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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Of course, its a simple concept: Global warming is making air and sea temperatures rise, leading to more evaporation, warmer air can hold more moisture, making monsoon rainfall more intense and of course more storms
  2. You need science to back up your opinions particularly when you have been the one asking for it. Seeing as you can't then that leaves you with personal speculation which does not convince me in the slightest
  3. Your clinging onto your question repeatedly through this thread on what temperature is too hot as if this gives validity to your argument and yet the answer is out there already. Climate Crisis: What Does a 2 Degrees Celsius Rise in Global Temperature Mean? https://www.thequint.com/climate-change/climate-emergency-what-will-a-2-degrees-celsius-rise-in-global-temperature-mean
  4. Getting your own house in order first before solving world problems? The world is a very small place and the effects of climate change are everywhere. Its impossible for science to predict the precise effects as its new territory and science can rely of mathematical models but also needs time for observation and evidence. However all the scientific evidence is already coming in with the detrimental effects that climate change is causing. HEAT MAP SHOWS CLEAR TREND IN GLOBAL TEMPERATURE CHANGE Sometimes it’s hard to get a clear grasp on just how much the climate has changed and where we sit now, compared to the climate of the past. With the last nine years all appearing in the top ten hottest years ever recorded, we’ve put the last 143 years into context in this heatmap to show global temperature over time. https://www.climatecouncil.org.au/resources/heat-map-clear-trend-global-temperature-change/ Human Activity Is the Cause of Increased Greenhouse Gas Concentrations. Over the last century, burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). This increase happens because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2. https://climate.nasa.gov/causes/ Science and direct evidence already tells us what happens to plant life when a greenhouse gets too hot.
  5. There has never been man made climate change like this before: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Ice_Age
  6. The UK would be the first back in 2014 UK says world needs to cut dependence on Russian gas, calls for G7 action Energy Secretary Ed Davey said Britain would use the meeting to promote a global plan for developing alternative energy sources and supply networks to try to curb Russia’s ability to wield its gas reserves as a geopolitical tool. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-russia-energy-idUSBREA3L0KA20140422
  7. Not really Impossible to make specific and precise predictions but...................................... How climate models got so accurate they earned a Nobel Prize https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/how-climate-models-got-so-accurate-they-earned-a-nobel-prize Climate predictions have mostly come true https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/climate-predictions-have-mostly-come-true-jz7x8g2pc 20 years on, climate change projections have come true https://theconversation.com/20-years-on-climate-change-projections-have-come-true-11245
  8. How Pakistan floods are linked to climate change The science linking climate change and more intense monsoons is quite simple, global warming is making air and sea temperatures rise, leading to more evaporation, warmer air can hold more moisture, making monsoon rainfall more intense. But Pakistan has something else making it susceptible to climate change effects - its immense glaciers. The northern region is sometimes referred to as the 'third pole' - it contains more glacial ice than anywhere in the world outside of the polar regions. https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62758811
  9. https://aseannow.com/topic/1270840-biden-speech-denouncing-trump-maga-ideology-sparks-threats-calls-for-violence/
  10. Yes there are a lot of them inluding asthma, HIV, cancer, kidney desease, its a very long list
  11. A few? Over 900 hundred charged so far and were there because of the false belief that the Republicans were robbed of the election.
  12. Well he did pay the full price and he is also lucky as the prosecution wanted 17 years
  13. You're now saying the above yet a few posts ago said: I believe: 2 to 3 years----appropriate. 10 years----inappropriate. He is also fully responsible for believing the conspiracy promoted by Trump and the rest of the cult, when the truth was widely available.
  14. Perceived....lol there's people going to jail now for that perceived threat
  15. Trump and his cult are a real problem, they are a threat to democracy in the US and Biden addressed that very well
  16. Exporting large amounts of natural gas to non-European countries is not an option for Russia in the near term. Over 90% of Russia’s gas is transported by pipeline, and most of Russia’s pipelines connect to markets and refineries in Europe.
  17. I'm afraid he thinks that just because Webster believed the conspiracy theories that the election was stolen that made him a patriot and offers some excuse. Total B.S.
  18. Stupid comments are a speciality of the Russians, another one is that the west supplying weapons prolongs the war, yet they are getting drones from Iran......lol
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