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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. So so easy to say AFTER the event, the ever reactive Thai Police, try being proactive for once.
  2. What a load of bolo...........baloney, a healthy dose ( perhaps a full can ) of Chaindrite spray & a liberal dosing of Chaindrite powder will soon sort that lot out.
  3. You mean your sheets etc the stains probably originate from the <deleted> in the water here, happens to us as well, as yet I haven't found a way to remove the stains.
  4. I have to wonder why, if people believe their own country is better than here, they don't just return? Ahh that old chestnut.
  5. If you have the funds you can request that the limit is increased, that's what I did. My new limit is 50k, so that helps if I have a couple of bills to pay and want some spending money as well.
  6. No doubt like many others I have never heard of any of these people. So your comment doesn't really hold water.
  7. No idea mate, very frugally I think, here i live like a king.
  8. Don't use words with more than one syllable, you'll just confuse the verbally challenged readership ????????
  9. Very doubtful, the council tax in the area I lived in was over £95 a month. Imagine paying that every month for nothing in return.
  10. I suggest you get a sense of humour.????????
  11. Ooooh, have you seen how bad looking they are when they get a bit older ? Not nice at all, much prefer the Thai ladies of similar vintage. ????????????
  12. I have 3 pensions, state,military & private, I would be unable to survive on them in the UK, fortunately they provide a comfortable living in Thailand, I also have some personal savings in my UK account which I thankfully don't need to touch.
  13. By sniffing each other's backsides & other bits ????
  14. Late to the party I know, but Thai Drs are a waste of space.
  15. I've used both the "normal" railway & the Eastern & Orient Express, from Singapore to Bangkok, like chalk & cheese, I wish I could afford to E & O Express more often ????????????
  16. In my youth ( a bloody long time ago ???? ) we had to find copies of health & efficiency ????????????
  17. My vehicle, up to me.
  18. No, limp dick syndrome ??
  19. I have 2 tattoos, both of significance, (to me), I don't feel the need to explain them to anyone,
  20. Fair enough, I have to say I don't like Singha and the only spirit I drink is gin occasionally.
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