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Golden Triangle

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Everything posted by Golden Triangle

  1. About the same age me then, Belfast was a real hoot, Grand Central Hotel. Belfast kept us busy ????
  2. Archa is 4.5% by volume, it's also the cheapest that I've found, it's palatable, and goes down well as a late afternoon tipple prior to a few red wines with & after dinner.
  3. Won a couple or three times, mrs won 8k the other day, 4k each, I'm not complaining, just as easy to win 8k as the big one, as they say, you gotta be in it to win it ????
  4. That's cos you don't drink enough or often enough, I never suffer with a hangover, I can have half a dozen large Leo/Chang/Singha followed by a few large glasses of red wine and never suffer with a hangover. ????
  5. I was in bomb disposal for about 5 years, that got quite silly sometimes ????????????
  6. I much prefer them ( and I'm pretty sure so do most others ) to the current incumbents, but then you always like to go against the flow.
  7. Can you send some to Pattaya please, too hot & dry down here,
  8. No not yet, I'll keep an eye open for it, they should have it at the bottle shop I use.
  9. And I don't care ???? I used to drink Chang but that's looney juice, I can't stand Singha and I drink Leo when out & about so at home I have what I want & that is Archa, each to their own my friend, each to their own ????
  10. Archa, my go to beer before I hit the red wine or gin ????????????
  11. Each to their own, you stick to celery & stuff and I'll enjoy a large juicy steak thanks. ????
  12. I have 3 pensions, army, state & civil service, I also have in excess of 1 million baht in my current account, + I have money in the UK that I may never touch, I could try to spend it but I have most of what I need, unfortunately I had to wait until I was in my late 60's for this to happen, all my life prior to age 65 was a struggle, I wish I had been this well off in my 30's.
  13. It's not difficult to walk faster than my mrs, I'm about 5'11" and she's lucky to get over 5'. I have to slow down for her.
  14. When ours was new we followed the manufacturer's guidelines, then after the warranty expired we moved to 6 monthly, now at close to 8 years we just get it serviced annually, everything, all fluids and things like brake pads & stuff get done every December.
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