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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Yes sure, I have 1 degree and one post grad MA, further than that feel free to PM me for details on my work career which encompasses a range of disciplines and positions including current self employment.
  2. Why should I let it go? Did you not read my post well enough? Should the announcement on the 9th June been made without rules and regulations in place first, NO. The above reference not least includes laws and regulations on driving. Getting someone to buy alcohol for you is a false equivalence when a child can currently buy this directly online, in addition can buy from any stall set up and run by unlicensed 20 year olds who would rather take the money than worry about age. Experience in any field helps but that does not stop one learning and being educated by credible research which can cover many aspects that a user would not know about, ever heard about online degrees which do just that? The fact is that its quite clear if you read some of the posts that some users have little knowledge other than their own experience of using which is fine for them but when they post about its not addictive then that to me is very inappropriate. As for the drinkers opinions, you better ask them, I don't as a rule only special occasions.
  3. Its not the only website with the same information, they take their statistics from scientific studies and their are countless other sites that you would also ignore: Heavy Pot Use Can Cause Physical Dependence Reported in the November issue of the journal Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, the study is the first in humans to examine marijuana withdrawal in a setting outside the laboratory. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/news/20001127/heavy-pot-use-can-cause-physical-dependence#1
  4. I never claimed it was more harmful than alcohol so lets put that to bed. I was responding top a specific anecdotal claim on the addictiveness for some heavy users. Also can't speak about the "old people" as you say, I can speak about myself personally and my own opinions which are that cannabis has its place under medical use. If people want to smoke it at home recreationally go ahead. Should the announcement on the 9th June been made without rules and regulations in place first, NO. Are there current safe guards in place for young people, No. A 15 year old can go straight ahead and buy it online by clicking the "I am over 20" warning button. Not possible with alcohol.
  5. Interesting, from the link: Daniel Highway says his brother Tomson's words about the "benefits" of Indian Residential Schools are being "cherry picked" by racists and they don't tell the whole story.
  6. So making claims on anecdotal evidence from you only. Not particularly helpful should people believe that and then go on to get addicted. Part of education and learning is carried out by research that's why you don't have to experience something yourself. I know as an example that tobacco is highly addictive, not because I've experienced it but because all evidence tells me that to be the case. The same with alcohol. Exactly the same with cannabis for heavy users as I said: "For those concerned about whether they or a loved one are addicted to marijuana, there are some clear warning signs to look out for. These include an inability to stop smoking pot even after earnest attempts to quit, using weed as a means of relaxation or escaping reality, and having your social circle revolve around your pot use. Negative changes in school or job performance, as well as relationships with loved ones, are also warning signs for a potential marijuana addiction. Just like any drug addiction, withdrawal symptoms are often an inevitable factor when a user stops “cold turkey.” Some of the psychological symptoms include, Insomnia and related fatigue, Irritability, Anxiety, Depression. Physical symptoms include a loss in appetite, shakiness and chronic headaches. Although many of these symptoms don’t warrant medical attention, they typically last for 1-2 weeks. Sleeping problems can last for as long as 30 days and tend to be more severe in adults." https://drugabuse.com/blog/marijuana-addiction/
  7. Not sure, but trolling seems to be a niche reserved for some
  8. I'm struggling to find anything in your post that substantiates its claims. For heavy users cannabis can indeed become addictive both physically with distinct withdrawal syndromes and Psychologically.
  9. Is that a serious question? See who I was replying to and why I made that example
  10. Video Head of RT Margarita Simonyan admits that for 10 years or more, she's been dreaming about censorship, banning Western media and Russia becoming like China by achieving total information control. Most of all, Simonyan doesn't want the idea of freedom to ever come back to Moscow.
  11. Ukraine condemns Russia's 'humiliating death' tweet after prison attack Ukraine has labelled Russia a "terrorist state" after Moscow's UK embassy tweeted that Ukrainian Azov battalion soldiers deserved a "humiliating death" by hanging. The embassy tweet came after more than 50 Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) held by Russia were killed - Azov soldiers reportedly among them. They died in an attack on Olenivka prison in Russian-held eastern Ukraine. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62363225
  12. Murdering over 50 POW's of the Azov battalion and claiming it was carried out by Ukraine was not quite enough for the Russians, they decided to add their contempt and real intentions to the world via an official tweet after the mass war crime was committed, if anyone still thinks Russia should not be officially classified as a terrorist state you are blind. This from, Carl Bildt Co-Chair European Council on Foreign Relations @ecfr. World Health Organization Special Envoy for ACT-Accelerator @who It’s revolting to see how Russian embassies in a number of countries are officially advocating open crimes against the laws of war. In a sense it is of course revealing as it makes war crimes official Russian policy. .
  13. No thats exactly what it is, a test for intoxication, based on the level set by each country.
  14. Countries set their own legal limits on how much THC is in the body regarding driving, same as they do with alcohol. Typically 2 to 5 nanograms of THC per ml of blood are the benchmarks used in most countries. The initial test for THC is quickly carried out roadside via a saliva swab, tests give a detailed picture of THC levels in the saliva, or some also use active oral fluid sheets, then a second test is done at the station if the first is shown to be above the limit, again same as with alcohol.
  15. The point is that it blows away your argument which was: "They took the drug in Thailand and not Malaysia, how are they breaking Malaysian law"
  16. Because they are possibly still under the influence, if they had driven a car in Malaysia and had a crash as a result of being high then should they not be charged for DUI?
  17. A bit more than protesting, take for example Enrique Tarrio, the Proud Boys leader, he and another 4 of his militia were charged with "seditious conspiracy"
  18. In Thailand the penalties for DUI is an imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year and/or a fine from 5,000 to 20,000 Baht. Moreover, suspension of driving license for at least 6 months or license revocation. Although that's so long as you don't injure someone, then its more of course
  19. That was the going rate in Phuket a few years ago if you got caught drinking and driving and wanted to avoid prosecution. Had a good friend who was charged the same and also Goldie the DJ from the UK was nabbed for that amount, my son from the UK was managing one of the larger Beachclubs in Phuket at the time so knew him well, Goldie called him to bring the cash to the station as he had no way to get it.
  20. Just a few hours after the attack the Russian Embassy in the UK tweeted this direct quote from a video they are promoting: #Azov militants deserve execution, but death not by firing squad but by hanging, because they’re not real soldiers. They deserve a humiliating death. The Russian Embassy in Britain reveals plans to hang Azov Battalion fighters: "Azov militants deserve execution, but death not by firing squad but by hanging, because they’re not real soldiers. They deserve a humiliating death" The tweet is still there if you head to the embassy twitter page but twitter have put this warning on it: "This Tweet violated the Twitter Rules about hateful conduct. However, Twitter has determined that it may be in the public’s interest for the Tweet to remain accessible."
  21. No its called empathy and respect but feel free to leave another laughing emoji
  22. Kyiv vows to hunt down Russian troops who castrated Ukrainian soldier Ukraine has vowed to hunt down the Russian troops who appeared to castrate a Ukrainian soldier with a box cutter in horrifying footage shared on pro-Kremlin social media channels. The video, which analysts confirmed to be genuine, showed a group of Russian soldiers pinning down a member of Ukraine’s armed forces, before using the knife to remove his clothes and mutilate him. Kyiv and its Western allies responded to the graphic footage with further calls to equip the country in order to defeat Russia’s invasion. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/world/ukrainian-pow-castrated-by-russian-troops-in-horrifying-footage/ar-AA105XYf
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