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Posts posted by BigSnake


    On 25th February 2009 two lady boys claim they were injured in an unprovoked attack by a Foreign Police Volunteer (FPV) while they were negotiating with potential clients on Pattaya Beach.

    At 02.30 am, the two lady boys, Mr. Boonchuay Srkeaw [20] from Nakorn Ratchasrima and Mr. Warawut Boongusol [20] from Bangkok, reported the incident to Pattaya police investigator, Pol. Lt. Col. Samreung Rattananahm.

    They told police that they were hanging around on Beach Road, opposite Soi 13, with their many other lady boy friends when a tourist approached them and asked for a sexual service. While they were talking to the man a female Thai sex worker, who was standing nearby, walked up to the man and told him that the lady boys were not real women…..


    Read the rest of the story. Give the guy a break, two lady boys, lucky the poor guy didn't have to run for his life. :o

  2. To Keep it simple, Money, wealth Greed lead to Murder. It happen so very often as in most every part of the World. It is a risk one take everywhere, could be just a simple robbery gone bad(crook to lazy to work, need money for drugs) or a big business deal gone South(sour), whatever the reason someone paid the price with their life. :o SAD RIP

  3. Heck if I know or care, my guess NOTHING dad has big money no matter recent stories suggesting otherwise. I remember when Thaksin was PM one of the Daughter did a photo shot at McDonald(working part time at McDonald) yeah right when COWS fly, when those ITV cameras went OFF that child got in that waiting LIMO and went home, :o excuse me she went SHOPPING!! :D:D:D

  4. First of all: this is not a job offer. So if u want fast cash, forget it. And if you are a tourist desperately looking for an income to finace his stay in Thailand, forget it too.

    We had to closed our office a couple of month ago. So our company only exist on the paper now.

    I imagine that there are plenty of others just like us around here in Thailand lokking for new opportuninites.

    Instead of hanging around and being desperate I suggest lets meet and talk. Together we have more ideas and maybe we could make a new start with a new project together.

    If you are interested to meet next week, send me a short email with your motivation for such a meeting to [email protected].

    I am looking forward to a interesting coinversation, where we share our ideas and hopefully have lots in common.


    Good Luck. Hope make some good contact here. :o:D

  5. :D to hear about the Smog danger in CM, it can be a great health risk :D:D for the old and the very young, hopeful some nice clean rain will come that way soon a clear a bit of the stuff away :wai::o:D Now on the lighter side maybe it will send some of those RED SHIRT packing off to Pattaya and if they go there with that bad anti-gay thing my guess is they might just get SLAP by a pretty Lady Boy, and if they are not lucky a hold bunch of ladies boys would join the pack. Headline BKK Post " Hens SLAP Big Red Roosters in Pattaya"
  6. He must have been drunk or crazy or both, my guess crazy drunk :o . What you do, saw a pick-up loaded with at least 10-15 people at a Jiffey conveninet store, driver without doubt from my view point is drunk or high on something, he drove off people all happy sing a song, heard no reports of accidents the area involving a pick-up, so maybe, thank goodness they made it to where ever, SAFE!! :D:D

  7. I for one is expecting the BEST, if they are up to par(standard) set by Villa Market, Bangkok and Pattya. My guess is we will get the same high quality products we can find at other Villa Markets around Thailand. :o:D:D:D

  8. Your son has first choice, mom and dad if that are alive, most likely everything will goe to the person closest to you here(live with you) have total asset to your belongs, it's all in your hand at the moment, do a Will or what ever it takes to see your finals wishes are take care of, good luck, hope you have a wonderful life in the LOS and live to be 103years young. :o

  9. :D My girlfriend is constantly making me laugh with the things she says to me on the phone. The other day she had been to and back from Bangkok in one morning and had done a lot of walking around. When i called her for our daily chat i asked her if she was going out. She replied ( well what sounded like) " My i dont work"

    i kept saying "what do you mean you dont work", and she kept laughing,

    i said "i know you dont work" , "no no" she replied "my i dont work, cannot go out", "what" i replied. "your iron?"

    "no no......i!"

    "Cannot see i no work"

    After laughing for 10 minutes trying to understand what she was saying.

    I worked it out her eyes were sore and she was tired!!!!!

    Anyone else had the same fun?

    Cute eye loved it. :o:D

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