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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. And? So where are we now, currently no deal, the deal Hamas accepted is delusional.
  2. More Hamas command centers found in UN facilities. IDF strikes Hamas command center inside UNRWA HQ in central Gaza The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Shin Bet security agency announced on Sunday that it had conducted a strike on the command and control center belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization located within the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) compound in the central region of the Gaza Strip. The targeted headquarters facilitated the transfer of weapons and supplies to Hamas operatives, including through underground tunnels. The IDF spokesperson emphasized that Hamas consistently exploits international institutions and civilian populations as human shields for its terrorist activities against Israel. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/artc-idf-raids-hamas-command-center-inside-unrwa-hq-in-central-gaza
  3. Another propaganda video published by Hamas and more sickening vile lies. Hamas claims Israeli hostage killed in IDF strike in new propaganda video Hamas spokesperson Abu Obaida claimed on Telegram that Israeli-US-Canadian citizen Judy Weinstein, 70, and another unnamed hostage held in Gaza succumbed to their wounds as a result of Israeli bombardment. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-800313 The truth however is that Judith was confirmed murdered on 7/10 and her body taken to Gaza. That was known back in December. Here's the article on it. Israeli-American Judith Weinstein confirmed murdered on Oct. 7, body held in Gaza https://www.timesofisrael.com/american-israeli-judith-weinstein-confirmed-murdered-on-oct-7-body-held-in-gaza/
  4. Blinken says the ceasefire deal is extraordinarily generous & says it’s up to Hamas to accept - Hamas accepts - Wrong, try reading: "The last deal that was described by United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken urged Hamas to swiftly accept Israel's latest and “extraordinarily generous offer” was, then turned down by Hamas. Hamas then accepted a deal put forward by Egypt and Qatar"
  5. I know its difficult for you but try showing a little respect, this is the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Annual Days of Remembrance ceremony. 6 million Jews killed. Where is he/they weaponizing antisemitism?
  6. Update on this from the IDF A precise counterterrorism operation to eliminate Hamas terrorists and infrastructure within specific areas of eastern Rafah began overnight, based on intelligence. Residents in the area of eastern Rafah were encouraged to temporarily evacuate to the expanded humanitarian area in Al-Mawasi prior to the operation. The IDF has facilitated the expansion of field hospitals, tents, and an increase in water, food and medical supplies in the area. IDF troops managed to establish operational control of the Gazan side of the crossing following intelligence that the Rafah Crossing in eastern Rafah was being used for terrorist purposes. This is after mortars were fired from the area of the Rafah Crossing toward the area of the Kerem Shalom Crossing which killed 4 IDF soldiers and injured several others.
  7. There is nothing more to gain from debating with you. You have proven yourself to be a mindless fanatic, incapable of critical thinking, spewing one-sided Israeli propaganda only. But even worse, in your complete lack of empathy for the innocent victims of this war, you have proven yourself morally bankrupt. You are a sad person indeed.. Personal attacks and slurs do nothing for your credibility or that of Euro Med
  8. Yes Conspiracy crap, its up to them to prove their claims not for me to find evidence thay are false.....lol Your mates Euro Med, on Oct 11th https://twitter.com/EuroMedHR/status/1711987472358347201 They are not friends with Hamas you say?
  9. Like I said, great Russian talking point for you, worry about their threats, that's exactly what they want you to do. Enjoy
  10. Yea right, just like the conspiracy crap they write about Israel And their baseless claims that 42,510 Palestinians over the course of its 200-day attack, 38,621 of whom were civilians, including 10,091 women and 15,780 children. They provide no source? Why Because its false. There is nobody else making those claims.
  11. I didn't think you would, instead you prefer to believe Euro Med the Hamas supporters who make wild claims that nobody else does: Bosses of Euro Med with their Hamas friends:
  12. After this very clear warning will you be as surprised and outraged as Cameron will be when "something" happens Yes I would be surprised if WW3 happened because that's what it would be if they carried out a strike on the UK. They would also not survive. In the meantime you carry on worrying, they issues these threats all the time.
  13. Most of the Israeli public (82%) supports a military operation in the area of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip,
  14. Do you think the Russians might be trying to tell us something ?? Yes, they are spitting their dummies out and issuing another worthless and baseless threat just as they continue doing from the start of their illegal invasion.
  15. Where does your link say Russia will target British-supplied weapons whilst they are still in Britain? Its says possibly abroad but have you not thought about where those weapons have to travel to get to Ukraine, Poland.
  16. https://www.ngo-monitor.org/ngos/euro-med-human-rights-monitor/ Click the link yourself to one of their milder claims, I would provide the link directly but it would get deleted as a direct link to Euro Med is not approved here
  17. This is Hamas supporter, they celebrated Oct 7th and post constant Hamas propoganda
  18. I am not going to go through all those links to find your claim that 15,000 children have been killed, its up to you to do that. When you've managed it, also point out where the source comes from that is reporting it. I suspect it will be Gaza health Authority run by Hamas
  19. You need to look elsewhere for facts, otherwise you just look like a fanatic spreading propaganda... Says he who has provided no links and swallows the 15,000 children killed hook line and sinker
  20. Deflection from your irony and corrections only after you were pulled up on your unsubstantiated false claims
  21. Like this? https://aseannow.com/topic/1326338-house-republicans-probe-university-funding-amid-israel-hamas-protests/page/2/#comment-18891740
  22. Well I only like to absorb facts after I feel there is enough evidence there to warrant it. What I was doing though was responding to another poster when you interjected. He claimed 15,000 children were killed. He was adamant on these figures. I in turn produced opposing figures. As for taking figures as facts, untrue (again, you really need to stop this) I take no figures as facts as there is no credible evidence from either side although I certainly edge credibility more on the IDF than I do on Hamas. 3 months ago Hamas themselves claimed 6,000 fighters of theirs had been killed. I "think" its a lot more and I believe the IDF has a closer figure in that 12,000 they quoted a month ago. As when following the Russia Ukraine war, my credibility goes first with the side I am supporting, Ukraine and the reports they produce. I am more than aware they are not always 100% correct. As is the same for the IDF.
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