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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Because they are proud of their sexuality and celebrate the fact now as its recognised in society rather than hidden and being persecuted for it? Straight sex has never been hidden
  2. What narrative would that be? The one that the war started by Russia is illegal, with no regard for the war crimes committed and continue to do so, you mean? Whats its not is getting into a debate about the Welsh and English governments over funding: From your link: “To say the Welsh Government was not consulted on this matter is incorrect – they were consulted and agreed to make a contribution.
  3. No you're right you couldn't put the results here because its sheer propaganda rubbish
  4. "its mandatory now with teaching in an age-appropriate way about lesbian, gay and bisexual sexuality." ie to teach S.R.E. (inclusive) Sex and relationships Education Apologies if I was unclear
  5. Well fortunately in the UK its mandatory now with teaching in an age-appropriate way about lesbian, gay and bisexual sexuality. That also transfers to the International Schools in Thailand that teach the British curriculum. My daughter here was taught it and her remarks were that the only people who had issues were the Russian parents as the Russian students mentioned it to them.
  6. Disturbing video from his now deleted youtube account and details on his other social media Robert 'Bobby' Crimo III confirmed to be raging Trump supporter
  7. Yet we still have the nuts like Tucker Carlson who claim the AR-15 are not assault rifles but bought for protection: Dr. David Baum, who attended the parade, told NBC Chicago the bodies he saw were “not an image that anyone who’s not a physician would have an easy time processing.” "They had horrific injuries — the kind of injuries you'd probably see in wartime, the kind of injuries that only probably happen when bullets can blow bodies up,” he said. “These bodies were gone. They covered them up immediately and went on to trying to get other people out."
  8. The requests for DNA tests in Uvalde stand as a testament to the gun’s success, but the conclusion that the weapon excelled at blowing people apart was well documented by the U.S. military itself during early field tests. https://theintercept.com/2022/05/26/ar-15-uvalde-school-shooting-vietnam-war/
  9. You are a netizen along with most people on this forum and other communities The term netizen is a portmanteau of the English words internet and citizen, as in a "citizen of the net" or "net citizen". It describes a person actively involved in online communities or the Internet in general. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netizen
  10. This will help the oil sanctions kick in a little more and narrow down the vast amounts of money Russia is still raking in. Price cap on Russian oil to be about half of current price, Kishida says Referring to a joint communique released after a summit of the Group of Seven developed nations late last month, Kishida said during a stump speech in Tokyo that a mechanism would be designed so that Russian oil “will not and cannot be bought at a higher price” than the cap. The communique said an oil price cap plan could include options such as enabling transportation of Russian seaborne crude oil and petroleum products globally only if the oil is purchased at or below a specified price. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/07/03/national/politics-diplomacy/price-cap-russian-oil-half-current-price-kishida-says/
  11. However most are actively reducing their dependancy because they know it helps finance Putins war crimes. Very different to those looking for new contracts know where this money will go beforehand
  12. They like to try and intimidate, that's their preferred stance in all their relationships. Especially now that their military has been shown for what it really is. Goes hand in hand with the threats of nuclear strikes on Britain they've been dishing out regularly on state TV with Putins allies
  13. Not surprising the NHS has dropped the word woman on its menopause guidance really. You don't offend me, as I said I just think its childish and crass, distracts from intelligent debate, I can see it in the pub and banter forums but I don't go there.
  14. 3 months into the Ukraine war Russia had already lost more of its troops than their 9 years of fighting in Afghanistan. There's another months losses on top of that now
  15. Agreed, just a weaponizing of the term, same as childish name calling. Very immature
  16. But perhaps a genius did not work it out, as it clearly states: “Our latest research makes it clear that legalizing marijuana for recreational use does increase overall crash rates,” "That’s consistent with a 2018 IIHS study of police-reported crashes — most of which did not involve injuries or fatalities — that found that legalization of retail sales in Colorado, Oregon and Washington was associated with a 5 percent higher crash rate compared with the neighboring control states." I'm going to go out on a limb here ???? and say that together with my experience, driving laws and all available studies (dozens) on the matter that cannabis does affect your driving abilities. The problem is how much and in what quantity for better regulation.
  17. You've been smoking for 40 years is anything clear to you..............lol Ignoring the crash rates spiking as a result of cannabis usage suggests not
  18. Well yes obviously I'm saying that people should not drive while intoxicated, alcohol and now cannabis is a deadly combination. Indeed common sense that the facts state many people lack, especially in Thailand with its road deaths record. Yep my experience was a mistake, I agree, I did indeed learn from it and why I've never touched it again, thanks for stating the obvious in your post
  19. I suggest you read my post, where did I say I drove at all? However thanks for the advice that it can stay in the body for weeks so people should be more careful. Crash rates jump in wake of marijuana legalization, new studies show More evidence is emerging that crash rates go up when states legalize recreational use and retail sales of marijuana. Crash rates spiked with the legalization of recreational marijuana use and retail sales in California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, a new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and another by the affiliated Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) show.
  20. No further responses from me when you start baiting nonsense like this
  21. Couldn't care less what you've smoked for the last 40 years. No I don't smoke, tried it once many years ago at a friends house, felt terrible, went out to the car and had to put the reclining seat down for 30 mins before even thinking about driving. Never again for me thanks. As for my advice about not driving while on weed, yes its the obvious one that reflects my personal experience and was in response to this portion of your post below: However its not just my advice is it. Its clearly illegal in most countries to drive under the influence as it is here. Yet most people in Thailand will take no notice of that and accident rates will go up as a result.
  22. If you don't understand the survey and outcomes from it then I can't help you further on that one. 30 degrees on one single day does not make a rule changing event, had it been that over a period of time then perhaps things would be different, I will ignore your remark on what you call "fat kids" Who said I object to shorts? I am responding to what this particular school stated not others that perhaps do. Plus you missed my last sentence: "Jonathan Rockey has written to families informing the policy is now under review."
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