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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Whats the point of that? its just a troll post snipping and editing my post without context. If you're going to respond to me then at least make some effort
  2. It just was, a celebration and money raised for charity. What better way to celebrate your queens platinum Jubilee from afar. There is plenty raised by expats here for local charities outside of major events all the time. I really don't understand why anyone criticises these events when people attend voluntarily to enjoy their own cultural heritage
  3. Their contributions to the local community were welcome I bet
  4. I know an Indian/Thai here very well, a good friend of mine. He faces discrimination all the time from the police, maybe because he is Shiek and wears a turban. When pulled up by the police at checkpoints they leave him alone after they discover he speaks perfect Thai and was born in Bangkok. Some examples being brought here in this thread of discrimination abroad really have no bearing on the situation here. For instance those saying that in the US some states charge more for an attraction if you are out of state. This is not discrimination regards nationality at all as it applies to other US citizens as well. Here it is discrimination on nationality. I remember one time where it was very uncomfortable for me and my daughter here. She is British/Thai and has a Thai ID card. We entered an attraction here and she was given the Thai price on production of her ID card, I was charged farrang price. She looked at me confused and I could see she was upset that her dad had to pay more just because of my nationality. Not nice.
  5. Whats that got to do with my post and the definition of discrimination. If you want other examples abroad I've also seen lots of discrimination in Scotland based on Religion
  6. Discrimination can take all forms including between nationalities. Discrimination against non-nationals, sometimes known as xenophobia
  7. Moral of the story, never be taken alive by the Russians. They'd be smarter trading them for captured standard Russian or Wagner soldiers. Russian war reporter Evgeny Podubbny stated that the DNR Prosecutor General’s Office is trying British nationals Sean Pinner and Aiden Aslin and Moroccan national Saadun Brahim and is reportedly seeking the death penalty. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 6 https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-6
  8. We cannot stand by while Russian long-range artillery flattens cities and kills innocent civilians.  The UK will gift the Ukrainian Armed Forces multiple-launch rocket systems so they can effectively repel the continuing Russian onslaught. UK to gift multiple-launch rocket systems to Ukraine The cutting edge M270 weapon system, which can strike targets up to 80km away with pinpoint accuracy, will offer a significant boost in capability for the Ukrainian forces. The UK’s decision has been co-ordinated closely with the US decision to gift the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) variant of MLRS. Alongside the weapon system, the UK will also supply M31A1 munitions at scale. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-to-gift-multiple-launch-rocket-systems-to-ukraine
  9. Same happened at the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting with 17 dead with his AR-15 war weapon. The 19 year old murderer Nikolas Cruz had free rein while the armed security waited outside. He only stopped shooting because his rifle jammed. An armed school resource officer of the Broward County Sheriff's Office was on campus when the shooting broke out, and he remained outside
  10. I can categorically state you have no news for me whatsoever and aside from dragging up old articles I doubt you keep up with anything thats going on anyway.
  11. Ukraine war: UK to send Ukraine M270 multiple-launch rocket systems The UK is sending its first long-range missiles to Ukraine, the defence secretary has said, despite a threat from Russia to the West. Ben Wallace said the M270 multiple-launch rocket system will help Ukraine defend itself against Russia. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-61701055
  12. ISW's latest update: 70% of Severodonetsk recaptured ???? Ukrainian forces conducted further counterattacks in #Severodonetsk on June 5, halting #Russian advances and recapturing large areas of the city. Ukrainian forces have reportedly recaptured 70% of Severodonetsk. https://twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/status/1533590808070197248 Even as Russian forces continue to pour equipment and troops into the Severodonetsk-Lysychansk area, Ukrainian forces have conducted a successful counterattack in Severodonetsk in the last 48 hours and pushed Russian troops back to the eastern outskirts of the city and out of southern settlements.[2] Ukrainian counteroffensive pressure will likely continue to draw the attention of Russian forces to Luhansk Oblast and therefore leave vulnerabilities in Russian defensive efforts in Kharkiv Oblast and along the Southern Axis. The ability of Ukrainian forces to successfully counterattack in Severodonetsk, the Kremlin’s current priority area of operations, further indicates the declining combat power of Russian forces in Ukraine. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-5 Oh and another high ranking Russian General killed in action, must be lots of promotion opportunities for future wannabe's Meanwhile: Kremlin orders army commander Dvornikov to take Severodonetsk by June 10 — regional governor "To date, Dvornikov has been tasked with either completely capturing Severodonetsk by June 10, or completely cutting the Lysychansk-Bakhmutroute and assuming control of it. That is why now a huge amount of forces, everything that the occupiers had, all the reserves have been thrown in to fulfill these two tasks," Hayday said. https://www.yahoo.com/news/kremlin-orders-army-commander-dvornikov-165600423.html
  13. I reckon some of the gun nuts on here must have got these memos Talking points distributed to Republicans after Uvalde included: “Run the clock out.” “Scare some gun nuts.” “Change the topic to literally anything else.” “Talk about inflation.” “Thank law enforcement.” ‘Ignore Guns, Talk Inflation’: Memos Show GOP Strategy After the Uvalde Massacre That’s the message the Republican Party, Donald Trump, and conservative leaders rapidly coalesced around after a series of mass shootings in recent weeks, including at one at a Texas elementary school. Several strategy memos and private communications, prepared for a variety of conservative candidates and organizations, reviewed by Rolling Stone in the days following the Uvalde school massacre were clear: change the topic to literally anything else, and let this news cycle run its course. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/uvalde-gop-trump-guns-strategy-1362970/
  14. With the twaddle you read and watch going by what you post on here I would say the only one dreaming is you and Putin's dream to have his "Special Operation" done and dusted within a few days.
  15. Getting some very positive vibes coming through from reports and unconfirmed social media that Ukraine now in control of at least 75% of Severodonetsk. The objective being to keep pushing the orcs as much as possible until the big guns arrive from the US when they can then mount a much more offensive role from the high ground located near the city to push the Russian back even further. Ukrainian governor Serhiy Haidai of Severodonetsk "As soon as we have enough Western long-range weapons, we will push their artillery away from our positions. And then, believe me, the Russian infantry, they will just run," he said. 4th June Study of War update: Luhansk Oblast Administration Head Serhiy Haidai disagreed with the UK Defense Ministry forecast on June 3 that Russian forces will seize the remaining 10% of the oblast in the next two weeks, claiming that Ukrainian forces have enough reinforcements and equipment to conduct further counterattacks and defend their positions. Fingers crossed for confirmed good news to come
  16. Not only does Mexico suffer a problem with guns flowing into its borders from the US, so does Canada and even the Bahamas with its maritime border. I would say the wall needs to be to built to contain the US home grown problem from spreading like cancer. Canada: Federal government's gun strategy won't work without a border crackdown, experts say https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/tasker-us-border-illegal-firearms-1.5551432 Bahamas: The United States needs do more to control the illegal flow of weapons to The Bahamas, the country's prime minister said on Monday, amid growing concern about gun violence and homicides in the Caribbean nation. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/the-bahamas-says-u-s--must-do-more-to-control-weapons-smuggling/47635082 Mexico Stopping toxic flow of guns from U.S. to Mexico https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/02/stopping-toxic-flow-of-gun-traffic-from-u-s-to-mexico/
  17. Nothing to do with history, this is the here and now and his post demonstrated that
  18. Yes it is getting extremely silly when you start bringing up drivers killed by deer and then go onto your repeated claims of not not being able to do anything while the southern border is not secure. The problem is the opposite, the flow of US guns getting into Mexico. Stopping toxic flow of guns from U.S. to Mexico https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/02/stopping-toxic-flow-of-gun-traffic-from-u-s-to-mexico/ The flow of guns from the U.S. to Mexico is getting lost in the border debate https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/the-flow-of-guns-from-the-u-s-to-mexico-is-getting-lost-in-the-border-debate Mexico Blames U.S. for Flow of Illegal Weapons Into Hands of Criminal Organizations https://www.newsweek.com/mexico-blames-us-flow-illegal-weapons-hands-criminal-organizations-1646432
  19. Severodonetsk is indeed mostly under Russian but the battles not over just yet with volunteers of Ukrainian Foreign Legion having arrived to Sievirodonetsk to support Ukrainian troops in the city. Serhiy Haidai, the head of the Luhansk Regional Military Administration is very good in his updates. This from him a few hours ago: "The situation remains difficult in the region as a whole, and hostilities are now focused on Siverodonetsk as the Russian army is throwing all its forces, all its reserves in this area. They had previously managed to capture most of the city, but now our forces have moved them back as the enemy is really suffering huge losses," said the head of the region.
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