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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Also from the NYT The Washington medical examiner later ruled that he had died of natural causes: multiple strokes that occurred hours after Officer Sicknick’s confrontation with the mob. The medical examiner added, however, that “all that transpired played a role in his condition.”
  2. Not really my problem if you never normally believe the NYT, look in previous pages of this very thread for other links to the same info. For further info on the Policeman, if you are so interested then please feel free to search and report back, I'm not your personal Google
  3. 4 died on the day, one shot by police as they tried to breach the house chamber, one from a heart attack, one from a stampede in the surge when they were pushing against police and another from a stroke. A police officer also died the following day after being attacked by the mob on the 6th https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/05/us/politics/jan-6-capitol-deaths.html
  4. Aslin has his own wiki page, whats not been reported other than on that? Curious to know where you get this unreported info from. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aiden_Aslin
  5. I thought it was 4 died on the day, one shot by police as they tried to breach the house chamber, one from a heart attack, one from a stampede in the surge when they were pushing against police and another from a stroke. A police officer also died the following day after being attacked by the mob on the 6th https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/05/us/politics/jan-6-capitol-deaths.html
  6. More war crimes carried out by Russian proxies. UN issues war crimes warning over death sentences in Ukraine war The United Nations has declared that unfair trials of prisoners of war amounts to war crimes, after three foreigners captured while fighting with Ukraine forces were sentenced to death by pro-Russian rebels. British citizens Aiden Aslin, Shaun Pinner, and Moroccan national Saadoun Brahim were sentenced to death on Thursday by pro-Russian separatist authorities in eastern Ukraine’s breakaway Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/6/10/un-issues-war-crimes-warning-over-death-sentences-in-ukraine-war Here's another one up for trial: Another foreign fighter to face show trial in Russian-occupied Donetsk. A captured South Korean national who fought to defend Ukraine will be put on “trial” by a Russian-installed court in the occupied Donetsk, Russian news agency Interfax reported.
  7. "hysterical anti-Putin crowd" who do you think they might be then?
  8. Sounds like its more a hate of the British than anything to do with the fate of these men. Aslin fought against ISIS and won the support of the British public doing so. He was not a mercenary in Ukraine, he was part of the regular military and had been since 2018. I have no room in my world for war mongers like Putin.
  9. This probably sums it up for me, a retweet from Anton Gerashchenko, advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Very important words. I agree with @Kochevenko. War began in 2014 and we weren't able to finish it then. We must finish it now and not leave it to our kids. This war must not continue and come to other countries. This is why support and weapons are so important to us.
  10. More heavy artillery and weapons have to be thrown at this from the west, the amount now is just not enough, all its doing is to help the Ukrainians defend and not attack. While Russia although making very slow ground, it is making ground. There was also a similar piece in the Atlantic Councils article on the 9th June a very good current assessment in my opinion. Its calling for much more up to date equipment to repel the Russians including M1 Abrams tanks, F-16 fighter jets, light armored vehicles, and helicopters. Russia Crisis Military Assessment: The impact of multiple rocket launcher transfers to Ukraine If the battle in eastern Ukraine becomes a war of attrition, the Russians are currently favored to win. In addition to having a much larger population from which to draw replacement forces, Russia knows that Ukraine is dependent on older, Russian-made tanks and fighters. While the transfer of US high mobility artillery rocket systems (HIMARS) and British multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) will help Ukraine, we assess that the amount of systems and ammunition planned for transfer in the first tranche will only have a minor impact in the fighting. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/russia-crisis-military-assessment-the-impact-of-multiple-rocket-launcher-transfers-to-ukraine/
  11. Exactly. If Russia puts down its weapons the war will stop. If Ukraine puts down its weapons there will be no Ukraine
  12. Oh you're a follower of David Clews and his articles, the pandemic conspiracy theorist. spreading videos on Telegram and once had his computer equipment seized and was arrested in connection with leaks at Scotland's most prominent anti-independence group continued. Anyway to the article: Good example of how things are carried out in a democracy, she made unsubstantiated claims on unnatural sexual offenses’ and child sexual abuses in the occupied territories. She admitted the lies and was sacked. Tell me, would that have happened with a Russian official? How about Bucha and the mountain of evidence that has been denied by just about every official in Russia? Or lets start with a really easy one, where's the evidence of the weapons of mass destruction Sergey Lavrov and his cronies stated they would produce from the Ukraine Bio labs? Have you seen the report on those labs that has just been released by the way? 9th June. Blows a very large hole on those conspiracy claims made by the Russians Immediate ReleaseFact Sheet on WMD Threat Reduction Efforts with Ukraine, Russia and Other Former Soviet Union Countries Today, the collaborations in Ukraine remain peaceful efforts to improve nuclear and radiological safety and security, disease surveillance, chemical safety and security, and readiness to respond to epidemics and pandemics such as COVID-19. Many of these collaborations are multilateral and involve the G7-led Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the World Health Organization (WHO), the OPCW, and other UN specialized agencies. Regardless thanks again for highlighting how a democracy responds to claims without evidence
  13. There's a surprise, hot on the heels of giving a top star rating to JetsetBkk post you come along with the same drivel that the mods have previously told you directly about and warned you not to do. Your info is unsubstantiated hearsay unless you provide a link
  14. Ok let me correct you. Aiden Aslin is dual nationality, British/Ukraine who also happens to be married to a Ukraine. He joined the regular Ukraine military in 2018. Shaun Pinner is also married to a Ukraine and had lived in Ukraine for 4 years. Of course you can choose to believe an unrecognized kangaroo court run by a separatist movement and its propaganda machine. Why does that not surprise me........... Here's Aiden joining up in 2018
  15. Really Putin, you are no Peter the Great. Yesterday on Peter the Great's 350th birthday the dictator Putin drew parallels with him and taking back Russian land Today Putin said that Peter the Great “wasn't taking anything, he was taking it back”, and that ”it is our responsibility also to take back and strengthen”. That’s how he sees his mission - to take back what once was claimed by Russia. It’s a recipe for years of war. Putin clarifies that territorial expansion in itself is his right & goal: "Peter the Great waged the Great Northern War for 21 years. On the face of it, he was at war with Sweden taking something away from it… He was not taking away anything, he was returning Ukraine is a bloodbath with huge losses on both sides of the armed forces and the murders of the civilian population. Ukrainian casualties: Kyiv losing up to 200 troops a day - Zelensky aide Mykhaylo Podolyak said Ukraine needed hundreds of Western artillery systems to level the playing field with Russia in the eastern Donbas region. He also said Kyiv is not ready to resume peace talks with Moscow. Ukrainian troops are under relentless bombardment as Russian forces attempt to take control of the whole of Donbas. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61742736 Russians withdraw Buryat troops from Sievierodonetsk because they’re “dropping like flies” - Haidai Quote: "They’re dropping like flies. The Ruscists have withdrawn the remaining Buryats from Sievierodonetsk because they can’t withstand the fights with the Ukrainian defenders. Fierce fighting is continuing in Sievierodonetsk. The Buryats have retreated because they are significantly weaker than our defenders." https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/9/7351558/
  16. yea saw that yesterday going viral on twitter, scary getting ambushed like that, hope they are treated well. Here's a couple of the many links to it on twitter, this one has a slightly extended version at the start with the Russian soldiers discussing the plan before they do the ambush Footage from the filming of a Russian forces serviceman while eliminating a group of Ukrainian forces in an ambush in the #Zaporozhye. Two soldiers were killed, one wounded, and another captured during the operation. The video was recorded by drones and a GoPro camera. Video of a Russian ambush on Ukrainian soldiers from both an overhead & bodycam POV. For the overhead POV, look to the left and you spot Russians prone and waiting. On the right, a few Ukrainian soldiers walking to their doom.
  17. You are spot on there, according to this......lol The Russians exported about 600,000 tons of agricultural products from Ukraine, – Denys Marchuk, deputy head of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council says. "About 100,000 tons were transported to Syria", – Marchuk specifies."
  18. The gun culture is truly embedded in the young. Usual suspects will be along soon to make light of this when the reality is that this is a clear signal as if one were needed that unless strict regulations are brought in, things will get so much worse.
  19. I guess the European Council President Charles Michel will be going on a wanted list then after he blamed the Kremlin for the looming global food crisis yesterday. Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia stormed out calling him a liar. Youtube video of the accusations and walk out: "Russia is solely responsible for this food crisis, Russia alone" Yet on the same day, another Russian missile strike destroyed the second biggest grain terminal in Ukraine at Mykolaiv. Also on the same day the first train carrying stolen Ukrainian grains from Russian-occupied Melitopol heads to Crimea.
  20. Are they refugee's fleeing mass murder of their citizens and genocide from the Myanmar military with some forced off their own land into Bangladesh?
  21. For the minority still hiding under a rock and have any lingering doubts left about Russia's true aim of annexing the whole of Ukraine, here is what Dmitry Medvedev said yesterday: “People often ask me why my Telegram posts are so harsh. The answer is I hate them. They are bastards and scum. They want death for us, for Russia. And as long as I’m alive, I’ll do anything to make them disappear.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/dmitry-medvedev-former-russian-president-says-ill-do-anything-to-make-ukrainians-disappear Reminder Russia is still raping and killing civilians everyday in its scorched earth destruction of Ukraine
  22. Did you read my full post before he edited it into a 4 word out of context snippet from a post that explained my understanding in detail?
  23. Now you're just getting off topic and making huge assumptions on others. I'm not getting in a debate about common sense
  24. Your common sense obviously which many disagreed with ????
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