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Posts posted by ourmanflint

  1. Mahatir is a good man and a good leader for his people. It's not easy for him to forget all the transgressions commited in the past against his country and his people, but then why should he. Countries who carve up the world to their liking and/or exploit other countries always will hate people like Mahatir who stand up for themselves. If some countries have nuclear weapons and are holding the world hostage(politically and economically), why shouldn't muslim countries have them so they can defend themselves.

    Wally Alert!!!

    I think you get the prize for the most brain numbingly stupid thing anyone has ever said on this forum. You sir are an ostritch!!!


  2. Your best bet is to buy rockwool?, not sure what it's called here, but it's a general building material, quite dense compared to foam, and perfect for soundproofing, but maybe a bit heavy duty for a small bedroom. We used to use it in the UK when soundproofing studios and vocal booths. You can cover it in cheap muslin easily enough so it looks really good.

    I suppose you could ask the SAE here in Bangkok they would know. School of Audio Engineering

  3. This is not my country..... and it is not like being in the UK during the IRA campaigns.

    If it happens again in Bangkok then yes, I'm off. I don't need any extra risks in my life. It's as simple as that. There are lots of great places in this big world to live, and Thailand is certainly slipping down that list at present, but just now I'm a bit too lazy to get up and leave. But any more nonsense with people throwing grenades around and I will be packing my bags.

    What a sad start to the new year.

    where you going to go if you dont mind me asking. ?

    Hi Terry

    I would love to give Malaysia a try, and my friends insist that Phnom Penh is the place to be, and I've thought a lot about Bali, but maybe somewhere out of asia would be good for a change. I'm looking into Trinidad & Tobago, Sao Tome, Venezuela, Uruguay and even Spain as a stopgap until I can decide. One thing is for sure though life here has taken a wrong turn this past six months and I'd have to be totally stupid not to at least acknowledge that and reassess what I want from being here.

  4. Mahathir is adangerous and somewhat senile old fool

    Like him at your peril!!!

    ISLAMABAD: Muslim nations in the Middle East should arm themselves with nuclear weapons to deter Western enemies from attacking them, former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said Friday.

    “They should have tanks, warplanes, warships, guns and missiles,” Mahathir said. “Yes, they need to have nuclear weapons too, because only with the possession of such would their enemies be deterred from attacking them.”

  5. This is not my country..... and it is not like being in the UK during the IRA campaigns.

    If it happens again in Bangkok then yes, I'm off. I don't need any extra risks in my life. It's as simple as that. There are lots of great places in this big world to live, and Thailand is certainly slipping down that list at present, but just now I'm a bit too lazy to get up and leave. But any more nonsense with people throwing grenades around and I will be packing my bags.

    What a sad start to the new year.

  6. Tis the season to get jollied.... fa-la-la-laa, fa-la-la-la

    Merry christams to all of you especially to those who through no fault of their own, will once again find themselves alone on christmas morning.... let's all of us spare a thought for them...

    .....fa-la-la-laa, fa-la-la-la

  7. As adad mentioned Indonesia is probably your best bet... Manado and Bunaken have amazing walls some of the best in the world, and dives are very reasonable and professional, can be a bit quiet on Bunaken though. Bali I've never tried but obviously much more lively than Sulawesi. But... how about diving in Komodo National Park? I was there a year or two back and it was really amazing lots of different divesites including Cannibal Rock. Obviously you'll be around Komodo a lot so a good chance to see the dragons.

    try these: www.reefseekers.net and www.twofishdivers.com

    have a great time.

  8. There is obviously a lot of history with the area of Pattani, something we Brits once again had a hand in, fixing the border between Malaysia and Thailand in 1909. But Pattani had already seceded to Thailand some 300 years previously so was a fixed part of siamese society by 1909. The troubles are of course caused by Islamist extremists who see their now strong islamic neighbour Malaysia and want to be a part of that , there is absolutely no historical tie with Malaysia that is as strong as the ties to Thailand.

    Islam is an odd religion, Islam comes first or rather Allah, gods will comes first, that means before family, before state, before anything including the King. This is obviously a problem when it comes to asking the muslim population to help the Thai authorities with their investigations... Islam comes first. This is a problem here as it is in the UK muslim groups will not help non-muslims target one of their own as it is against Islam, and Islam comes first. That is the only thing worth remembering Islam will always whatever the situation come first... it is a sign of the strength of their faith in Allah. So what option to the authorities have, no one will help them in their work so they do the only thing they can think of, random searches hoping to catch someone in the act.

    I have no sympathy whatsoever to those muslims living in Pattani if they continue in their current stand off of not helping. Muslim societies are close knit by nature, so of course they will know far more than they could ever let on to the army or police. Islam is at fault 100% it is inflexible in its current dogmatic interpretation of the Koran, a result of the revolution in Iran in the 1980's.

    If muslims are leaving because of intimidation, well it is their own fault... unfortuantely!

  9. My claim to fame is that I became engaged and married two women at the same time on the Jerry Springer show. Was pushing my belief that all women are bi-sexual and that all they need is a loving non-judgmental environment to explore their sexuality. The show did so well they they did two follow ups and flew me back in to talk about open relationships. After that the Ricky Lake show picked me up for their valentines special to talk about unconventional relationships. The fifteen minutes was over after that.. and the marriages didn't last much longer either ...

    truly a classic tale... well done :o

  10. So basically everyone that says they like KSR, likes it because it's a great place to watch farang girls big tats bouncing up and down as they walk along... oh and then a lot of them said "at least there's no sexpats"! Strange logic indeed.

    Listen Flint, I ain't no sexpat cuz I don't go around looking for Thai hookers to pay to clean my pipes. But that doesn't mean I can't look and appreciate a good looking young woman walking down the street as I sing doo wah diddy diddy dum diddy do. I am middle aged, but not dead yet. And besides, I ain't into big tats. :o

    Johpa in no way was that aimed at you as you did not say anything about sexpats, I was commenting on those hypocrits who have...

    OK?? :D

  11. I've got a few more ...

    I played skittles in a pub in Oxford with Peter O'Toole once, I celebrated with Pete Postlethwaite when he recieved his "best supporting actor" nomination for "In the name of the Father", I've carried Geraldine Somerville ( Lily Potter from the Harry Potter movies ) naked on my back, seen Kate winslet naked and she did know I was there, also helped her into her PVC catsuit which was fun, Shared a shower with supermodel Karen Mulder, rolled a half naked Emma Thompson a cigarette, held up shooting of the movie Loch Ness for two days because Ted Dansons hair dye fell in my camera bag, and so many more I can hardly remember them all.

    Life was fun! :o

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