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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Hi all, 


    I have been asked to help design Auntie's new retirement home on one of the family plots, single storey, approx 90 sq metres


    Does anyone know what are standard wall thicknesses for brick ext. walls and interior partition walls? Need it for CAD software



  2. 33 minutes ago, DLock said:

    The numbers still make little sense.


    Thailand has 595 people under observation and 32 confirmed cases, a ratio of approximately 18:1.


    China has 34,575 confirmed cases, and if the ratio is somewhat accurate, China must have around 622,000 PUI.


    Either China doesn't know that PUI number (likely) or Thailand are not being timely and truthful about concerting PUI to confirmed (also likely).


    If we had the China PUI approximation, we could calculate the probably ratio that should be converting to confirmed in Thailand. The delay of information, the growing list of PUI and tests yet to be completed...it just feels very dodgy.


    The numbers will become clearer over time.





    China suspected cases are lower than confirmed cases




    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, soidog2 said:

    Forget about planting and moving, will not work, you will kill the trees.

    You can safely keep grafted seedlings for a year or more in large plastic bags (for planting) 


    Avocado needs careful homework.

    Sourcing trees is not a real problem. You need to decide on what types will successfully bear fruit in your climate/soil.

    Best you try to get a mix of "A" types & "B" types that flower simultaneously; to increase pollination


    Citrus flowers roughly at the same time as avocado, the pollinators will ignore the avocado flowers and head straight for the citrus flowers.



    In Pak Chong, you will need to reserve trees for at least a year in advance, Chatuchack is not really a good place to buy because of the unknown scion quality.

    Around Pak Chong there are people specializing in grafted Avocado that sell to real growers.

    You will have a shorter wait at a higher price per tree.


    Good Luck

    Thanks for the tip on mixing Types A & B. Will ask some friends in Pak Chong to see if they can source some trees for me

  4. We are looking to take over 9 rai of land around Phrae in a few years, it already belongs to the family but at present is rented out for pennies & just used for cassava. We will be moving back to Thailand in about 4-5 years so would be great to get some trees in now so they might be ready to go when we get there. Brother in law is an agro specialist for Thai bank so he will look after everything for the time being. Land is at 300m or so and never really floods so thought it would be ideal for Citrus & Avocados.


    Have read quite a lot of threads on here and am hopeful this could work. For now though I would like to source a few avocado trees, but am a bit confused about best options. 


    Where should we source trees? Pak chong institute? Chatuchak? Can we plant them in one farm for a year or two then move them later on to final position? One family plot is irrigated but the other is not as yet, and this is the one we will be taking over




  5. I actually read the original blog post, (weird I know, and a most un TV thing to do)  and found everything in it was pretty much spot on.


    I have always recommended Thailand to friends to have never been, some come and love it, some absolutely hate it, mostly for the same reasons as those in the blog post. And when they hate it, they really hate it, especially when they compare it to nearby countries like Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.


  6. 6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    The guy in charge of wire taps at the time said it never happened.  Trump's trying to deflect from the Sessions problem. 





    FISA warrant was asked for there times in 2016 and granted in October 2016. So what Tapper and Comey are really saying is


    "we asked for a warrant 3 times to tap Trump, but when we got it, we never used it"



  7. 13 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Yes the BBC are certainly not backing Trump in their reporting.  Actually nor are the ITV or Channel 4 news.  As for the newspapers they are also guilty.  Cartoons in just about all of them lampooning poor Donald almost every day.  In fact in the UK it is hard to find any coverage that isn't highly critical or indeed mocking of Trump.  Thank goodness in the USA Fox are covering his back.

    That is all fine with me, they can have cartoons, not back him or whatever, but they should never report "gossip" as fact

  8. 2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

    "The Russian dossier event being the one thing that links all those barred."


     Now stop and think about that statement for a moment! Doesn't that make you think -omg! The security and intelligence agencies have already made it very clear that there is/was some kind of collusion with the Russians. Why was Flynn fired? For not telling Pence? If there was nothing wrong why would he not discuss this with Pence? Instead of saying the reporting has been sloppy, just think on your own conclusion "The Russian dossier event being the one thing that links all those barred." enough said!

    No not at all. The whole Russia thing is another example of how media is inflating a story to damage the POTUS. Bigger story is NSA spying on incoming White House Team.

  9. I think was all well & truly deserved, those media outlets not allowed to attend have been very sloppy in some of their reporting recently, even the BBC seems to be getting unverified news from Twitter and repeating it as gospel. I for one have been shocked by huge bias in BBC reporting of late. The Russian dossier event being the one thing that links all those barred.


    Still Im hope this is a one off slap on the wrists rather than outright bar

  10. 22 hours ago, DNPBC0 said:

    I did a 'quick and dirty' Google search..  As I now understand it, the issue seems to be  all about the preservation of coral reefs.  Algae grows on coral, and, if it is not controlled, the coral dies.  Fish normally eat the algae and keep it from taking over the reef.  If fish are given an alternative and more attractive food (eg bread), they eat less of the algae, and there is less chance that the algal growth will be safely controlled . We need a marine biologist to confirm all this . However, even if it is correct, I do wonder how far tourists know about the prohibition on feeding fish in regulated areas and how far they understand the rationale for the prohibition.  In the circumstances, I entirely agree that the present  response of the authorities to infringements of the ban is well over the top.

    The logic behind it is nonsense. The fish that eat algae off coral such as Tangs and other specialised algivores are not the same ones usually fed by tourists, these are usually such things as sergeant majors, the blue/yellow striped ones, and other omnivorous damselfish. 

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