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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. 2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Yes, but IMHO, smart people don't voluntarily take actions that needlessly increase their chances of getting sick or dying, like ignoring prudent protections against COVID 19....  There already are enough risks in life you can't influence/control, but there are some you can, and COVID is one of those.

    How long can Thailand hideaway though? There will never be a vaccine that is 100% effective, and I do mean *never*


    Like flu the coronavirus will constantly mutate, making every vaccine less and less effective, this is not something that is going to stop anytime soon, it is with us forever

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

    Better do not open now . Virus is still surging and no vaccine ready yet . Bad timing .

    Virus is surging in Europe still, true, but the mortality rate is dropping like a stone. Thailand may have already ridden out this storm and it cannot wait until a vaccine is available 



  3. 6 hours ago, bradiston said:

    Any other details about your infection? When, where, how? Were you just allowed to stay home, being treated by your wife?

    Where was in the UK, when was beginning of August. One night of chills and fever then about 8 days of lethargy, no coughing no loss of taste etc. Had a drive in test, results in 18 hours, started taking the Fa Talai Chon pills day test came back positive. 


  4. 1 hour ago, Berti said:

    Let's do the math.

    4 months is about 17.4 weeks.

    2 weeks quarantine that's 8.7 quarantine periods from Dec to March.

    So they must have 230,000 people in quarantine at the same time and I estimate about 2,000 hotels with quarantine facilities. Realistic?


    No idea how realistic 2 million long stay tourists are. Seems like a fantasy number.

    Are you sure about that? A 2 week quarantine period can start any day between Dec/March, they overlap. so there are 120 or so in that time frame

    • Like 1
  5. 12 hours ago, NightSky said:


    Actually, despite all the nonsense posted online about covid-19 the latest research from the middle of August 2020 suggests that the antibody providing immunity to covid-19 will last for years and a vaccine will be able to provide this.


    This wont help the OP though since the vaccine is yet to be finalized and released.

    That's good news if true, as I said I have already had Covid once. Might be very useful

  6. 36 minutes ago, Upnotover said:

    A single entry non-O based on marriage give you 90 days which can be extended by 60 days at immigration in country.  That's likely your best visa option.  However, there's this virus thing going on which probably means you can't go in January in any case without all the hoop jumping that entails. 

    Thanks and yes, everything comes down to next year being more foreigner friendly in Thailand. I doubt very much I would willing to do any kind of quarantine just to visit

  7. Hi all, 


    Wife has persuaded me to return to Thailand for six months this coming January to fix up our "retirement house". It's been a while since I have wanted stay more than a few weeks to be honest and the current visa rules seem convoluted. What would be easiest single entry solution to staying with wife's family for that amount of time? The only option I could find entailed having £5k in the bank for six months which is already too late to do



    • Confused 5
  8. 10 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    Friend asked me a while ago if we would have a second wave. I told him I didn't know but didn't seem likely as there wasn't really a first one. I did tell him that if the protests were to grow in size, they'd be mentioning more about a second wave. This seems to be it. 

    This. D614G strain that ravaged USA and Europe has arrived in Malaysia, Thailand will have to deal with that eventually, and it will not be plain sailing like this year

    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
  9. Thanks Kamalabob2 


    I can't believe walls come out at 10cm thick! No insulation, no sound proofing. We want to do a higher spec than that, budget is 2 million for single storey 10.5m x 8m. Definitely wider doors though, lots of folding doors and windows for light, though all windows will be covered to avoid direct sunlight

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