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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. If that happens that's not Russia winning, its the whole world losing including Russia
  2. Conspiracy theory nonsense but agree the Russian war mongers and trolls love it. Tuck up well and enjoy some of your bedtime reading. Even the conclusion from the article is wrong: "Other things being roughly equal (as they are in this war), victory in war goes to the side with the greater commitment and willingness to suffer. Russia has the greater will in this war. And it knows how to suffer. Therefore, it wins." https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/american-thinker/
  3. Nobody claimed the Russians opened up their prisons? Nobody claimed the Ukrainians opened up their prisons? ???? Prisoners with combat experience only............................... Russian prisoners offered £2,800 and freedom if they serve in Ukraine - and come back alive The recruitment drive comes amid reports Russia will face shortage of troops if it does not declare a mass mobilisation https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/07/05/russian-prisoners-offered-2800-freedom-serve-ukraine-come/
  4. Very sensible move by the Ukrainian's back on the third day of the unprovoked attack on them. However it was not them that stated after 136 days of the war that "they've not even started yet" then go onto roll out ad hoc groups of men with equipment originally designed in the 1950s as a tractor to pull artillery, has very limited armour, and only mounts a machine gun for protection. No that was master strategist, Vlad Putin By the way thank him for his mounting good will gestures. So far 30 HIMARS strikes on Russian Ammunition Depots, Command Centers, Transportation Hubs, and Oil Depots
  5. Putin has been notified and put to work his mighty military to send some over from Ukriane.
  6. Ukraine targets Russia’s ammunition depots, undermining its artillery advantage Now that Ukraine has acquired advanced Western artillery and rocket systems, it has gradually begun a campaign to take out Russia’s key military infrastructure. Over the last four weeks, nearly 20 Russian ammunition depots in Russian-occupied Donbas and Ukraine’s south, including some of the largest, have been hit or completely destroyed. Devastating strikes upon Russian command posts have become increasingly frequent since mid-June when Ukraine began using the first of four M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, provided by the U.S., nearly a week before their arrival in Ukraine was publicly announced. Russia's challenges with arms resupply mean that the Kremlin is quickly approaching a point at which it will have to choose between either de-escalating its war or further escalating the conflict with help from other states before Russia becomes too weak:
  7. What was it Putin said, Russian's military has not even started yet? Russian prisoners with combat experience are reportedly being taken out of prisons in Nizhny Novgorod and Mordovia to fight in Ukraine. From the UK Ministry of Defense Despite President Putin’s claim on 07 July 2022 that the Russian military has ‘not even started’ its efforts in Ukraine, many of its reinforcements are ad hoc groupings, deploying with obsolete or inappropriate equipment.
  8. UK's aid is provided with cross party support and there's unlikely to be any change to the commitment it shows in helping Ukraine defeat Putin's objectives. This is bigger than just one figurehead in the UK. "the policy on Ukraine is unlikely to shift. It would defy all logic for any successor to Johnson to behave differently or pursue a politics that shifted from that,” he said, and one of the first calls of the new prime minister will likely be to Mr. Zelensky, and one of the first visits to Kyiv." Britain has been training hundreds of Ukrainian troops, with new weapons being provided by the UK for their fight with Russia. The training has been taking place over the past few weeks in south-west England's Wiltshire county. The Ukrainians have been learning how to use the British Army's Multiple Rocket Launcher System (MLRS) which has a range of more than 80km (50 miles). In its current form, the scheme would see around 600 soldiers extracted from Ukraine every three weeks for an intensive course on ‘battle winning skills for the front line, basic medical training, cyber-security and counter explosive tactics’. This makes it around ten times bigger than the last scheme of its kind, when British Army officers were welcomed into Ukraine in 2015 in response to Putin’s illegal annexation of Crimea.
  9. Let her rot for a few years yet............... "prosecutors had argued that Maxwell made her own choices and said that she had expressed little remorse for her participation in what Nathan called a “horrific scheme to entice, transport and traffic underage girls, some as young as 14, for sexual abuse by and with Jeffrey Epstein”.
  10. Russian propaganda has no shame NASA rebukes Russian use of space station for propaganda purposes Three days after Russian cosmonauts displayed anti-Ukraine flags on the International Space Station, NASA issued a statement blasting this activity: "NASA strongly rebukes Russia using the International Space Station for political purposes to support its war against Ukraine, which is fundamentally inconsistent with the station’s primary function among the 15 international participating countries to advance science and develop technology for peaceful purposes." https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/07/russian-astronauts-use-space-station-to-promote-anti-ukraine-propaganda/
  11. Exactly, the one country cited by another poster, Malaysia, they do charge a tourist tax but not if you are a foreigner based in Malaysia and have a Permanent Residence card through being married to a local, or work permit etc
  12. As everyone knew, Putin starts parroting the propaganda by so many Pro Russian activists and trolls that the west is causing the loss of life to Ukrainians by not accepting his terms, with the added threat that things can get a whole lot worse, what he really means by that of course is that Russias military is depleted and needs a break but they can still carry out their barbaric war crimes, 21,000 alleged Ukraine war: Vladimir Putin's warning that Russia has barely started its action "We are hearing that they want to defeat us on the battlefield," he added. "Let them try." Speaking at a meeting with leaders of the Kremlin-controlled parliament, Putin accused Western allies of fueling the hostilities, charging that “the West wants to fight us until the last Ukrainian.” "It's a tragedy for the Ukrainian people, but it looks like it's heading in that direction," he said during a meeting with leaders of the Kremlin-controlled parliament. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-kyiv-moscow-6ccaef3a9d9d5ccd370d70126db78c5a Zelensky says Ukraine will not give up territory for peace with Russia: 'This is our land' Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on Thursday that Ukraine is unwilling to cede any of its land to Russia, standing firm that a concession of Ukrainian territory won't be part of any diplomatic negotiations to end the war. "Ukrainians are not ready to give away their land, to accept that these territories belong to Russia. This is our land," Zelensky said in an exclusive interview aired Thursday on CNN's "The Situation Room." https://edition.cnn.com/2022/07/07/politics/volodymyr-zelensky-interview-cnntv/index.html
  13. Not true, I see no links to back up your claims. This on February 8, 1994 10 months before the Budapest Memorandum The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) welcomes Ukraine into its Partnership for Peace, a collaborative arrangement open to all non-NATO European countries and post-Soviet states. https://www.cfr.org/timeline/ukraines-struggle-independence-russias-shadow
  14. You're quoting the wrong person, its ok, made that mistake myself sometimes
  15. You have no idea? No you wouldn't, too uncomfortable to realize that any new agreement would be worthless.
  16. So why did Sergey Lavrov, who was in Paris at the time of the 2014 Russian invasion in Ukraine, simply not show up to the meeting that Ukraine called. Claiming the memorandum was signed with a different government, not with this "illegitimate" one. If it was signed with an illegitimate government as he claims, they also claim the present government in Ukraine is illegitimate so it just shows that any new peace agreement is worthless and they can't be trusted.
  17. Yep, ignore and deflect it when you cant back up your claims, truth hurts right..............still waiting to see your claim that Russia still has the resources to build its own planes? That's the problem right, you blurt claims out telling everyone "I understand perfectly well the whole nature of Russia's invasion" yet its all talk and no verifiable information.
  18. Because of international sanctions brought on by their invasion in Ukraine, Russia cant even build its own cars anymore let alone planes ???? Sanctions Send Russian Cars Back To The 20th Century Without Air Bags And Other Features Lada Granta, the “Classic.” Designed to be made using only parts made locally or by its allies, the bare-bones car costs just 761,000 rubles. Sold without a number of safety features, like ABS, passenger-side airbags, or even air conditioning, it is powered by a 90 hp (67 kW/91 PS) 1.6-liter four-cylinder engine that fails to meet current European emissions standards. In fact, it only meets emissions regulations from 1996
  19. Strange that you failed to notice what my response was referring to then, you're welcome
  20. You did but you also said this below with my highlights added: My reply was clearly in response to that understand now? Regards your other point of not attacking a NATO member, a direct attack by Russia against a NATO country would be unlikely but surely you are aware of false flag operations that can draw in countries. Again stop being so naive.
  21. Not sure how long this will last but yesterdays update from ISW. "There were no claimed or assessed Russian territorial gains in Ukraine on July 6 for the first time in 133 days of war, supporting ISW’s assessment that Russian forces have largely initiated an operational pause." "It means, in this case, that Russian forces will likely confine themselves to relatively small-scale offensive actions as they attempt to set conditions for more significant offensive operations and rebuild the combat power needed to attempt those more ambitious undertakings." This from BBC Russian service via a tweet: The Russian military lost 11 ammunition depots in 9 days - BBC. These depots were in the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine.
  22. Actually it gave them up because of the Budapest Memorandum, signed on 5 December 1994, Ukraine exchanged nuclear weapons for pledges by the three powers (i.e. Russia, US & UK) “to respect the independence, sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine” and to refrain from the “threat or use of force” against the country. ' as mentioned in @LosLobo in his post on the previous page. However we all know Russia broke this agreement when Ukraine was invaded in 2014. Very convenient for them now that Ukraine had given up its nuclear weapons based on Russia's promise of never invading. Ukraine called a meeting........... There was a meeting of the signatories of the memorandum that was called by Ukraine and it took place in Paris. The foreign minister of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, who was in Paris at the time, simply did not show up. So he wouldn't even come to the meeting in connection with the memorandum. [Russia argues that it] signed it with a different government, not with this "illegitimate" one. But that, of course, does not stand to any international legal kind of criteria. You don't sign agreements with the government, you sign it with the country.
  23. Why does Ukraine have no Nuclear warheads when it used to be the third biggest in the world?
  24. I think that's a little naive. It first invaded Ukraine in 2014 and took Crimea before it joined NATO, Putin from that point onwards knew well enough that Ukraine would never be able join because of NATO's restraint, they would never let Ukraine join and then as a result have to evoke article 5 immediately, that would be W111. Putin knew that. This is now the second phase of his invasion, originally to take the whole of Ukraine but failed miserably, now rolled back to take Donetsk and the region. Then have a break, regroup, tell the world he is willing for peace talks (on his terms) which are totally unacceptable, attempt to create divide in the alliance before getting on with his goals which have not changed. The whole of Ukraine territory and its very valuable resources. Its already taken control of 80% of Ukraine's oil and gas deposits in the Black Sea along with billions of dollars worth of infrastructure now added to Russian supply and exports.
  25. Here's those HIMARS's in action doing there thing, great footage of them blowing up a Russian ammunition storage deep inside Donetsk. CNN gets access to secret location of US artillery being used in Ukraine
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