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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Oh dear I see you've stretched that as far as is humanly possible
  2. It was a stretch for Biden to say he was arrested but he was stopped and detained. Hardly comparable to the mountain of lies Trump has spewed out over the years
  3. Another goodwill gesture or lol, lots of vids in the article. Russian Airbase In Crimea Erupts In Massive Explosions A senior Ukrainian military official with knowledge of the situation told The New York Times that Ukrainian forces were behind the explosion. “This was an air base from which planes regularly took off for attacks against our forces in the southern theater,” the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive military matters. The official would not tell the Times what type of weapon used in the attack, saying only that “a device exclusively of Ukrainian manufacture was used.” A top Crimean official earlier on Tuesday confirmed there were several explosions in Novofedorivka. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/russian-airbase-in-crimea-erupts-in-massive-explosions
  4. Suggest you catch up with the news, here's a hint, Crimea, Russian military airbase
  5. Who can trust a liar, you got that right at least.....???? https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/16/politics/fact-check-dale-top-15-donald-trump-lies/index.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/01/24/trumps-false-or-misleading-claims-total-30573-over-four-years/ Final tally of lies: Analysts say Trump told 30,000 mistruths – that’s 21 a day – during presidency https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/trump-lies-false-presidency-b1790285.html
  6. No need your insinuating by your link that the FBI lied previously so possible they did on this case, to do that then the National Archives would also have to have lied to the Justice Department.
  7. Did the National Archives also lie about the boxes of documents taken to Mar-a-Lago?
  8. Just saw this link on another thread, sanctions against the Russian aviation industry are working well. Exclusive: Russia starts stripping jetliners for parts as sanctions bite MOSCOW, Aug 8 (Reuters) - Russian airlines, including state-controlled Aeroflot (AFLT.MM), are stripping jetliners to secure spare parts they can no longer buy abroad because of Western sanctions, four industry sources told Reuters. The steps are in line with advice Russia's government provided in June for airlines to use some aircraft for parts to ensure the remainder of foreign-built planes can continue flying at least through 2025. Sanctions imposed on Russia after it sent its troops into Ukraine in late February have prevented its airlines from obtaining spare parts or undergoing maintenance in the West. https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/exclusive-russia-starts-stripping-jetliners-parts-sanctions-bite-2022-08-08/
  9. Try reading what the Lancet is about: The Lancet invites submissions of any original contribution that advances or illuminates medical science or practice. We publish Articles (including randomised controlled trials and meta-analyses), Review, Seminar, Health Policy, Therapeutics, Comment, Clinical Picture, Correspondence, and World Report. We also publish Series and Commissions that aim to shape and drive positive change in clinical practice, and public and global health policy. Learn more about the types of papers we publish. https://www.thelancet.com/lancet/about Note the "public and global health policy" then note the title of the article referred to: "Public policy and health in the Trump era"
  10. Unemployment in the US only started to come down when Obama came into office and Trumps term just followed the trend. It only spiked because of covid and is now back down again. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/unemployment-rate
  11. Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene ???? not just the far right faction but the QAnon conspiracy theory witch that also sided with Alex Jones.
  12. Hardly going after him like a dog with a bone. The National Archives sent their report on the boxes of classified documents that Trump took to Mar-a-Lago in Feb 2021 to the Justice Dept, a year and a half later the FBI raid it.
  13. Well we need to wait and see what those several boxes contained that the FBI took with them after the search
  14. What you didn't believe her when she said this? "The 2018 California wildfires were ignited by a space laser controlled by a corporate cabal, including the Rothschild banking firm" Her conspiracy theories and downright lies certainly do put her in your "whack-a-doodle crazy" category
  15. Just to confirm, there were no windows in the building which was obviously built only as a nightclub, not restaurant, the only glass it had was the facade at the front entrance reception areas
  16. Considering the science said 50% and the bill has gone for 40% then my adding the "some" makes so much difference to the actual "science" in the paper I linked to does it? and that's without using extra coal.
  17. Actually it was originally 50% but that was reduced to 40% and yes there is some science around that. The United States has set an ambitious goal to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 50% by 2030. Are we on track to succeed? https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/06/220602095102.htm
  18. Is this the right facebook page for it? https://www.facebook.com/mountainbarandbistro/ If so it looks like the restaurant was called "Mountain" and the club was called "Mountain B" Don't remember seeing the outside restaurant in the pics after the fire though?
  19. “As for witnesses claiming that they have seen police officers show up at the pub three times over the past two months, and allow it to continue operating, a special committee has been set up to investigate the suspects. ????
  20. Whats this, rinse and repeat....:? Nope, a glass front does not qualify as windows to me, its just that a glass front facade, the inside which was the entire length of the club had zero window openings and built with shoddy fire risk soundproof interior cladding
  21. Been moved to the infamous inactive posts dept: Five senior officers at the police station including a chief have been transferred to the Chonburi Provincial Police Station by order of the Commander-in-Chief of that station. Transferring officers to an inactive post is often a form of punishment in Thailand
  22. Nope, a glass front does not qualify as windows to me, its just that a glass front facade, the inside which was the entire length of the club had zero window openings and built with shoddy fire risk soundproof interior cladding
  23. This website translates Russian communications into English, this particular one is interesting, provided below is just a snippet but quite a lot of information there from the Russian perspective, not looking so positive for them. Russian Defence Research Expert on AFU performance, the effect of Western weapon supplies The SMO once again confirmed the thesis that you can launch hundreds, thousands of unguided projectiles, which are cheap, but all this power is levelled by two guided missiles that accurately hit the target. Two missiles, with all their high cost, will solve more problems than thousands of unguided ones. Old conventional missiles do not cause significant damage to the enemy, especially if he is buried deeply in the ground or hiding in concrete bunkers. This is another confirmation of the triumph of high-precision weapons. https://wartranslated.com/russian-defence-research-expert-on-afu-performance-the-effect-of-western-weapon-supplies/
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