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Led Lolly Yellow Lolly

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Everything posted by Led Lolly Yellow Lolly

  1. The wide rim after market alloys (I call them W#nkur Wheels) should give you a good idea of the type of driver you're dealing with.
  2. Not so, any nationality with a presence in Thailand can register .th domains. I registered my first .in.th domain a looong time ago (for individuals). I also have two .co.th domains but they require business registration, much harder to get.
  3. Do you think I am mean spirited? (sincere question) I said to another poster last night, TV is not a very nice place, so I agree with you fully on that point.
  4. I don't recall engaging you in any other LGBT topics, ever. I read the news, I read these forums. What's your point, please participate as long as I scratch your personal itch?
  5. What confuses me is the fact many LGBTs oppose marriage altogether, describing it as heteronormative i.e. bad for gays. Is there an idealistic war amongst gays? I don't know, I don't care.
  6. I agree with this. I confess I had a chuckle when car insurance companies were banned from charging men more, and women's premiums went through the roof. Sometimes you get what you wish for. Statistics be damned.
  7. I didn't start the topic. I'm allowed to comment, aren't I? Other commenters claim the constitutional court is sexist, whatever. I want to state my opinion they are adherent to a social imperative as old as time. You seek to cancel me by suggesting I'm a bigot. I don't see why secular society should be forced to accept god by a minority of zealots. I don't see why Thai society should be forced to accept gay marriage by a handful of those that feel aggrieved by their perceived lack of equality.
  8. LOL, cancel culture is ubiquitous. You just have to open your eyes and look. You for example suggest I'm a bigot. For what, actually?
  9. The argument used by those that oppose same sex marriage is that they deem 'normal' marriage to be good for society, but same sex marriage to be in opposition to that. As I fall back to my previous comments, I see no detriment to society in same sex relationships, but it is up to wider society to settle what is good for 'it'.
  10. The person I am quoting alleges me to be scare mongering. I counter that cancel culture attempts to scare me into denying what I see to be fact.
  11. Interracial marriages are capable of producing offspring. Same sex marriages are not. If you want to highlight infertile marriages as a reason to allow same sex marital union, do you think same sex marriages improve the reproductive odds? You might as well tell me it's discriminatory for society to exclude marriage to a computer program. As I said, I have no issues with the private dealings of individuals. . . If a man wants to kid himself he's a woman, for example, I really couldn't care less and I would never try to deny him (her) the right to live their life in that way. . . but equally, don't deny me the right to say that (wo)man will always be just a man that's hacked himself to look like a woman, and has physically and chemically castrated himself. Reality sucks for some folk. I personally think the constitutional ruling is merely affirmation of a social imperative that's as old as humanity itself, and don't find anything wrong with that. In many ways find Thailand to be a very liberal, tolerant and accepting society, for example, issuing visas to christian missionary groups even though they often spread vile and false commentary about Buddhism. . . and isn't that tolerance why so many LGBTYUAPXYZ+++ types are attracted to Thailand in the first place?
  12. You're employing the fear monger tactic on me. You say the slippery slope, as you put it, does not exist. I perceive it to be existent. It exists in the form of cancel culture. Accusations of fear mongering are one facet of cancel culture. . . You and others may not like the Constitutional Court's comment about the animal kingdom, but the fact is they're right aren't they. Humans are just animals and have near identical reproductive processes. Society has, and always will be, geared up for the continuance of the species. You will never change that. Where the LGBTHEAWXYZ+++ community has achieved successes in perverting the truth, they feel emboldened to cancel those that don't accept there are more than two sexes. They feel so angered by people that point at the X and Y chromosomes they lost their sense of humour, and the gedner-fluid community tries to employ pseudo-science to tell us the two sexes model is wrong. Don't get me wrong, I have no issues with the perversions of individuals, I sure have some kinks of my own, but you're never going to convince me we have to ignore reality. As I say to my daughter, women are so much better than men in so many ways, why can't we just celebrate that instead of trying to pretend we're all the same. You see what I did there?
  13. You often see vats of boiling hot cooking oil on the street, balanced on some flimsy construction of some kind, waiting to tip over and fry some child or other pedestrian. Doesn't make it a good idea.
  14. Mate, if TV has become your wife, lover, your whole world, you need a slap and some time away from the keyboard. Seriously. I've been posting here since 2004 in various incarnations (never banned). There are some phvki5g lunatics in the farang community, many of whom take pleasure in reading the suffering of others. There are some decent folk here, and we all need an outlet, but TV is not a very nice place.
  15. Whatever goes on between consenting adults is nobody's business but theirs. The legal status of marriage however is for wider society to settle. Myself, I feel there must be limits or you'll get people wanting to marry their dog, or their bicycle, or their lava lamp. Human nature being what is is, not everyone can be pleased, and millions of years of evolution are not going to be dismissed by some silly 21st century social construct, no matter how accommodating.
  16. Coincidentally I've just been dealing with reversed wires on a house we renovated. The new cabling was completed today and I threw the fuses in. within two or three minutes the RCBO tripped. Serious damage to internal cabling. . . I corrected the polarity but the RCBO was still tripping. The only way to stop it tripping was to remove the neutral bus bar connection. Now, you'd think the ground cable would take care of shunting the current to the ground rod. That's not what happened here, even though the ground rod is three metres long and heavy caliber. The power actually appears to have shunted through a 2.5 mm cable to an aircon compressor case on the wall outside. The only thing I can think that would have caused that is the compressor case is making good contact with the building rebar through a wall anchor and this ufer ground provides a path less resistant than the actual ground rod ( @Crossy ???). . . MOV_0653.mp4
  17. Thailand is already the hub of hubs but they haven't twigged they can market that yet. The crackdown on hubs is likely to come before the hub.
  18. I think the exhaust has to be loud enough to wake babies up in Rangoon for the top tier fine.
  19. When you think of the vast quantities of money thrown at the NHS, it beggars belief you need a military style plan and a day off work to see a GP for a sniffle and when you get there they make you wait for hours in front of a clucky middle aged receptionist that thinks you shouldn't be there. . . Yet I can go to any hospital here without and appointment (government or private) and see a doctor in minutes for a couple of hundred Baht, or for free on my SS account. I really wonder what the NHS are doing wrong actually. Just crunch the numbers, any idiot can see something is wrong.
  20. What really confuses me is that some people get themselves all wound up I'm applying for Thai citizenship. It really troubles some folk and I've no idea why. I even had one guy infer I "lacked principles" for wanting to become Thai and should instead stick with being British only. These people are best ignored of course and it's none of their business, but really, I scratch my head about that, why would it upset some folk to the point they get wound up about it? Beats me. For the record, I do what's best for me and my family. All other considerations are secondary. It's best for me and mine If I become Thai.
  21. I think it panders to the notion you can still command a hardship allowance to live in Thailand. If you expatriate for some clueless HR office and force your employer to stump up for a couple of shipping containers, more power to you. If you're in a position to leverage international school fees for your kids, more power to you. . . But I find it hard to imagine anyone gives a s#it about these surveys other than your diplomatic representation. Keep paying your taxes losers.
  22. You live in the Thai boonies, the nearest 7 is a ten minute walk. You live in Bangkok, the nearest 7 is a five minute walk. You live in Hong Kong, KL, SG et al, the nearest 7 is a push of the elevator button. What's left really? The price of hookers and the price of beer. In Hong Kong et al you have the choice of Thai, Filipina, Vietnamese, Russian and Indonesian 'good company'. In Bangkok it's Thai, Thai, Thai or Cambodian good company (Japanese if you're not riff raff). The air quality is cr@p everwhere.
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