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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. Most terrifying plane landings

    HOLD on to your seats and be thankful you weren't onboard these terrifying flights as we take a look at some of the scariest plane landings ever.

    From nearly hitting the heads of beachgoers to swinging violently from side to side, these videos show some extreme and amazing landings.

    Princess Juliana airport, St Maarten, Caribbean

    Beachgoers at St Maarten have a near miss as a plane comes in for landing perilously low over their heads at Princess Juliana International airport.

    The Caribbean island airport is famous for its very short runway, which is just over 2,000 metres long. This forces planes to fly very low over the heads of tourists on Maho beach while approaching the runway.

    Princess Juliana was rated the second most terrifying runway in Travel + Leisure website’s pick of the world’s scariest runways.

    Lisbon airport, Portugal

    A pilot strikes fear into the heart of his passengers while attempting to land at Portugal’s Lisbon airport. The plane is tossed side to side as it bears down on the runway in poor weather, with the pilot eventually aborting the landing. The bad weather and thus poor visibility is no doubt a factor in the failed landing.

    Lisbon airport is situated seven kilometres from the Portuguese capital and is one of the largest airports in Southern Europe. It has been expanded since its opening in 1942, and now has six jetways.

    Several videos of extreme plane landings at the airport have been posted online, so this was not an isolated incident.

    ... and so on. More fun than sitting through a couple of hours of Air Crash Investigation on Foxtel/Austar/Cable TV before flying to LOS.

    World's Scariest Runways


    Thank for the Warning :D:o:D :sick:just looking at this bad boy.

  2. My fiancee and I had a brief discussion on how we will discipline our children when we have them, and she believes that its ok to use corporal punishment a little to correct their behavior. I disagree and neither I nor my ex farang wife have never laid a hand on my 15 year old daughter and I think she turned out ok. I resort to other methods when she is not behaving properly such as solitary confinement from her friends or restricting her activities, but would never strike my child.

    Is it part of Thai culture to use corporal punishment on your own children? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I am not really interested in knowing personal opinions on whether corporal punishment is effective on an individual basis, I am simply trying to find out that since my fiancee believes in it, do most Thais believe in it as well, and is it part of Buddhism? And if I refuse to let her use it on my children will it cause me to lose face with her and her family? If I ever saw her of her family hit my kid, I would be very angry.

    I have stayed in Thailand more than a year and I dont know if I have ever seen a parent hitting a child.

    Corporal Punishment as the VERY last result :o

  3. Not all ways the case the Toilet at your Friendly Tesco Lotus, Big C, do not alway have that little hose to watch your private part, best make sure you have some paper in pocket, some toilet don't even have paper, let along water hose to watch your private part, Thailand, please join the rest of the world in th3 21st Century. I am sure all the International Air Port Toilets are up to standard, if not it could be a big bit out of Thailand bid to be a regional Hub in Asia. :o:D

  4. This is not a full service airline and they may not use terminal gates at all locations so suspect that it is there policy; at least for connecting flights on that route. There terms are as below:
    7.3 Special Assistance: Acceptance for carriage of incapacitated persons, persons with illness or other people requiring special assistance is subject to prior arrangement with us. Passengers with disabilities who have advised us of any special requirements they may have at the time of booking of the Seat and been accepted by us, shall not subsequently be refused carriage on the basis of such disability or special requirements. We may charge a fee for providing these special requirements.

    policy seem fairly clear to me, some better planning should be made for those needing special assistant.

  5. I went to the Thai Adoption Centre yesterday with my wife and was told that if I adopt my stepdauther legally, her mum has to give up her rights to her daughter and sign her over to me. I mentioned to the woman that that as a family surely as the step father and mother we share the responsbility of bringing up over daughter together but the lady insisted that she has to sign her daughter over if i want to adopt her. My wife was a bit shocked by this, as was I.

    The question being

    Has anybody adopted their stepchildren and if so, is this Thai law and was the woman correct?

    cheers in advance

    ps. she mentioned something about intercountry adoption and this was international law????


    I may be wrong but I remember reading something on this forum to the effect that in the case of a foreigner adopting a thai child that in order for the adoption to be recognized internationally the child must become a citizen of the foreigner's country of nationality...

    my interest at the time had to do with the possibility of declaring my thai step daughter to be legally adopted in order to benefit from international school fees paid by employers when working on assignment overseas on 'married status'...I remember being put off the idea by the perceived 'citizenship requirement'...

    this may be what the lady was talkin' about at the adoption center if it was 'intercountry adoption' that was being discussed...

    From my understanding you are right on. Good luck to the fellow that want to adopt the step daughter. :D:o

  6. Sounds like a good pass time, if you got a few baht to spare and a little time to kill. Go for it, TUNE Out(leave) if it get boring. Does anyone no if the little meal is tasty with a nice cup of hot coffee :D ?? Please advise I will make a visit next time in area. :D Who knows you just might meet some great friends there. CHEERS!! :o

  7. Major Hospital might be your best bet, cost a little more, and in most case the testing is carried out in that Hospital, rather than have to be sent from Clinic to Hosptial, ie, cut out the middle man better the chance of no delay in getting the result.

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