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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Do you understand the significance of the fact that Hamas figures and Israel's figures back then didn't agree. Yes, who do you believe?
  2. No infact I've posted that at least 3 times already. Do keep up.
  3. Magical thinking to a bizarre post does me every time
  4. Do you understand what context is and why I posted that quote to another poster?
  5. Let me clear things up for you yet again. Anyone that believes unverified Hamas figures that are parroted by the UN needs their heads examined. Perhaps I need to add that disclaimer to every post I make for your benefit so you are in no doubt of what I think and ruin your hypothetical nonsense
  6. Who told you I accepted the figure of 35K as correct. Now you are just making things up about me and another poster.
  7. This is all Hypothetical nonsense Can you point out the posters who believe the numbers the IDF give without question? Can you point out the posters who would still not believe the UN if they did not provide a disclaimer? (meaning they had verified all deaths themselves)
  8. That was in Feb the same month that Hamas admitted 6,000 of their fighters were killed by the IDF. What's that got to do with the UN's disclaimers on the Hamas reported figures of civilian deaths?
  9. Figures from Hamas and as the UN says: “The United Nations’ teams in Gaza are unable to independently verify those figures given the prevailing situation on the ground and the sheer volume of fatalities,” an Ocha spokesperson, Jens Laerke, said. “It is for this reason that all figures used by the UN clearly cite the health ministry in Gaza as the source. The UN will verify these figures to the extent possible when conditions permit.”
  10. Another option for what? The figures still come from Hamas
  11. The poster you quoted needs to catch up on the latest news himself. The poster he quoted and who you are too ignorant to talk to directly knows full well that the figures quoted by the UN are unverified and from Hamas who themselves admitted over 10,000 are from media sources but wont say which ones. The same Hamas who admitted that the number of women and children totals are wrong by around half.
  12. Palastinian Health Authority give figures for West Bank not Gaza. UN do not give figures they repeat them from Hamas and add a disclaimer that they have not been verified. It's here in the topic. So that leaves only Hamas and Israel. Mmm let me see.....lol
  13. Why would I be scared to tell you anyone that believes Hamas needs their heads examining. I am not one of them. This is not about me though and yes you are off topic trolling
  14. The figures are not from the UN 😴 & I have stated that already in the appropriate topic. Are you scared to go on there and post? Or just like to off topic troll here?
  15. Here topic for you, this not it UN Cuts Death of Women and Children in Gaza by Half
  16. If I was you I'd catch up on the latest figures news from the UN. It has its own topic
  17. No idea and don't care, this is about figures in Gaza given by Hamas whether they are historically accurate or not is nothing to do with the here and now.
  18. Why? All the relevant estimates are contained in the links to my post. Why do I need to re-read your post. I have read it once already and understood it. I prefer to believe the US and European intelligence estimates.
  19. LONG OVERDUE: For the first time since the war began - A special discussion on the issue of the Hostages held in Gaza will be held at the UN Security Council. https://twitter.com/TheBelaaz/status/1790534348048941389 United States to Convene Arria-Formula Meeting on Condemning Hostage-Taking in Israel on October 7 as a Psychological Tool of Terrorism The United States will hold an Arria-Formula meeting on Thursday, May 16 at 3 p.m. in Conference Room 11 at UN Headquarters on condemning hostage-taking in Israel on October 7 as a psychological tool of terrorism. United States Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, will chair the meeting, which is co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Albania, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungry, Israel, Italy, Malta, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, New Zealand, Romania, Spain, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, former vice-chair of the Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and one of the first recipients of the Department of State’s International Women of Courage Award, will provide a briefing. A released hostage and hostage family members will also participate in the meeting. https://usun.usmission.gov/united-states-to-convene-arria-formula-meeting-on-condemning-hostage-taking-in-israel-on-october-7-as-a-psychological-tool-of-terrorism/
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