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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Yes I thought there'd be some sort of fanfare event for this going on, not seen anything published today about it yet, perhaps it will be a photo op later with the millionth person being jabbed?
  2. No need for contacts but I did follow the link that I quoted where it tells you that “Where two doses of a vaccine are required for a full course, you will be able to mix two different types of vaccine, for example, Oxford/AstraZeneca and Moderna, have the two vaccinations under two different approved programmes, for example, Australia and Japan, UK and USA, EU and Canada,” the Departments note. At the same time, the Departments have noted that only four vaccines will continue to be accepted as valid proof of immunity against COVID-19, which are Pfizer/BioNTech, Oxford/AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Janssen (Johnson and Johnson). https://www.schengenvisainfo.com/news/uk-now-recognises-eu-nationals-vaccinated-with-2-different-covid-19-doses-as-fully-vaccinated/
  3. Latest update Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai will meet with US Senator Tammy Duckworth, after the Congresswoman revealed that the US donation of Pfizer vaccine is on hold because the Thai government has not yet responded to the offer. Foreign Minister Don would meet with Senator Duckworth in person at the White House after he completes his mission in New York. “In the meantime, there has already been close coordination, and the results of the donation talks will be announced soon,” said the spokesperson. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40006591
  4. You forgot one important document, a photocopy of US officials pointing at the sealed vaccine containers to authenticate their existence.
  5. More details just published here Phuket marks 228 new COVID cases, three more deaths https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-marks-228-new-covid-cases-three-more-deaths-81495.php
  6. TBH I'm still retching that these vaccines would have already saved lives and Anutin is batting around with the most feeble excuses, the US Embassy in Bangkok even mentioned the additional gift back on the 30th July in a press release. "We are also proud to confirm that the United States will provide an additional one million vaccine doses to Thailand – on top of the doses that arrived today – for a total of 2.5 million doses. Our vaccines do not come with strings attached. We are doing this with the singular objective of saving lives and with the full knowledge that none of us are safe until all of us are safe. As such, we are happy to hear the Royal Thai Government has committed to distributing these vaccines equitably to all residents of Thailand and to prioritizing those most at risk." https://th.usembassy.gov/1-5-million-pfizer-vaccine-doses-donated-by-the-united-states-arrive-in-thailand/
  7. PCR test positive cases, total of 12,697 official new infections, with just 170 of those from prison and 12,527 from the community. 132 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 3,469 bringing the unofficial total to 16,166 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ The official pcr positive case counts are nearly all derived from hospital walk in cases 11,313 yesterday, which is the highest since the 19th when it was 12,048 Rolling 7 day average (up to 22nd Sept) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  8. All smoke and mirrors, this is whats been reported so far: The US wants to send us 1 million Pfizer doses but can’t because Thai government hasn’t done paperwork “[We have] a million doses that are waiting to go but Thailand has not finished the paperwork,” Duckworth said. “I told the ambassador a month ago that it needs to be completed and they said they are going to go work on it…and in my position, it is very hard for me to go to the President and the national security agency and asked for more vaccines for Thailand when there is a million waiting that can’t be sent.” Tammy said she had originally asked for the same amount for Indonesia and since there was no delay on documentation with them, Indonesia has now received more than eight million doses. https://www.thaienquirer.com/33110/the-us-wants-to-send-us-1-million-pfizer-doses-but-cant-because-thai-government-hasnt-done-paperwork/ Video of Tammy Duckworth US Senator actually saying this https://twitter.com/erich_parpart/status/1440937518233362432 Then this Anutin accuses US senator of “fake news” over Pfizer delay Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul Thursday refuted comments by US Senator Tammy Duckworth that the next batch of US Pfizer vaccine donated to Thailand is being held up by bureaucracy in Bangkok. “From the discussion with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it has been found that the ministry has yet to receive the diplomatic document from the US government about the extra vaccine support to Thailand, so the news is not real,” Anutin said. https://www.thaienquirer.com/33122/anutin-accuses-us-senator-of-fake-news-over-pfizer-delay/ The people missing out here are those in Thailand who could have been double jabbed with the vaccine already
  9. Latest situation report from WHO Thailand: SITUATION ANALYSIS • The number of laboratory-confirmed community COVID-19 cases reported is the lowest for more than two-months with the trend in declining cases continuing for nearly 6-weeks. This is welcome, however with an average of more than 13,000 case still being reported each day, there is a long way still to go with more than four-times higher number of cases currently reported on average than the average for the month of June (2,941 cases per day) during the height of the 3rd wave. • The total number of ‘active’ COVID-19 cases who require direct medical care or medical supervision (representing the overall burden on the healthcare system) has stopped its steady decrease from the peak in August and in the last week has noticeably levelled off, with even slight increases on some days. more here https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/thailand/2021_09_23_eng-sitrep-202-covid19.pdf?sfvrsn=7723bbd1_5
  10. You can be quite sure that Thailand does not over count its covid related deaths, with its proven lack of testing the number will be much higher. Regards excess deaths in Thailand and all over the world then this would add more covid deaths to the overall count but that is not an exact known number. Official reasons for excess deaths are: First, the official statistics in many countries exclude victims who did not test positive for coronavirus before dying—which can be a substantial majority in places with little capacity for testing. Second, hospitals and civil registries may not process death certificates for several days, or even weeks, which creates lags in the data. And third, the pandemic has made it harder for doctors to treat other conditions and discouraged people from going to hospital, which may have indirectly caused an increase in fatalities from diseases other than covid-19.
  11. A bit more on this story........... Khunying Sudarat, US Senator Duckworth meet in Washington DC Senator Duckworth expressed concern over the COVID-19 situation in Thailand and wants to persuade the Biden administration to donate more vaccines. So far, the US has donated 2.5 million doses of Pfizer to Thailand, 1.5 million of which have already been delivered. Senator Duckworth also said that the US government is ready to deliver the remaining one million doses, but the Thai government has not yet returned the required response document. She also pointed out that, if Thailand joins the COVAX program, more vaccine could be allocated to help the Thai government inoculate more of its population, adding that the US government is ready to support countries in the Indo-Pacific region joining the COVAX program. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/khunying-sudarat-us-senator-duckworth-meet-in-washington-dc/
  12. From the article link, it just gets worse, the US has been waiting for over a month for this paperwork from Thailand, it could already have been in peoples arms double dosed by now.................. “[We have] a million doses that are waiting to go but Thailand has not finished the paperwork,” Duckworth said. “I told the ambassador a month ago that it needs to be completed and they said they are going to go work on it…and in my position, it is very hard for me to go to the President and the national security agency and asked for more vaccines for Thailand when there is a million waiting that can’t be sent.” Tammy said she had originally asked for the same amount for Indonesia and since there was no delay on documentation with them, Indonesia has now received more than eight million doses. https://www.thaienquirer.com/33110/the-us-wants-to-send-us-1-million-pfizer-doses-but-cant-because-thai-government-hasnt-done-paperwork/
  13. Outrageous. Paperwork before saving lives. Which so called committee is holding this little gem up?
  14. 550 life-saving oxygen concentrators from UNICEF were delivered to Ministry of Public Health @pr_moph under our joint #COVID19 response efforts. Thanks to our donors and supporters, this will help COVID-19 patients breathe. https://twitter.com/UNICEF_Thailand/status/1440611276795695111
  15. More details: Phuket marks 239 new COVID cases, one more death https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-marks-239-new-covid-cases-one-more-death-81487.php
  16. PCR test positive cases, total of 13,256 official new infections, with just 478 of those from prison and 12,778 from the community. 131 official covid deaths recorded. Rapid tests positive cases, 3,088 bringing the unofficial total to 16,344 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Rolling 7 day average (up to 21st Sept) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  17. Numbers of severe COVID-19 cases, those requiring ventilators declining The number of severe COVID-19 cases and those requiring ventilators has fallen in the past three weeks, but small clusters of infections have increased in upcountry provinces, as a result of social gatherings, such as funerals, parties and merit-making ceremonies. Director of the Disease Control and Emergency Health Hazards Division Dr. Chawetsan Namwat, said today (Wednesday) that, compared to September 1st, the number of lung infections today dropped by almost 1,500 and the number of patients requiring ventilators has dropped by almost 300. Overall, he said that the graph moved in a downward direction in August and September, but he pointed out that the numbers of infections in upcountry provinces remain unstable, due to the emergence of new clusters at social gatherings. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/numbers-of-severe-covid-19-cases-those-requiring-ventilators-declining/
  18. Yes basically, according to this group of doctors "lab rats" Stop giving Sinopharm to under-18s, doctors’ group saysA doctors’ group urged agencies to hold off from giving the Sinopharm vaccine against Covid-19 to children, as it has not yet gained emergency approval for people under 18 from the Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Opposition MPs also voiced concern.“Children are not lab rats,” the Health Personnel Association (ภาคีบุคลากรสาธารณสุข) wrote on its Facebook page Monday, saying it “objects to the research that looks to provide Sinopharm to children.” The statement recommended Pfizer instead for children.The Chulabhorn Royal Academy (CRA) this week started to give Sinopharm shots to 2,000 students age 10-17 as part of their latest trial with a target of 108,000 students. The trial was approved by its research ethics committee. https://www.thaienquirer.com/32993/stop-giving-sinopharm-to-under-18s-doctors-group-says/
  19. The Thai Tourism Minister: “We’ll reopen Bangkok to vaccinated tourists on Oct 15th!” The Bangkok Governor: “Err, no! We’re not ready yet! You didn’t even ask us!” The TAT: “Welp, guess we won’t make it for Oct 15th. Nov 1st then!” https://twitter.com/SaksithCNA/status/1440563961372442633 ????
  20. https://www.roojai.com/en/covid/ Well worth it for piece of mind, I bought from here a few months ago when it was a little cheaper and better benefits but its still worth it now. There's also this one https://rabbit.finance/expats-covid-center/?_ef_transaction_id=undefined
  21. Nonthaburi rolls out COVID-19 vaccine to migrant workers: Thailand’s central province of Nonthaburi has begun to roll out COVID-19 vaccines for migrant workers registered inside the province on Wednesday. Those eligible for the vaccines must be 18 years and above, and were mostly from the neighboring countries of Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia. They will receive a cross dose of Sinovac and AstraZeneca. https://www.thaienquirer.com/33043/nonthaburi-rolls-out-covid-19-vaccine-to-migrant-workers-photo-essay/
  22. Thailand had already ordered with AZ in Oct via Siam Bioscience but they did not order enough, see my post...............and article
  23. Great Thailand could have ordered in Nov (5 months earlier than SA) so when do you think it would have reached here?
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