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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Aside from BBC world, CNN, AP news and all the other major international media outlets that have covered it many times for their international readers. Plus red notice may give you a hint why there are no photos
  2. ???????? LAWRENCE, Kan. — Voters in Kansas rejected a proposed state constitutional amendment Tuesday that would have said there was no right to an abortion in the state, according to The Associated Press. https://www.npr.org/sections/2022-live-primary-election-race-results/2022/08/02/1115317596/kansas-voters-abortion-legal-reject-constitutional-amendment
  3. This is going to be an interesting vote in Kansas In another state, Georgia the state's tax agency said on Monday that any woman whose fetus has a detectable heartbeat as of July 20, the date of the court ruling, can take a personal tax exemption in the amount of $3,000 for each fetus, if she is carrying more than one. Apologies if off topic feel free to remove if so
  4. Not seen a photo of him outside of Thailand for a few years either, no one knows which country he's hiding in, although obviously not Thailand
  5. Could well be the opposite: "According to the Ministry of Transport’s Data Catalogue, motorcycles did not cause the most accidents as many assumed, however the Ministry information does not relate to injuries or fatalities" They do not have the full figures for deaths with motorbikes, only accidents.
  6. Ruzzians feeling the heat and blaming the US Ukraine war: Russia accuses US of direct role in Ukraine war Russia has accused the US of direct involvement in the war in Ukraine for the first time. A spokesperson for Moscow's defence ministry alleged the US was approving targets for American-made Himars artillery used by Kyiv's forces. Lt Gen Igor Konashenkov said intercepted calls between Ukrainian officials revealed the link. The BBC could not independently verify this. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62389537
  7. You missed the other links, yes your haste seems to reflect your remark, there is no evidence that youth cannabis has decreased as you claim A new study has found that Ontario saw nine times more emergency department visits per month for cannabis poisonings in young children after Canada legalized recreational cannabis. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/cannabis-poisoning-in-ont-kids-more-frequent-and-severe-since-legalization-study-1.5730591 Trends in youth cannabis use across cannabis legalization: Data from the COMPASS prospective cohort study Examination of pre-post cannabis use trends in large cross-sectional and multi-cohort samples. Youth cannabis use remains common with ever use increasing to 32.4% in 2018/19. Cross-sectional odds of ever use were significantly higher post-legalization. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211335521000425 (These data suggest that the Cannabis Act has not yet led to the reduction in youth cannabis use envisioned in its public health approach.)
  8. Well you actually had to look for the sublink from that page but guess you didn't manage that: (NCS) every three months (quarterly)among Canadians who are 15 years old or older. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/13-610-x/cannabis-eng.htm You may also have missed these I posted before: A new study has found that Ontario saw nine times more emergency department visits per month for cannabis poisonings in young children after Canada legalized recreational cannabis. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/cannabis-poisoning-in-ont-kids-more-frequent-and-severe-since-legalization-study-1.5730591 Trends in youth cannabis use across cannabis legalization: Data from the COMPASS prospective cohort study Examination of pre-post cannabis use trends in large cross-sectional and multi-cohort samples. Youth cannabis use remains common with ever use increasing to 32.4% in 2018/19. Cross-sectional odds of ever use were significantly higher post-legalization. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211335521000425
  9. Well you could always go to the source and discover why? https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv.action?pid=2010000801
  10. Who insinuated teens do not experiment with drugs? Where did I say I was judging them? Yes the two teens were smoking pot but you decided to come out with this corker: "Teenagers smoke dope, take acid, Es etc. And it's not your business." My response to the poster who saw this happen was: "There's one of the main worries with such easy access now to teens buying joints from unlicensed stalls that are dotted everywhere. Lets hope this mess somehow gets sorted out." My concerns are with the laws that are lacking at the moment for unlicensed shops and stalls, along with online purchasing. Which you may notice is what this thread is about: "Recreational use of pot to be recriminalised as Minister warns abuses are undermining his plan The decriminalisation of marijuana is turning into a major problem for the government with chaos in ministries and agencies responsible including an anxious request to police for enforcement of an older law." I am echoing that sentiment and will continue to do so until the appropriate laws are in place. Now if you want to get back to me then do so with a reply to my two questions or come back with something that's on topic to my post.
  11. "Teenagers smoke dope, take acid, Es etc. And it's not your business." Probably one of the most ignorant statements I've heard so far on this thread
  12. Not talking about appropriate use discipline, talking about the end of corporal punishment. Big difference, a teacher hitting a child is criminal assault
  13. What started to go wrong when it became illegal for teachers to assault children?
  14. Are you sure they would have bought dope if it were not so easy? What makes it good that 16 year olds are smoking it for recreation in public?
  15. Yes and did the poster supply any links to his claim? No just speculation. A new study has found that Ontario saw nine times more emergency department visits per month for cannabis poisonings in young children after Canada legalized recreational cannabis. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/cannabis-poisoning-in-ont-kids-more-frequent-and-severe-since-legalization-study-1.5730591 Trends in youth cannabis use across cannabis legalization: Data from the COMPASS prospective cohort study Examination of pre-post cannabis use trends in large cross-sectional and multi-cohort samples. Youth cannabis use remains common with ever use increasing to 32.4% in 2018/19. Cross-sectional odds of ever use were significantly higher post-legalization. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211335521000425
  16. U.S. says Russia using 'nuclear shield' in Ukraine, risks terrible accident UNITED NATIONS/KYIV, Aug 2 (Reuters) - The United States has accused Russia of using Ukraine's biggest nuclear power plant as a "nuclear shield" by stationing troops there, preventing Ukrainian forces from returning fire and risking a terrible nuclear accident. Russia said it was responding to comments by Vadym Skibitsky, Ukraine's deputy head of military intelligence, about the way Kyiv had used U.S.-made and supplied High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) launchers based on what he called excellent satellite imagery and real-time information. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/us-says-russia-using-nuclear-shield-ukraine-risks-terrible-accident-2022-08-02/
  17. Are they testing for cannabis when driving after a crash or at any other time? I think not as there is no law for that currently so we just don't know either way.
  18. Or I could just have meant the fact that you've been smoking weed for 40 years gives you a certain bias. ????
  19. You said: "And it will cease here, as Thailand is 30-50 years behind the UK in many matters, as it is a developing nation. I get tired of people raised in the West coming here to take advantage of certain things a developing nation offers them and then bashing the country for other things that are not up to their Western standards." In response referencing the 1986 UK banning of corporal punishment. So yes I did indeed mean that Thailand has now also banned it in schools as of 2020.
  20. It officially ceased in 2020 when the Education Ministry issued its orders. Thai teachers have yet to take any notice of it
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