What a load of bolo...........baloney, a healthy dose ( perhaps a full can ) of Chaindrite spray & a liberal dosing of Chaindrite powder will soon sort that lot out.
You mean your sheets etc the stains probably originate from the <deleted> in the water here, happens to us as well, as yet I haven't found a way to remove the stains.
If you have the funds you can request that the limit is increased, that's what I did.
My new limit is 50k, so that helps if I have a couple of bills to pay and want some spending money as well.
Ooooh, have you seen how bad looking they are when they get a bit older ? Not nice at all, much prefer the Thai ladies of similar vintage. ????????????
I have 3 pensions, state,military & private, I would be unable to survive on them in the UK, fortunately they provide a comfortable living in Thailand, I also have some personal savings in my UK account which I thankfully don't need to touch.
I've used both the "normal" railway & the Eastern & Orient Express, from Singapore to Bangkok, like chalk & cheese, I wish I could afford to E & O Express more often ????????????