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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. You missed the bit where the FBI has in their possession the cctv evidence of documents been moved from the storage room and the bit where they found highly secret docs in Trumps office. The rest of your deflecting rant is nothing to do with this OP
  2. Strange response? If you had access to the same highly classified documents that should have been kept under lock and key at the Whitehouse what do you think?
  3. Oh ok, got it, despite specifically looking for Nuclear documents and then retrieving them, your opinion is that this was a fluke..................lol Lets see if Trump comes up with this one too!
  4. This article is more of an advertorial for the company promoting this expensive tech. Note they are also only marketing to International Schools
  5. What makes you think they didn't know? The FBI as reported in Reuters and Washington Post were looking for nuclear documents, well they found them. Nuclear documents and spy information, names etc is one thing Presidents cannot declassify.
  6. He gave you the links to the claims, you've been spoon fed again but trolling is easier for you
  7. Just to let you into a little secret, I'm not the FBI either with powers to arrest
  8. Yes I want justice done don't you? Infact I remember quite clearly posting when the motion was first submitted that they should have applied for it at the beginning rather than wait over two weeks delaying the matter. Did you say anything then?
  9. No or the jury but you said arrest him, are you saying I cant now? Damn...............
  10. Wonder how long this is going to take, another delaying tactic Trump allowed 'special master' in case over handling of classified documents The former president had asked for the special master to be appointed, while prosecutors had strongly opposed it - and the appointment is likely to slow down the justice department's ongoing criminal investigation. That is because the judge has banned the government from reviewing or using the seized materials for its investigation until the special master's independent review has been completed. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62799425 Just noticed, new thread on it here: https://aseannow.com/topic/1271017-takeaways-from-the-ruling-granting-trumps-request-for-a-special-master-in-mar-a-lago-probe/
  11. From Financial Times "Just in: Russia’s gas supplies to Europe will not resume in full until the 'collective west' lifts sanctions against Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine, the Kremlin has said." Meanwhile Russia is burning off all its gas supply destined for Germany: Experts say the gas would previously have been exported to Germany. Germany's ambassador to the UK told BBC News that Russia was burning the gas because "they couldn't sell it elsewhere". Scientists are concerned about the large volumes of carbon dioxide and soot it is creating, which could exacerbate the melting of Arctic ice. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62652133
  12. I see still nothing going to plan with the orcs.....???? Ukraine war: Russia postpones referendum in occupied region "This is being paused because of the security situation," said Kirill Stremousov, deputy head of the Russian-appointed administration there. The Ukrainian army has launched a long-awaited counter-offensive in the south, where Russia plans referendums in the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions. Speaking on Russian state TV, Mr Stremousov said Ukrainian shelling had damaged the Antonovskiy Bridge to such an extent that vehicles could no longer cross it. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62795976
  13. Ok seems you need to rewind a little, you say "There is no way to check this "data" properly" because the report says the following: "We pulled the data from yearly crime reports released by state governments, specifically the Departments of Justice and Safety. For states that didn’t issue state crime reports, we pulled data from reputable local news sources." https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-red-state-murder-problem So tell me why are you concerned about checking the data when you do not seem concerned on checking the data from random polls or crime statistics? I know why, because its not from Fox News but I'll leave that with you...............lol For anyone else who wants to check the data then all they need to do is email or contact Thirdway.org which I'm sure the Washington Post also did when they ran the report.
  14. Agreed, its pure comedy but sad at the same time that an ex president can be so delusional, unfortunately he was the same when he was president
  15. No I'm with you, in regards to children however it may be a little different in classrooms as colds can often be picked up through indirect contact on surfaces so that would also probably be the case for covid.
  16. Because droplets also fall down onto surfaces. Although of course airborne is where the majority of infection comes from Omicron may hang around longer on surfaces than original virus, early findings suggest Fresh research says Omicron lasts much longer on surfaces than other variants
  17. How do you check the data with a poll aside from rely on the results given? Would you like to check the data properly with the crime statistics as well? How would you do that?
  18. You missed : "We pulled the data from yearly crime reports released by state governments, specifically the Departments of Justice and Safety. For states that didn’t issue state crime reports, we pulled data from reputable local news sources." It filled plenty of other news outlets with confidence to cite the report, however unsurprisingly not you.
  19. The statistics Trump used were taken from the FBI and Trump of course failed to mention this: But the FBI has warned against using its statistics in a way which ranks cities and oversimplifies what causes crime. "These rough rankings provide no insight into the numerous variables that mould crime in a particular town, city, county, state, tribal area, or region," it says on its website. "Consequently, they lead to simplistic and/or incomplete analyses that often create misleading perceptions adversely affecting communities and their residents." Regarding the murder rates from the opinion piece in the Hill article, it was an opinion based on statistics ie facts if you had gone to the links they provided: In 2020, per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump than those won by Joe Biden. there is a large piece of the homicide story that is missing and calls into question the veracity of the right-wing obsession over homicides in Democratic cities: murder rates are far higher in Trump-voting red states than Biden-voting blue states. And sometimes, murder rates are highest in cities with Republican mayors. https://www.thirdway.org/report/the-red-state-murder-problem
  20. That's not quite true though is it? US elections 2020: Fact-checking Trump on crime in Democratic-run cities https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53991722 As for murders: We have a murder problem in America — especially in red states https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/3274797-we-have-a-murder-problem-in-america-especially-in-red-states/
  21. Desperation for many in Pakistan Officials in the south of Pakistan have warned that more flooding is to come, with Lake Manchar swelling from unprecedented monsoon rains that have killed nearly 1,300 people. Her children are riddled with mosquito bites, their eyes infected, swollen and red. The youngest, Khadija, is listless and caked in mud. "We have nothing. We wake up, sit in the sun and go to sleep again. We have no rations, no food, no water - not even a sip of tea. Look!" She points to a terracotta pot on two bricks. https://news.sky.com/story/pakistan-floods-leave-people-desperate-and-hungry-with-warning-more-is-to-come-12689655
  22. The fighting, gangs..car theft all comes after they've had a good few drinks and roll out the club no?
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