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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. From Ursula von der Leyen, a deal has now been reached, no doubt be in the media soon: I welcome the #EUCO agreement tonight on oil sanctions against Russia. This will effectively cut around 90% of oil imports from Russia to the EU by the end of the year. https://mobile.twitter.com/vonderleyen/status/1531396163185827843
  2. This one was quite amusing, from a tabloid rag in the UK: Vladimir Putin may be dead with body double taking his place, MI6 bosses claim WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Russian leader Vladimir Putin might already be dead with MI6 sources claiming he could have been replaced by a body double. It follows intense speculation about the warmonger's health https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/vladimir-putin-dead-body-double-27089711
  3. How the NRA Rewrote the Second Amendment The Founders never intended to create an unregulated individual right to a gun. Today, millions believe they did. Here’s how it happened. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/how-nra-rewrote-second-amendment
  4. How does that affect my post? Particularly when gun murders are clearly rising and have been for a few years showing no signs of dipping. I have no interest in people who commit suicide in this context as they are not harming others (Image source)
  5. Why would they fail when they have worked before in the US. Stricter gun laws will save lives. Those are the facts not opinions: Mass shootings tripled when the assault weapon ban ended in 2004. States with weaker gun laws have higher rates of firearm related homicides and suicides, study finds Common sense gun safety laws bring down gun crime by 40 percent.
  6. Powerful video of an interview with a Canadian volunteer fighter, he booked a flight the same day that Zelensky asked for foreign volunteers. Turned up in Ukraine and met up with the infamous Wali the Canadian sniper becoming his assistant. Then goes onto to describe some of the horrendous situations they found themselves in including losing some of his friends next to him through shelling. Its from early May so the situation must be even worse now for these heroic fighters. He also praises the efforts of the Ukraine fighters, each and everyone fighting for their homeland. Canadian fighting in Ukraine describes the 'hell' he witnessed
  7. Not what it says here? While machine guns are heavily regulated and generally difficult to obtain, it is possible to legally own this type of firearm if you meet certain requirements. In fact, many hobbyists see the machine gun as the ultimate addition to their vaults because of the expense and difficulty associated with purchasing one. https://www.therange702.com/blog/can-you-legally-own-a-machine-gun/
  8. The pure evil in this case being an 18 year old walking in with a legally purchased assault rifle. The parents of the children killed may view his purchase and use of the rifle as the catalyst and cause of this evil act.
  9. Wrong thread mate you probably need this one: https://aseannow.com/topic/1095135-do-you-believe-in-god-and-why/
  10. Gun owners don't have God given rights. When you provide evidence to the contrary on the links I've supplied feel free to get back to me
  11. and some states are not waiting, they are taking the common sense approach and acting now: In New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy urged lawmakers to advance firearms safety measures, including raising the age to 21 for purchases of long guns and exposing gun makers to civil lawsuits. In New York — where an 18-year-old in Buffalo was charged two weeks ago with committing a racist mass shooting — Gov. Kathy Hochul said she would seek to ban people under 21 from purchasing AR-15-style rifles. And in California — where a politically motivated mass shooting erupted at a luncheon of older churchgoers this month — legislative leaders and Gov. Gavin Newsom fast-tracked tougher controls on firearms. https://aseannow.com/topic/1261089-states-rush-toward-new-gun-restrictions-as-congress-remains-gridlocked/#comment-17387766
  12. Don't be, its not the majority of Americans fault, its a culture that has been slowly building for a long time and driven by the gun lobby. From what I've read the majority of Americans want stricter gun controls but its the politicians and the powerful NRA and its backing constantly blocking it.
  13. Read the links, its all there. Amazing that I provide the evidence and you prefer to ignore it.
  14. Stricter gun laws will save lives. Those are the facts not opinions: Mass shootings tripled when the assault weapon ban ended in 2004. States with weaker gun laws have higher rates of firearm related homicides and suicides, study finds Common sense gun safety laws bring down gun crime by 40 percent. Instead of bringing up a new generation of kids normalised to their teachers carrying weapons and reinforcing the gun culture from an early age then you've not only gone down a slippery road you've just fallen off the cliff.
  15. Yes I know you are, read your posts but happy to hear your against teachers carrying weapons which is the height of insanity
  16. *Deleted post edited out* The survey is here, hard left eh? https://csunshinetoday.csun.edu/media-releases/survey-finds-that-teachers-do-not-want-guns-in-the-classroom/
  17. I didn't say they are expected to carry a gun did I. Re read what I said: Vast majority of educators reject Republican proposals for arming teachers https://www.theguardian.com/education/2022/may/28/arming-teachers-reject-republican-proposals
  18. The system's already broken if you expect teachers to carry guns. Most teachers do not want this, thats not why they joined the profession, they also do not want to take the blame if there is a mass shooting and they were unable to prevent it.
  19. & you call my post complete tosh....lol. I provided links. You provided nothing but a nonsense rant
  20. Yes correct, try following the link a little, it was tweeted onto to twitter by New York Times correspondent Mike Baker. The reason I didn't add the NYT link is because its got a paywall but you can access it here if you are really interested: https://web.archive.org/web/20220528193227/https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/27/us/texas-shooting-911-call-press-conference.html
  21. This is the most heroic action footage I've seen so far from the Ukraine front lines (although I'm sure there are also many others not captured on footage), an updated video just uploaded to youtube on the clash at Kharkiv woods with ex Royal Marine commandos and other members of the Ukrainian International Legion. This shows the lead up where they are under heavy fire and taking serious casualties, despite this they carry on to ambush and destroy the Russian tank. Ben Grant: "I was terrified but driven to complete my most important goal, which at the time was getting him and my team members out of the danger"
  22. From CNN live updates Fedir Venislavskyi, a member of the Ukrainian parliament's Committee for National Security, Defense and Intelligence, said the next few days "will be decisive" in the battle for Severodonetsk. "Our forces pushed the enemy back to the positions he had previously held," he said. "But we must understand that Russian troops are practically on the outskirts of Severodonetsk."
  23. Latest from Sievierodonetsk Luhansk Oblast: Sievierodonetsk under Ukrainian flag – Oblast Military Administration SATURDAY, 28 MAY 2022, 22:18 Source: head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration Serhiy Haidai on Telegram Quote: "The shelling is relentless, it’s hottest in Sievierodonetsk. The city under the Ukrainian flag. Orcs still control the territory of the Myr hotel, [they] have not advanced further and have [sustained] significant losses". https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/05/28/7349175/
  24. Latest update from BBC including an interview with the Russian Ambassador in London who surprise surprise still maintains the war crimes in Bucha were all fabrication and why Russia will not be using tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine Zlenensky on the current situation including the peace talks which Putin claims to want after speaking with France and Germany and the latest on the fight in Severodonetsk region. More of the interview from above with the Russian Ambassador on the website. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61618902
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