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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. So the documents marked as classified including some as top secret that were in the warrant receipt were the ones the FBI planted? Of did he declassify them when he was President and forgot to go through legal process of getting them officially stamped as such, both in the headers and footers?
  2. Listening to too many trump tweets: Obama didn’t keep millions of classified White House documents CLAIM: Former President Barack Obama took 30 million documents, many of them classified, to Chicago upon leaving the White House. AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Obama administration records are exclusively held and maintained by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency confirmed on Friday. Millions of unclassified documents were transferred after Obama left office to a NARA facility in Chicago https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-obama-million-documents-929954890662
  3. The President Who Doesn’t Read “It’s worse than you can imagine … Trump won’t read anything—not one-page memos, not the brief policy papers, nothing. He gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored.” https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/americas-first-post-text-president/549794/ Trump 'rarely if ever' reads his daily intelligence briefing Intelligence professionals have gone to great lengths to accommodate the president's toddler-like attention span. It's apparently not enough. https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trump-rarely-if-ever-reads-his-daily-intelligence-briefing-msna1066626 Love this bit, his "toddler-like attention span"
  4. Scaremongering much? Assassinate him.........................lol Gotta love the Trump cult ????
  5. Didn't you say in your previous OP that you wouldn't mind Russia nuking the UK, mmm see where your allegiance is.
  6. Yes when taken out of context as this disinformation website does: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/childrens-health-defense/
  7. As the Judge who sentenced Stone said at the time: "Stone, who passed on a chance to address the courtroom, stood silently with his attorneys for nearly 45 minutes while the judge explained the reasoning behind her sentence. The punishment, she said, grew in large part from the severity of his attempts to stymie the Russia probe, violations of a gag order limiting his speech during the pre-trial proceedings and for making a threat to the judge through social media. “He was not prosecuted, as some have complained, for standing up for the president,” Jackson added in her closing remarks. “He was prosecuted for covering up for the president.” https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/20/roger-stone-sentenced-to-over-three-years-in-prison-116326
  8. No its called gathering evidence that should not have been there in the first place contrary to the said acts, thats where your list of items recovered now comes into it
  9. Why look at the inventory when you can look at this: Now look up what those acts refer to. Here's the first one I've done for you: 18 U.S. Code ss 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information: The Times points out that Lawrence Franklin recently pleaded guilty to Espionage Act charges related to his disclosure of classified information to the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee and that two former employees of AIPAC face Espionage Act charges for relaying information from Franklin to the Israeli government. Disclosure of Ms. Plame’s classified status could well fall within the prohibitions of the Espionage Act, specifically those in 18 U.S.C. section 793(e), which prohibit disclosure of information relating to the national defense by persons who have such information without authorization.
  10. 630,614.80 baht so far yep its certainly about BHP too. However my post was about the 10 hospitals who refused to treat her first, you may have noticed when you responded and you also said: "It should be about the 10 hospitals that did refuse her treatment"
  11. This thread is about Dinh Kim Le and its actually 17 dead now RIP to them all they all died through sheer negligence
  12. Says you, yet the reality is you have clue what you would do when faced with that situation. All very well to speculate on what you think but that does not help this poor girl.
  13. ? Are you following what I posted, thats what I said: Regards the Vietnam government, I do remember they made international headlines with they care they took of a British pilot who had covid and cared for him extremely well. Its a pity Thailand does not do the same for foreigners who through no fault of their own and who in fact are victim to criminal negligence do not do the same.
  14. Whether that's true or not is irrelevant to what help should have been provided and how. What this thread is about.
  15. Thailand cares about face, this would have been a good opportunity to show the world it cares about foreigners that were nearly burnt alive due to Thai's negligence.
  16. I bet the "President of France" would also like to know why Trump had information on him in a document at his private residence.
  17. Absolute disgrace. No words could describe the pain and life changing injuries that will affect her form now on. The very least the Thai government should do is show the international community that when a negligence case like this occurs and a foreigner is so badly affected, they take care of them as much as they would one of their own citizens.
  18. Looks like this is his defense......... On Friday night, Mr Trump's office issued a statement maintaining that he had used his authority while president to declassify the documents. "The idea that some paper-pushing bureaucrat, with classification authority delegated by the president, needs to approve of declassification is absurd." This is the reality: If Trump did in fact order the declassification, he still needed to make sure his staff took the necessary next steps to modify the classification markings on the documents before he could actually handle and store the records (as a private citizen) as if they were unclassified. Under security classification rules, a classification marking on a document has to be treated as valid and binding unless and until a subsequent marking replaces it. Appropriate government staffers would have needed to cross out the classification markings in the headers and footers, and stamped “declassified” on the record noting when it was declassified, by whom and under what authority. Since that does not appear to have been done with the classified documents reportedly identified to date, the documents remain classified and had to be treated as classified for handling and storage purposes. https://www.justsecurity.org/82619/expert-explainer-criminal-statutes-that-could-apply-to-trumps-retention-of-government-documents/
  19. Trump under investigation for potential violations of Espionage Act https://aseannow.com/topic/1268723-trump-under-investigation-for-potential-violations-of-espionage-act/
  20. Here's another slime ball. Steven Seagal just got interviewed on Russian State TV after his trip to Donbas where he's filming a documentary on the atrocities committed by Ukraine soldiers ie the prison conspiracy that it was US HIMARS that killed the prisoners. Watch the video on twitter or you tube, this idiot is on another planet: Meanwhile in Russia: Moscow's mouthpieces pulled out what they see as one of their big guns, Steven Seagal. Here are some highlights from his state TV appearance tonight, where he was spreading Kremlin propaganda like there's no tomorrow. https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews/status/1557933881365610496
  21. Jeez, heading back to the early 90's now, way to go on topic Hammer!!
  22. Oh wait so you didn't even read my post that you responded to..............this just gets better, it even contains the links. Can you tell me what your rant had to do with it?
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