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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. hi guys,

    I was just pondering today why I sweated so much in SE Asia. Unfortunately I'm a pretty sweaty person as it goes (even back home in UK), so obviously when I was in the tropics it happened to me quite a blooming lot. I came to the assumption it was the hot weather mixed with the humidity. Although after traveling over to Australia i'im not so sure.

    I'm living in Melbourne at the moment where we get a mixed back of weather, although today it reached 46.4c. Yes it was very bloody hot, but I didn't seem to be sweating as much as i did in SE Asia, so i thought the humidity was down, although when i checked it was at around 50%; which im pretty sure it was the same some days in SE Asia when I was there (i used to check weather every day), but it was never as hot over there, normally only around 32c.

    So what else is there that made me sweat 24/7 over there? i used to sweat all day, then in the evenings too, sometimes even more so at night while just chilling on the beach on Ko Tao, when the temp had dropped a bit.

    I know there is something called dew point that they show on the weather forecast; I don't have the foggiest what that is though.


    HOT AND HUMID Newbie. Do not sweat it, shower often enjoy the ride :o:D :D

  2. This is a synopsis of what happened at the Luna Bar, Ao Nang last Friday evening 6 March 2009:

    A 27yo gay and rather slim Thai medical doctor is sitting at the bar drinking his second bottle of beer talking to the bartender. His eyes sweep the room and he catches the eye of a rather large 25-30yo male farang, seemingly intoxicated, sitting at a table with his Thai "female friend" who had also had a few. The farang feels threatened about being looked at and makes loud disparaging remarks directed at the doctor about "f*#king faggots". The doctor takes offense and demands an apology from the farang. The farang refuses using rather colourful language. The doctor repeats his demand but to no avail. An arguement insues. The doctor hits the farang over the head with a beer bottle cutting him open (which requires five stitches to close) and the farang gives the doctor a black eye. A bevy of police arrive. The farang is escorted to the hospital and the doctor taken to the police station. The following morning the doctor is escorted to the airport for the first flight bck to Bangkok. No arrests and no 'fines' paid (at least on the doctors side...). The bartender, as witness, corroborates the doctors story about the act of provocation on part of the farang.

    So who was right and who was wrong? Should the doctor have just ignored the farang? Should he just put up with his bigoted comments? Was it justifuable to use violence? Will the farang have learned his lesson and think twice about opening his mouth again?

    What would you have done in a situation like this?

    Do not CONCUR with the violence by the doctor or all people, however I THINK in this case the MOUTHY Farang got what he had coming and than some,

    :o and Yes, lesson learn, MAYBE :D

  3. Hi,

    I've been together with my wife (thai) for over 5 years now and we have lovely children and a good life in Bangkok.

    Recently my wife has become convinced that one of the female teachers at our kids school (farang) has a thing for me and talks about it regularly. "Miss X said this today... Miss X really wants to see you ... etc"

    Miss X is a great teacher and a very nice person who we both like, but I love my wife and have no intention of starting anything, in fact the whole thing never even entered my head before my wife started talking about it.

    A little background, before I continue, is that my wife was fairly inexperienced sexually when we first met, but has gradually become more confident over 5 years and is now quite adventurous in bed.

    Now my wife has suggested to me that we should have Miss X in 3-in-a-bed sex and I am surprised/shocked and a bit confused.

    - Is she suggesting this because she thinks I like Miss X and is scared I am going to start something? or that I need a farang woman sometimes (she has mentioned this before)

    - Does she like Miss X and wants to start something herself? (maybe already? - I'm away on business a lot)

    - Is she just testing me to see if I want to have sex with Miss X? (what guy is not going to consider menage-a-trois if it's offered!? but as I said, it never entered my head before)

    This whole thing is quite dangerous (for our relationship) and I wish it had never come up, but now that it has, I want to understand her motivation, because it may be down to her feeling insecure with my (completely non-sexual) relationship with a farang woman.

    My head hurts!

    My head is clear, hey my friend sound like you might have a BI Lady, trust me there are many in Thailand,Darn I WISH I could so lucky. May I suggest+ call her test, say bring the teacher on for a little strip dance, see how your lady react. :D:o WOW!! its like marry one, get one free,Miss X sounds like a clean and Health one, I know many GUYS that would be ok with that. :D :D :D

  4. I knows of no such Law, however if you or anyone need to leave the little one unattended you might want to check with your local legal expert. A lot can depend on the kid, I we always felt a ok to leave our 12 year old along with younger brother :o:D

  5. Yes they all do, I know many will disagree, some are just a bit discreet about it, i.e., *Its up to you how much you give me Teelock* Ok now for those who will say I am all wet/wrong cross your heart and hope to get run over by a speeding baht bus if you swear you never give your GF/wife money and she never ask for it, One more thing please let me know your where abouts I want to come and meet and greet her and some of wonderful cousins, sisters or any like wise girlfriends of your lady.

  6. I ask friends only if they have time or if they see a small item that I would like, that way the option is their, they always I didn't shop there of they didn't see the item :o:D Why make someone trip a hassle for my petty needs, if wanted it that bad I would get OFF my backside and go get it myself.

  7. Well, that's it I suppose for another six months. Visitors to Surin were up this year, and it looks like they will climb aagain this year.

    Oh yes, that's right. To coincide with the END of the season, they opened the new bus station this week.

    Yeah, don't sweat it, Tourist season is a year round thing here in the land of smiles. My big CONCERN would be keeping the TOILET at the new bus station, nice , clean and SMELLING good, nothing and I do mean nothing turn a tourist OFF faster than a STINKING Dirty Toilet. Mr PM and Mr Tourist Minister PLEASE, take note, better still take ACTION! :D:D:o yes some people get :D smelling a stinking toilet. :D:wai:

  8. Question, were the friends willing/able to pay for the service the hospital provide for Josh? If not I can understand why the Hospital didn't want to release him without payment. Now as one who has had a similar accident, for me I had my AIA care card in pocket, not a problem, had nurse to speed dial AIA agent on my mobile and I receive VIP treatment. May I suggest to any and all, please check with Thai Life, AIA, AIG, NZ, BLUPA or any accident insurance provider. Some decent Accident insurance will cost about Bt1500 a year, some of the very best can set you back Bt25,000, depending on age. I know some of you will see this and think accident insurance, for what I have money, can take care any bills my self, yes true, however; a no brainer:, the hospital personnel/doctors do not know your cash flow status, but they will be able to quickly check any insurance care card you present to them. Over to you ALL> :o

  9. Yes Thai Scamming Thai, sad but true, most of the young lady hoping to get ahead fall for these SCAMS hook line and SINKER. A friend of the wife sister almost fell for a similar scam lucky for her the village(headKnocker) aka, Headman is a wise old fellow and help her to see that she was dealing with some SCAMMERS. :D:o hear tell she gave his a little reward un be known to the Ms. :D

  10. Give the PM an A for effort, for the past several years Thailand has receive some very negative PR around the World, low human rights, and Drugs for starters, not to mention the closing of the Airport by the PAD with really but Thailand in the World spot light. Hope he has good luck with his concerns and effort in this matter, goodness knows he will need all the help he can get. :o

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