identity of current witnesses.
  6. Is that the same Noah that lived till he was 950.....lol Theres a religion OP on this site somewhere perhaps ask there
  7. Basic science: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas. This means that it causes an effect like the glass in a greenhouse, trapping heat and warming up the inside
  8. Is that also when sea levels were about 53 feet higher just 3 million years ago, the sea view for people would not be hard to gain eh About 3 million years ago, the Earth was just a couple of degrees warmer than it is today — and global sea levels were 53 feet higher This information can help inform what our planet may look like as rising temperatures and melting ice caps continue to cause sea levels to rise.
  9. Cherry picking.....lol read the link, you asked for a theory, you got one from climatologists, you know, the experts. Your link also confirms the back to back el nino was the reason 2016 hotter than 2021 To add some further confirmation: In 2015 and 2016, a particularly intense El Nino stoked temperatures to make 2016 the hottest year ever recorded, with experts estimating that the phenomenon added between 0.1 and 0.2 degrees Celsius. Now 2020 has matched that heat record, but this time there was no El Nino. In fact, temperatures were at an all-time high despite the beginning of a La Nina period that started at the end of the summer. The phenomena can each last nine to 12 months and occur irregularly, every two to seven years, punctuated by neutral periods. https://phys.org/news/2021-01-el-nino-la-nina-climate.html
  10. Yes this will explain why: "back-to-back La Niña events in the Pacific Ocean meant that 2021 was cooler than many recent record-breakers – such as 2016, where the world was almost a full degree (+0.99°C) hotter than last century’s average – it was still hotter than every year of the 20th Century." "With the last nine years all appearing in the top ten hottest years ever recorded, we’ve put the last 143 years into context in this heatmap to show global temperature over time." https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/resources/heat-map-clear-trend-global-temperature-change/
  11. Trump was watching it from cctv....lol Why will he not release it?
  12. Trump needs to do better with those experts....lol A familiar problem: Trump struggles to hire a legal defense team Fearing the seriousness of the Mar-a-Lago scandal, Donald Trump wants to hire an impressive legal defense team, but good lawyers keep saying no. Trump’s Legal Team Scrambles to Find an Argument The lawyers representing the former president in the investigation into his handling of classified documents have tried out an array of defenses as they seek to hold off the Justice Department.
  13. He was onsite when they retrieved classified documents in June: Trump was present at the start of a June meeting with investigators but did not answer questions, while Trump’s lawyers showed agents documents—some of which were classified—and handed those marked as top secret or higher over to the investigators https://www.forbes.com/sites/madelinehalpert/2022/08/11/fbi-reportedly-issued-subpoena-and-took-national-security-documents-from-mar-a-lago-months-before-raid/ Trump also has the cctv from the August search where they retrieved the latest batch of damning evidence, why does he not release it?
  14. Evidence provided by the scientific community does not matter to you? Try reading some of the links already provided or keep up the faith you have in your belief
  15. The most direct evidence comes from tiny bubbles of ancient air trapped in the vast ice sheets of Antarctica. By drilling for ice cores and analyzing the air bubbles, scientists have found that, at no point during at least the past 800,000 years have atmospheric CO2 levels been as high as they are now https://www.climatecentral.org/news/the-last-time-co2-was-this-high-humans-didnt-exist-15938
  16. Either way against forum rules but that's not surprising being a member of the Trump cult
  17. So sad that they choose to ignore the evidence discovered and instead resort to threatening acts of violence as their only defense.
  18. I guess I would agree with that but with the start of the industrial revolution and accurate temperature measurements we can see it has risen well above that figure of 0.5% you mentioned already. That together with the CO2 increase in the same timescale https://climate.nasa.gov/vital-signs/carbon-dioxide/
  19. So are you saying that the past natural climate changes that have occurred cannot be authenticated? Despite the use of isotopes, rocks, ice cores, tree rings, fossils, sea and lake sediment to name just a few proxy measuring methods
  20. National Archives did warn Trump and the Whitehouse about this back in 2017 National Archives warned Trump White House to preserve documents National Archives officials have periodically warned White House lawyers that the Trump administration needs to follow document preservation laws, according to people familiar with the conversations and emails reviewed by POLITICO. The White House legally must preserve all presidential records, which are given to the National Archives after the president leaves office and are used for historical records. The documents that must be preserved include written memos, emails, speeches, record logs and more. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/17/national-archives-trump-documents-preserve-243888
  21. Did you miss the links I provided to the facts on the climate predictions that the majority all got right? Also known as evidence based science? Feel free to let me know what this agenda is of theirs that you claim they have and what are their pet projects?
  22. Your opinion of scientists says it all from a previous post of yours, perhaps you have the answers to your own questions, when you do let me know as I'm keen to discover how Noah knew when to built the ark...........lol Worse still, they want to reduce you quality of life land use you money to fund their pet projects based on limited information knowledge and a personal agenda.
  23. Check the inventory of what they've got, its 7 pages long https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/02/politics/mar-a-lago-seized-documents-inventory/index.html
  24. The science linking climate change and more intense monsoons is quite simple, global warming is making air and sea temperatures rise, leading to more evaporation, warmer air can hold more moisture, making monsoon rainfall more intense. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62758811
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