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  1. im already doing the six months out of Thailand. Just while the Thai government sorts itself out, if ever. Until i get a for sure answer, i will continue to do this. Vietnam by the way. i am currently in Da Nang, Thai gf here with me, its enjoyable, and cheap, so not really an issue, and a nice break from Thainess!
  2. consult with Integrity Law in Thailand. they have a You Tube channel.
  3. thats one happy ending i dont want
  4. that is not an answer to my question. I have all of the above. I also have a UK address............ You can have a UK address very easily, give it some thought..........see if you can come up with a plan
  5. I watch a fair few, mainly because I dont watch much normal tv, which nowadays is worse than the You Tubers. Yes, they walk around like they are superstars, and some of them have the personality of a badly designed wall unit...........but they are pretty harmless. Mainly, if i see any of them filming, I just laugh at them. But they are harmless. Some are arrogant, rude, dickheads........particularly one Aussie in Hua Hin. They do make me laugh when they promote property for rent or buy.......and they are never getting a cut of the sale or rent price!..............yeh.......we believe you. And of course the property is always a good deal, and great value for money............when its usually a crock of <deleted>, overpriced and in a crap area. Some of them are good though..........Paddy Doyle for eg. He is a bit of a whiner at times.........but he showed us Thailand by visiting all of the provinces, so it helped me in choosing places to visit. On the other side of the coin, another middle aged skater boy tells us what his plans are, his visions et, etc........like any of us could give a rats arse! But again......he is harmless, and making ok money........I know because he told us......whats that all about? Do we give a monkeys about his income or his plans? I guess we must do. So yes, i do watch.........these people are harmless enough.........if they think they are famous.......i dont really care.....up to them.
  6. Chad is actually one of the better ones. Maybe you dont like the American accent? The man knows his stuff, he formerly worked in the Car magazine sector. I met him at a car show, he is a really nice bloke.
  7. If you dont have a UK address, why do you expect to have a UK Bank Account?
  8. did the Hua Hin office require any documents from the British Embassy?
  9. i would say that you are just being stupid, but i wont as i might get told off. but it appears by the comments on here that its not your first time with nonsense talk
  10. i paid 19,000 baht for an inguinal hernia repair, open surgery. Hua Hin Gov Hospital, inc 2 nights in private room quoted anything from 100,000 to 200,000 in the various private hospitals i checked. 18 months ago, and not had any recurring issues, scar healed nicely
  11. indeed, the pricing is baffling.........but dont try and understand it.......its just how they are.
  12. i have been here many years now, and unfortunately the over pricing is rife from market stalls to hospital treatments. I have had my hospital appointments at Siriraj Gov Hospital in Bangkok. Like a football crowd in there every day, but at least i have been getting good treatment very affordably. so this is clearly one of the exceptions. for reference, the hospital is sponsored by the Royal Family, and treated Rama 9. just buying flowers to plant in the garden, i went in the garden centre, each flower 60baht. sent my gf in there alone the next day, same flowers, 20 baht. same in the fresh markets, i dont go into them, my gf goes alone, but if i do buy stuff, only stuff with the price clearly marked.
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