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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Did you think anyone could have taken it seriously then....lol You said: Why do you think I replied with Or perhaps you wanted me to acknowledge your failed attempt at a joke with a smiley...........lol
  2. Then after failing at discrediting the claims you make up things about my humour in stampy feet angry capitals..... 🤣
  3. Wait. First you were attacking the French website with some crazy rant. Now the source.....lol Yet you have nothing to disprove either credible claim. Says it all
  4. In the meantime other countries refuse while terrorists are still holding hostages and in control. The right choice.
  5. Excellent, thank you unfortunately however Hamas is still in control in Gaza and that's exactly why others places such as the UK have not gone down this route yet.
  6. The BBC to? Trump judge flags social post claiming verdict knowledge https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/clkk4y93ypvo
  7. He could save some of the Russian lives that are being slaughtered?
  8. Another Hamas UN base uncovered and destroyed IDF says strike hit Hamas command room housed in container at Gaza City UN school Army doesn’t say how many gunmen hit; Palestinians say 15 dead, including at least 3 civilians; IDF identifies 17 terror operatives killed in Thursday strike on UNRWA school. The Israel Defense Forces said Friday that they had carried out an airstrike on a Hamas command center that had been set up in a United Nations school in Gaza City’s Shati neighborhood, killing several members of the cell. The strike comes a day after the IDF hit another UN school housing what it said was a compound used by dozens of terror operatives. The IDF on Friday also released the identities of another eight Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad operatives who were among those killed in that strike, bringing the number of named terror operatives so far to to 17. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-says-strike-hit-hamas-command-room-housed-in-container-at-gaza-city-un-school/
  9. Not many do apparently, Biden is a Zionist but still wants 2 states, many Zionists want 2 states.
  10. Can you show me where they have all said that? This is Irelands official statement Ireland recognises the State of Palestine At a meeting of government today (May 28th) Ireland formally recognised the State of Palestine. The Government noted the tragic backdrop to today’s announcement and again called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the release of Israeli hostages and unhindered access for humanitarian aid. https://www.gov.ie/en/press-release/71936-ireland-recognises-the-state-of-palestine/
  11. Good, I do not suggest watching it, its just that it seemed you were calling into question its authenticity.
  12. From the experts: A Zionist is someone who advocates for an independent Jewish state where Jews can live in safety. To many religious Jews, Israel is 'the promised land'. But many non-religious Jews, too, value the fact that there is a country where Jews can live in freedom and safety. Nowadays, the word Zionist is often used as a swearword. As a negative label. Many Palestinians and supporters of the Palestinian cause no longer distinguish between the words 'Jew', 'Israeli' and 'Zionist'. That is not correct. Most Jews do not live in Israel. Not every inhabitant of Israel is Jewish; there are also many non-Jews living in Israel. And not all Jewish Israelis are 'settlers' who want to conquer more and more Palestinian land. The vast majority of Jews believe that the State of Israel should continue to exist. But many Jews, both living in Israel and elsewhere, are in favour of a Palestinian state alongside Israel as a possible solution to the conflict. To cut a long story short: although many Jews identify with Zionism, there are still many different points of view. That is reason enough not to mix up the words 'Jew', 'Israelis' and 'Zionists'. https://www.annefrank.org/en/topics/antisemitism/are-all-jews-zionists/
  13. I've seen it, would give you the link but you said you don't want it.
  14. Did you watch the very graphic video of Hamas beheading a Thai worker while he is alive? You have Thai nationality. How does that make you feel. What about all the Thais still held hostage in Gaza? https://www.channelnewsasia.com/asia/israel-un-hamas-thai-hostage-victim-garden-hoe-3875946
  15. That's the same link you posted on the previous page, why are you ignoring the fact that many of those killed were terrorists? ‘Falling for Hamas tactics’: IDF names 9 terrorists killed in school strike, slams media https://www.timesofisrael.com/falling-for-hamas-tactics-hagari-slams-world-media-coverage-of-strike-on-un-school/
  16. You gave a precise quote, there is no such quote in existence. Its as simple as that
  17. I would guess its near the mark, can you find anything to refute it? In total, the Russian Air Force (VVS) has so far lost 105 aircraft, according to specialized open-source intelligence site Oryx (which only counts losses verified by visual documentation). On the Ukrainian side, losses since the start of the invasion amount to 75 combat aircraft. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/international/article/2024/03/12/ukraine-is-catching-up-with-russia-in-aerial-warfare_6608793_4.html#:~:text=In total%2C the Russian Air,amount to 75 combat aircraft.
  18. No I am not. The Battle of Gaza or the Gaza civil war was a brief civil war between Fatah and Hamas that took place in the Gaza Strip from 10 to 15 June 2007. It was a prominent event in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power after Fatah lost the 2006 Palestinian legislative election. The battle resulted in the dissolution of the unity government[3] and the de facto division of the Palestinian territories into two entities: the West Bank governed by the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), and the Gaza Strip governed by Hamas. Hamas fighters took control of the Gaza Strip, while Fatah officials were either taken as prisoners, executed, or expelled.[3][4] The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights reported that at least 161 people were killed and more than 700 were wounded during the fighting.[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Gaza_(2007) Britain's foreign secretary, Margaret Beckett, took an uncompromising line towards Hamas. "The notion that somehow mounting a coup d'etat is something that should be rewarded by the international community seems to me to be completely bizarre," she told the BBC's World At One programme. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/jun/15/israel4 This is off topic so will be my last post on history
  19. I don't need anything from you thanks, its been tedious enough getting johng to back up his claims. No point you looking for something that doesn't exist.
  20. Video and image evidence of planes coming down or in a pile of debris on the ground are pretty convincing. Russia 105 lost Ukraine 75
  21. Were Hamas elected by the Palestinians in Gaza? No, they seized control from Fatah in the battle of Gaza. Check your history. The rest of your questions have nothing to do with your self professed support for Hamas terrorists.
  22. How many Russian military aircraft have Ukraine shot down so far?
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