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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Not a lot changed in Thailand, they removed 47 countries from the red list leaving only Columbia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Panama, Peru and Venezuela. This was more of a streamline sweep for their return to new normal.
  2. Weekly trends with no useless comparisons to the UK, Thailand only WHO Thailand Latest Situation Update, weekly trends and Analysis WEEKLY TRENDS The number of new community acquired cases continues to decrease, though the rate of decrease has slowed down decreasing by 5% compared to 11% of the previous week. Case counts remain high with an average of 10,445 per day for the last 7 days. The number of deaths continues to decrease with an average of 99 deaths per day compared to 120 per day of the previous week.However deaths remains high and 5 times greater than the average of 19 deaths per day during 3rd wave April to June. Severe cases (decreasing by 7%), ventilated cases (2%) continue to decrease, though the rate of decrease has slowed down over the last few weeks and counts remain high. ANALYSIS Thailand may be over the worst, for now. However, there remains a long way to go, cases and deaths remain very high, many times greater than the previous peak in the 3rd wave in April to June. This includes the number of active cases including those that require direct medical care with an average of almost 111,000 active cases per day over the last week. Severe and ventilated cases, in particular, while decreasing the rate of decrease has slowed down a great deal and continue to present a high workload for front-line health care professionals. https://www.who.int/thailand/emergencies/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
  3. PCR test positive cases, total of 11,140 official new infections, with 72 of those from prison and 11,062 from the community. 116 official covid deaths recorded. Third day of triple digits. Rolling average 7 day chart taking a spike up. Rapid tests positive cases, 5,225 bringing the unofficial total to 16,365 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Last 8 days Ventilator Capacity: 01/10/21 = 709 02/10/21 = 725 03/10/21 = 712 04/10/21 = 719 05/10/21 = 701 06/10/21 = 720 07/10/21 = 715 08/10/21 = 682 Rolling 7 day average (up to 6th Oct) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  4. No as far as I know this is currently the only venue doing this. We have family membership there so go around once a week or so.
  5. Good news, I see they’re not accepting Sinovac or Sinopharm as one of those approved vaccines though. No surprise there.
  6. Feel free to attend a covid delta party to contract the virus and see how it works out for you. Report back on findings……..
  7. In Phuket, Bluetree which is a large water park/lagoon with restaurants and activities have had this in place for over a month. must be double vaxxed or produce negative test result. This is for all nationalities.
  8. The order was due to the Covid-19 clusters found among drinkers that had been gathered in various places in the province. The governor said that the officials are currently unable to control the spreading of the virus.Therefore, the sale, distribution, exchange of all types of liquor and alcohol in department stores, shopping centers, community malls General stores, grocery stores, convenience stores, restaurants or any gathering place is prohibited, said the governor. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40007173
  9. Effective today, Chanthaburi has banned all sales of alcohol until further notice. Including all stores. They state this will help stop Covid-19 and parties they claim are fueling more cases. https://twitter.com/The_PattayaNews/status/1445971173490118660
  10. Quoting rankings between UK and Thailand when we know that’s an irrelevant metric when the testing in both countries is so vastly different. It does puzzle me why people do that. It’s not a competition. Regardless to get some perspective on the real numbers here both cases and deaths then the below charts gives some insight. The Institute for Health and Metrics Evaluation estimates the true number of cases in Thailand currently at around 40,000 and you can also see in the chart that this is currently on a declining trend but has leveled out. Now compare that with Thailand’s Excess deaths and the charts correspond almost exactly with a sharp rise but the deaths also now on a decline. The excess deaths were at a peak of 37% mor than the previous 5 years in August and now showing at 20% more. More than double the amount of officially recorded covid deaths. In countries where testing is low such as Thailand excess deaths majority proportions will be covid related along with those who were unable to access health care due to full hospitals. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-models#institute-for-health-metrics-and-evaluation-ihme https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=~THA
  11. PCR test positive cases, total of 11,200 official new infections, with 138 of those from prison and 11,062 from the community. 113 official covid deaths recorded. Second day of triple digits Rapid tests positive cases, 4,783 bringing the unofficial total to 15,983 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Last 7 days Ventilator Capacity: 01/10/21 = 709 02/10/21 = 725 03/10/21 = 712 04/10/21 = 719 05/10/21 = 701 06/10/21 = 720 07/10/21 = 715 Rolling 7 day average (up to 5th Oct) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  12. I think most countries are holding off for the under 12’s at the moment but for over then I’m fine with as is she.
  13. 86% positivity rate from that police station. then there will be all the other family members and friends, quite a cluster there in Issan
  14. From the CCSA slides today a perspective on covid infections distribution in Thailand Blue = Bangkok & its 5 vicinity Provinces Green = Upcountry 67 Provinces Orange = Southern Provinces https://media.thaigov.go.th/uploads/public_img/source/061064.pdf
  15. Merck has just announced a signed contract with Singapore for these, hopefully Thailand will drop some of its bureaucracy and get its order in sooner rather than later
  16. Chonburi Governor orders more Covid-19 related temporary targeted closure of work camps and company The Chonburi Governor, Phakkhrathon Thianchai, has announced last night (October 5th) the temporary closure of work camps and a company in Mueang Chonburi. The order was posted by the Chonburi Public Relations office last night. The orders conclude, “Many Covid -19 confirmed cases were being found at worker camps and a company in Mueang Chonburi.” “In order to control the spread of the virus, the Chonburi communicable disease committee has ordered the following temporary closure of the places below.” https://thepattayanews.com/2021/10/06/chonburi-governor-orders-more-covid-19-related-temporary-targeted-closure-of-work-camps-and-company/
  17. The health ministry will hand out 250,000 Covid-19 antigen rapid test kits to food markets, restaurants, food vendors, and food delivery riders nationwide in line with eased restrictions. https://twitter.com/ThaiEnquirer/status/1445623322176200707
  18. I see TAT had a hand in the article also.........555 "We have strong potential -- with health care professionals and the unique Thai hospitality -- to be ready to be the medical hub," a senior official at the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) told Nikkei Asia.
  19. None because that would change the narrative. The excess death figure for Thailand would also change the narrative
  20. The PPHO no longer issues an updated map showing the locations of COVID infections across the island. More details: https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-marks-175-new-covid-cases-no-new-deaths-81616.php
  21. As WHO said last month “As the experience with this pandemic shows, no country can let down its guard. Complacency can be as dangerous as the virus itself.
  22. PCR test positive cases, total of 9,866 official new infections, with just 45 of those from prison and 9,821 from the community. 102 official covid deaths recorded. Back into triple digits Rapid tests positive cases, highest for previous 14 days, 5,652 bringing the unofficial total to 15,518 https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/ Last 7 days Ventilator Capacity: 30/09/21 = 717 01/10/21 = 709 02/10/21 = 725 03/10/21 = 712 04/10/21 = 719 05/10/21 = 701 06/10/21 = 720 Rolling 7 day average (up to 4th Oct) which includes prison cases and bar chart of community cases from daily official announcements. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/thailand
  23. In the UK both boys and girls 12 - 15 yrs are only getting a single dose of Pfizer. Not saying that's the correct thing to do just a comparison.
  24. The US advised not to buy kits from this manufacturer in China due to them being so ineffective. The Rural Doctors Society in Thailand did the same, Prayut at one point indicated that they would not go ahead with the order, low and behold, Thailand purchased 8.5 million of these kits that are not worthy of being used with such a high rate of inaccuracy.
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