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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. Nearly all men in Esan in Northern Thailand, particularly in the villages where being openly gay is not accepted by family and village elders, and also in Laos, get married, even if they are gay

    Its the tradition to do so.

    In Laos every man is expected to marry. If you are gay there the only way of avoiding this by either becoming a monk or a lady boy. The situation is similar in Thailand but with the help of better information and contact outside of village life due to the internet and increased mobility, things are slowly changing as the older generations disappear.

    When these gay people marry the chance of a gay offspring is greatly increased because of the genetic effect

    I have not seen any studied scientific evidence of this, but it makes sense and i have seen many gay men in these areas with young children in their arms

    What do you think about this idea and can anyone back up this proposition with any information?

    Gay people are everywhere, many are quite nice folks, so get over it, live with :o

  2. In addition to the good tips you will get here, bet if you visit your local Pub, church or an socialable areas(parks/resorts) you will fine someone that had just return form a visit to the land of smiles(LOS) aka, Thailand. My guess is they most likely had a great visit and would bbe most than happy to share their experience in Bangkok(the Big Mango,also the Capital) Thailand and many other place around the land of smiles :o:D:D

  3. I don't mine one bit, I like most Farangs have been call much worse. To be honest most Thai people perfer to call you by your first name, Khun Bob, Khun John, etc, on some occassion if they don't know you, you will be address as "Hey You" :o

  4. I've been in the land of smiles 16 plus years never seen this, pics please. Seen many Farangs Monks, during their morning Merit walk, give as I would the Thai Monks. Only the best Fruit and Juice, wife get up early to make rice and other Thai food. :D:o:D:D

  5. Mick, from Dublin, appeared on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' and towards the end of the program had already won 500,000 pounds.

    You've done very well so far,' said, Chris Tarrant, the show's presenter, 'but for a million pounds you've only got one lifeline left - phone a friend. Everything is riding on this question......will you go for it?'

    'Sure,' said Mick. 'I'll have a go!' 'Which of the following birds does NOT build its own nest?'

    A : Sparrow

    B: Thrush

    C: Magpie

    D: Cuckoo

    I haven't got a clue,' said Mick, 'so I'll use me last lifeline and phone me friend Paddy back home in Dublin'. Mick called up his mate, and told him the circumstances and repeated the question to him.

    'Fookin hel_l, Mick!' cried Paddy. 'Dat's simple......it's a cuckoo.'

    'Are you sure?'

    'I'm fookin sure.' Mick hung up the phone and told Chris, 'I'll go wit Cuckoo as me answer.'

    'Is that your final answer?' asked Chris

    'Dat it is, Sir.'

    There was a long - long pause, and then the presenter screamed, 'Cuckoo is the correct answer! Mick, you've won 1 million pounds!'

    The next night, Mick invited Paddy to their local pub to buy him a drink.

    'Tell me, Paddy? How in Heaven's name did you know it was da Cuckoo that doesn't build its own nest?

    'Because he lives in a Fookin clock!'


  6. Congratulations, I wish You and the Ms many many years of all the joy and blessings possible. WOW!! :o MOM!! Your 84 year old mom made it to the wedding from the U.S., good for her that is a long trip, for the best of travelers. May I wish her a pleasant stay in Thailand and good health for many years to come. Now having said that you and the Ms get busy and give her some grandchildren as soon as possible. :D:D:D CHEERS

  7. what is the best way i can stay in thailand,i am thinking about running a business,i am married to a thai national with a 1 yr old baby,i want to open a business,i am 41 yrs old,from uk......what is the best way for me to be able to stay without having to come home to uk every year to obtain a yearly (o) visa at thai consulate....could i post my application for an o visa from thailand to consulate in hull every year and that way it would save me from coming home every year ???? help please thanks...

    One year at a time on a marriage or a retirement visa like most expats do or go for so call(Red Book) Resident Visa, which will set you back about BT120000(??)

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