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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. Probably, I'm close to 70, drink too much beer, red wine & gin, very little exercise, I also love all the wrong foods, however I love the life I've had here & the life I had prior to moving here so have no regrets, I've done a lot in my life to be proud of, if you're interested just ask, or then again, don't ????
  2. Can't beat a couple of juicy, sweet Lamb Chops, a nice cut of Steak or any delicious cut of meat, cooked to perfection by her indoors, marvellous ????????????
  3. Just came back from a nice meal out, read the comments, gawd what a bunch of wasters.
  4. Nope, just someone with a moral backbone who doesn't view Thailand as some sort of backwater, unlike some of the Neanderthals that inhabit these pages.
  5. I have no time or interest in people ( foreigners ) who think they are above the law.
  6. Why ? Do you think expats should be exempt from paying traffic offence fines ??
  7. I suppose that you think that that is big and clever ? I seriously hope you have to pay each and everyone of them, that should sting more than just a little bit. Serves you right.
  8. A brilliant shop, fortunately I can drive there in about 15 minutes, they also sell some of the sweets ( Candies ) from my childhood yummylicious. ????
  9. Having Googled DPF I now know what you are waffling about, try not to use initials without at least explaining what they mean in your 1st post, most annoying.
  10. It's been a long long time since I first tried it, and it's been at least 20+ years since I last had a puff of it, I'm not quite sure how to go about having another dabble, the mrs & I were talking about it earlier, she's never tried it, I stopped smoking about 5 years ago, she has never smoked but I would like to see her reaction to a couple of lungs full of giggle weed. ????????
  11. I thought I read a while back that this had already been cancelled, or am I getting confused with something else ??
  12. I read your comment & complaint yesterday, I think you were told that it was closed as you posted it in the wrong place, there is a thread for politics, you have to look for it. Hope that helps.
  13. Good luck with that, don't forget to report back and update us on your success, or lack of 555555
  14. Yeah I can go with that, but my mrs means a lot to me & I bought the best I could afford at the time, I love my Mrs deeply, I'd hate to see her gone from my life because of a cheap helmet, ????
  15. You obviously don't care too much for your wife's safety or wellbeing if you're happy with a 159 baht helmet, my mrs has a helmet that cost close to 8k Baht, I want something that's gonna work better than an eggshell.
  16. It wouldn't be the 1st time that I've had a spliff or 2, but I've always bought them ready made, I wouldn't have a clue how to get started on my own ie tobacco to giggle weed ratio etc.
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