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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Haven't the police been doing nothing for many years? Meanwhile justice is still not done although even the Pope goes there to apologize. As for the investigation: Don't dismiss it before its finished.
  2. Its endemic in Nigeria and I think the first known case was found in the UK from someone who had visited there, looks like its spread in the gay community from there?
  3. This from last week, probably best to wait till the end of the investigation later this month: Understanding the process and technology of detecting unmarked graves has become a focus following the shocking announcement by the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation last week. It said that preliminary findings from a survey of the grounds at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School indicate that the remains of 215 children could be buried at the site. On Friday, Kukpi7 (Chief) Rosanne Casimir said they expect to have a final report at the end of the month about the survey findings at the former residential school. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ground-radar-technology-residential-school-remains-1.6049776
  4. Largest monkeypox study to date highlights new symptoms Jul 22, 2022 In the study, authors share many patients are presenting to clinics and hospitals for pain management or difficulty swallowing. Single anal sores have been recorded in several cases. One in 10 people had only a single skin lesion in the genital area, and 15% had anal and/or rectal pain, a symptom not typically seen in other monkeypox outbreaks. A total of 98% of the cases documented were in gay or bisexual men, and while monkeypox is not an STI, per se, the authors said 95% of transmissions documented occurred during sexual relations. Seventy-five percent of case patients are white, and 41% are HIV-positive. https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2022/07/largest-monkeypox-study-date-highlights-new-symptoms
  5. "Show me the videos of the destruction of the capital building, the looting of the neighborhood, the destruction of public property." Sure, have a look at this one, more abound, nobody claimed there was destruction of the neighborhood though unless you meaning the perimeter security fences.
  6. Filth who pray on the vulnerable with countless articles on the violence they inflict when they are not paid on time
  7. "TPN notes this appears to shut down any immediate requests to shut down, suspend, or reverse the decriminalization of marijuana in Thailand for now." Rather obvious, nobody is expecting a reversal on decriminalization, what they are waiting for are the actual laws to see where everybody stands, on recreational use, driving, etc because currently it is a "law free period"
  8. Pope Francis: Pontiff says he is 'deeply sorry' to Canadian residential school survivors Pope Francis expressed "sorrow, indignation and shame" for the actions of many members of the Roman Catholic Church, who ran and operated majority of residential schools in Canada. The 85-year-old Pope called the schools system a "disastrous error" and asked for forgiveness "for the evil committed by so many Christians" against indigenous peoples. Bruce Allan, a survivor of one of the residential schools who was in attendance, said it was emotional to hear the Pope's apology, but many are still looking for action from the pontiff. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-62296834
  9. Sure, from the horses mouth, The Marijuana Act Consideration Committee Supachai also thanked the medical team and reassured them that their intention is the same – to expedite the enactment of laws as soon as possible to shut down the law-free period.
  10. Feel free to substaniate that, love to see some examples of those links that are meaningless lol
  11. New laws are in draft as we speak and all those people I mentioned are already involved but you knew that already right?
  12. You must have me mistaken for somebody else, I've never posted an article with the only link in it being to a cannabis oil extration shop
  13. The nightmare I was referring to are the law makers/politicians and medical experts who are now sorting out the mess left by Anutin.
  14. An article published in the "Medical Cannabis Network" that was written by Tara Leo of "CaliExtractions" to promote her shop which sells cannabis oil extractors. Her marketing article also contains no links to any of the studies, we just need to take her word for it. While some of the claims she makes are well known and genuine, others are very suspect with little evidence.
  15. I'm not going to help you derail the thread by going into your skeptism on Al Gore
  16. The UK judge still allowed it to be shown in UK schools. "A spokesman for the Department of Children, Schools and Families said the agency was “delighted” that students could continue to see the film."
  17. Since when has this turned into an OP about Al gores footprint? With an opinion piece by https://www.dailysignal.com/ lol
  18. Excellent to see Al Gore putting his money where his mouth is, UK Green Energy Tech, thanks
  19. It was a letter not a paper, links in the article I provided, feel free top explore: "Berkhout founded the Netherlands-based organization Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL). Mid 2019 plans of CLINTEL and Berkhout were leaked showing that they were organizing a campaign against political commitments to net zero carbon emissions being made into law. The campaign features a number of academics and industry figures with ties to climate change sceptics groups, as well as members from oil and gas companies"
  20. The link you sent me: https://clintel.org/carbon-dioxide-has-reached-a-point-of-diminishing-returns/ Fact checked for you: A fact check performed by climate scientists for Climate Feedback gave the letter an overall scientific credibility of "very low", and tagged it as "Biased, Cherry-picking, Inaccurate, Misleading". The analysis also added that, out of the roughly 500 signatories, only 10 self-identified as climate scientists
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