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Everything posted by mvdf

  1. cough cough! choke choke! ???? i'm having a coughing fit after hurriedly gobbling up this stir fried delusion someone who knows how to do the Heimlich maneuver save me please
  2. A predilection for getting their tools smeared with brown gravy and intestinally fermented somtam perhaps? An aversion for long term child support? A penchant for ticklish rectal hair? Fake straight? Lots of reasons.
  3. I wanted their metal card but fortunately my application was rejected after I posted a negative review about their dodgy compliance and coin staking reqs and regs on a crypto forum. They probably thought they had the last laugh when they blocked me ???? Acting all royal-ish and legit but I knew all along that their staking scam was just that: an elaborate and sophisticated scam. For want of a card, you're forced to acquire CRO tokens and stake them. Not just any other token with solid liquidity and reputation but it must be that one token they control. Pity the naive and gullible who fell for their ruse. A card overtly scammy. I already had my doubts during cryptocom's infancy. Back then they had grand plans, making the joining process look like an elite and illuminati-ish privilege for VIPs. If however you put their card limits under a microscope, there really is nothing spectacular or brag-worthy about the cards. It's just another non-head-turning prepaid card. Happy with my Wirex and Cryptopay cards. Used both for years sans any issues.
  4. No, but just before the delegation's plane landed, there was a call made Saudi-wide to make sure that all valuables are stored safely in impenetrable vaults.
  5. Curious about the brown envelopes. Won't white or red or any colour work just as long as they contain bundles of 1k notes? I vividly remember two or so decades ago I was told by one esteemed immigration officer to "put it on the last page of the passport"
  6. Do the right thing. Inform the embassy that you wish to revoke all guarantees you provided in support of the visa application. Allowing the visa to stand as valid on the strength of your and your mum's pledge of support would equate to fraud. As for what could or might happen should she abscond and breach the terms of the visa, you can expect stricter vetting when lodging future applications. You can also expect the Home Office to happily bill you for their efforts to remove or deport her from the United Kingdom. As a guarantor, the onus is on you to bear those expenses. On a more sinister note, if she becomes a victim of a crime, whether in the UK or in France, law enforcement will find your name linked to her visa. Inform the embassy about these latest unfortunate developments for your and your mum's peace of mind.
  7. Effective incapacitating weapon. And criminal timing it was. Take-off roll and climb to cruising altitude. Positively toxic tactic. In retrospect, crew were probably complicit. Seatbelt sign was on for what seemed like an eternity and so was the sloth-like climb before the plane leveled off.
  8. I remember flying BKK to CNX few years ago. I was on a window seat. During the take-off roll this obese guy sitting next to me (wedged between me and aisle seat) farted. The smell almost made me faint and he looked around obliviously, seemingly unaware of the nuclear reek he caused. I was literally imprisoned on that window seat and forced to inhale wafts of his evil-smelling flatus. To make matters worse, the seat belt sign was not switched off for ages and he was shooting silent killer mini farts until the aircraft reached cruising altitude. Gave me spells of dizziness and headache even after landing. Panadol and coffee gave me some relief. No rescue services required. Pre-mask days so there was no escape from the vented gases.
  9. How ungrateful. Exploiting bitcoin's core technology but then the State Bank of Vietnam designated bitcoin as illegal and banned for trade relationships. Blockchain is on this planet because of bitcoin.
  10. Disturbing and scary but voluntarily taking more pills suggests a bizarre twist which makes one stop, think and doubt. One would be forgiven to think that by voluntarily taking more pills he might have discovered a secret predilection for something he kept suppressed. A coming out, sort of, only for that short-lived experience to be crushed when he was let go and he now has to contend with the reality of the truth he kept repressed. So he was raped and his holy holes were violated and painfully penetrated but then the most natural thing to do was take a cab back to his hotel, check for new emails and posts on Facebook, then move on as if it never happened? I would expect traumatized and drugged victims to approach the police, the Danish embassy, medical intervention and maybe even Thai media. Truly bizarre that he was simply let go by the abuser and he later returned to Denmark without the rape story hitting the headlines in Thailand. Sexual criminals tend to go through great lengths to thwart the discovery of their crimes with historical reports showing that victims were either permanently unaccounted for by law enforcement or found deceased. I suspect he liked it but later had guilt pangs.
  11. Scammers... opportunists... fraudsters... recently naturalized Montenegro citizens...
  12. Now in Phnom Penh. Flying to BKK tomorrow with friends for shopping, massage and good food. Stay safe and far far away from the unhinged and transients perpetually on edge. Not worth the painful stitches, skull fractures, long term recurring pain, trauma and hospital bills. I hope OP recovers without any irreversible facial nerve and eye damage. Police report is a must-do. Whoever did it should be identified and flagged on the immigration watchlist.
  13. Oh well, you know you're in Thailand when... certain things just don't work If you go here: https://www.ais.th/roaming/en/howto.html And scroll down to SMS Roaming, it should confirm it's free of charge to receive SMS while abroad.
  14. Activating roaming mode is free. There is no "activation" fee. All about AIS roaming: https://www.ais.th/roaming/en/howto.html Charges: https://www.ais.th/roaming/en/roaming-rate.html SMS is reasonably priced and fees depend on country or region. Be sure "data roaming" on SIM settings is toggled OFF.
  15. You must activate roaming on the Thai phone number linked to the card. OTP via SMS is such an inconvenience as there is a risk of SMS delivery being delayed when on roaming mode. Fortunately my bank in Germany no longer requires it. Their recently improved app now supports in-app approval of transactions. When buying something online, the app detects it and prompts me to approve or reject it. Even ABA in Cambodia offers two options: OTP via SMS or OTP via e-mail. The two options are presented during the transaction.
  16. Friends and I went on a road trip from Port Elizabeth (now Gqeberha) to Nelspruit (now Mbombela) in 2009. Some lebensmüde dolt was overtaking in a no-overtaking lane just after East London. Thanking my lucky stars I'm still here.
  17. That was 11 years ago. I vaguely remember PayPal-ing someone in the US less than $100 for 50 BTC. https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1MfZT1TaUVTRcejr2gJcpbDrN43PDELcjP
  18. Not at all. I am thankful for my disciplined 11-yr patience which was worth it ????
  19. Main reason was I never invested or dabbled in altcoins. Was always a bitcoiner from the very start and will remain this way. These "alternative" coins are fraught with risks ("rug pull" scams) and danger (liquidity issues). Will hold on to my BTC until the market recovers, no matter how long it takes. ????
  20. Luckily i never diversified my crypto holdings to either of those two.
  21. Just buy an iPhone at MBK with the model suffix LL (iPhone model for the US market). There are vendors offering them. I bought one last year in Phnom Penh. I'm sure you can find one at MBK or Pantip Plaza. Or buy a Pixel phone. Check the model number on the box. Pixels sold in the US work perfectly on Asian bands. I know as a friend in the US bought one for me at the physical Google retail store.
  22. I wonder how they do it. Lace the pre-foreplay drinks with incapacitating roofies? Smear their nipples with rohypnol?
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