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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Ask national archives they said 15 boxes of classified documents were taken when he left office although they later managed to retrieve them from Mar-a Lago. Trump turned those documents over only after facing possible legal action. However the records agency said it believes Trump still has more records that need to be turned over. Hence the warrant.
  2. That's your secret little wish for the US to become the USSR, we know
  3. This is Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene official twitter account and why would I need to reply to her? Trump made his statement on Truth Social would you like to reply to him?
  4. What do you mean it hasn't? Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene I think there is an extremely high probability that the FBI planted “evidence” against President Trump. Otherwise WHY would they NOT allow his attorneys or anyone watch them while they conducted their unprecedented raid? They know the consequences of an empty handed power move. https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1557353978425495554
  5. Yep, as the article said the planting of a nice new conspiracy theory that's already taken off by his ardent fan base
  6. You're right, his lawyers probably did advice him, after all they know how many times he lies everyday so taking the 5th was probably a better bet
  7. Don't those cult members love a good conspiracy theory Trump Is Peddling a Conspiracy the FBI Planted Evidence at Mar-a-Lago "former President Donald Trump boosted a baseless conspiracy theory that the FBI planted evidence at his Mar-a-Lago residence during a search on Monday." https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkgapy/trump-fbi-mar-a-lago-planted-evidence-conspiracy
  8. The silo's full....................maybe and at discounted prices: Razoni’s voyage comes amid a dispute involving Ukraine and Lebanon over grain shipments. The Ukrainian Embassy in Beirut said that a ship known as Laodicea, which is currently docked in Tripoli, is carrying Ukrainian grain stolen by Russia. A Lebanese customs official told the AP last week that there is nothing wrong with the ship’s contents. The Ukrainian Embassy is not convinced, however. Yesterday, the embassy offered to buy the wheat and barley aboard the ship at what it said were below market prices, the embassy said in a tweet. https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2022/08/first-ukrainian-grain-shipment-en-route-lebanon-amidst-food-crisis
  9. All that wasted money, the art of the deal did not work out so well for him, no wonder he was furious and denied the results https://www.npr.org/2020/05/20/858347477/money-tracker-how-much-trump-and-biden-have-raised-in-the-2020-election
  10. One person has been killed after blasts rocked a military base in Crimea, the head of the Russia-appointed regional administration there said. Sergei Aksyonov wrote on social media that the blasts had taken place at the Saky military base near Novofedorivka on the peninsula's western coast. Ukraine war: Crimea airbase badly damaged, satellite images show You've got nothing, a typical Russian apologist
  11. Still waiting for you to substantiate your claim? As for Crimea, do satellite images also form part of the conspiracy theory or video of the explosions?
  12. Plenty of news sources but let me ask you as you made the first claim, where's your news sources for this?
  13. This is my favourite so far, oh the fog of war, it is at least amusing, however most of the disinformation from the Russian side is pure evil: Moscow’s excuse-making has sometimes verged on the surreal. In an apparent bid to explain why the much-vaunted Russian military has so far failed to overcome Ukrainian resistance, members of a Russian parliamentary commission declared in mid-July that Ukraine was using mutant soldiers who had been transformed into superhuman killing machines by American scientists. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/putin-is-running-out-of-excuses-as-ukraine-expands-the-war-to-crimea/
  14. I agree, just one point on the constant money donations he asks for. While he certainly benefits from these funds, I personally think there's more of a physiological reason to doing this. Even if they don't donate much, sending just what they can gives them direct investment in the cause, a stronger determination that they have contributed to ensure their fight is won. Much like a cult leader seeks donations from those he controls.
  15. Yes a very busy one by the looks of it: https://www.facebook.com/mountainbarandbistro/
  16. Under what circumstances would you administer Corporal Punishment and what form would that take? While you say it does not have a have a detrimental effect on most students, what about those students that it does?
  17. Outcome? FBI raid yesterday with boxes taken away for examination
  18. If you are a teacher I'm surprised your asking a forum what you should do. Corporal punishment is off the table as its illegal and serves no purpose in the education or upbringing of children so its behavioural management. However lets take the worst case scenario in your hypothetical situation after all else fails. The only option then left is to remove the children concerned, there and then, with help that you've called for from other teachers or staff. This does not relate to Thailand but here would be that scenario from a legal UK perspective: Schools can use reasonable force in the following circumstances (please note that the list is not exhaustive): to restrain a pupil who is at risk of harming themselves or others through physical outbursts; to prevent a pupil behaving in a way that disrupts a school event or a school trip; to remove disruptive children from the classroom where they have refused to comply with instructions given; to prevent a pupil leaving the classroom where allowing the pupil to leave would risk their safety or lead to behaviour that disrupts the behaviour of others. However as I said there is a lot before that would come into play as described in this document, the above is an absolute worst case action: https://childlawadvice.org.uk/information-pages/discipline-within-school/
  19. Couple of choice statements made by Trump Aug. 18, 2016: In my administration, I'm going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information. No one will be above the law." Sept. 7, 2016: "One of the first things we must do is to enforce all classification rules and to enforce all laws relating to the handling of classified information." Came back to bite him Feb. 2022 Trump improperly took away classified material, National Archives says. Archives says it has alerted Department of Justice about former president’s removal of files from White House.
  20. Probably why Trump has never touched a drop of alcohol in his life. So he claims................lol
  21. Just returned from a shopping trip to Phuket Central, a few more Indians about than normal, well healed families very well dressed, a few sitting in expensive jewelry or watch shops inspecting goods, others in restaurants. All very respectable looking and obviously contributing to the local economy. No idea what its like in Bangla, never go there but from what I've seen they are more than welcome.
  22. Speaking for yourself, what makes you think that parents no longer teach kids respect anymore? Without may I add the need for any form of smacking or corporal punishment.
  23. Are there many people in the world who do not lie occassionaly? Whats the difference between someone who lies and then acknowleges it as did Biden who admitted he was wrong to say that and someone who lies daily in the face of overwhelming evidence to the fact? No you are not neutral, far from it.
  24. Donald Trump nominated the FBI director who led the Mar-a-Lago search: 'He will make us all proud' https://www.businessinsider.com/fbi-director-chris-wray-trump-nominated-approved-mara-lago-raid-2022-8
  25. Do you think there's a difference between an occasional lie in which he admitted he was wrong to say that and a habitual liar who when faced with the truth still denies it?
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