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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Totally agree with your post! What is very scary is that this 'trend' to prosecute posters on facebook etc is getting worse and obviously the UK Government is attempting to intimidate people into submission. What is equally scary is that the the UK Government do not believe there is 2 tier policing, even though there is insurmountable evidence. Things are looking very bleak for the UK!
  2. Just have one acronym.....VPN
  3. So they have released these prisoners to make room for people who have posted 'hate speech' on face book?? UNREAL!
  4. The headline reads................... "Elon Musk May Be Summoned to UK Parliament Over Role of X" Then is the first line of the article it reads............"Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of social media platform X, could soon be asked to testify before the UK parliament about the platform’s operations" They can politely ask or request him to testify, but equally as he is an American in the USA he can politely tell them to <deleted> Off!
  5. No its not dumb, it's very practical. There are lots of moaners on AN that complain about the slightest thing. All countries have their own idiosyncrasies, Thailand is no different, if people don't like them, they do not have to stay!. Thailand being what it is will never deal with some of these issues, like corrupt cops as an example.
  6. Well now they are admitting they messed up on the early pro Palestine marches, but they do NOT admit to 2 tier policing, what and absolute joke, all they have to do is watch 'you tube', but I suppose they're too busy looking for Hate Speech on Facebook!
  7. Absolutely, how on Earth will they, Thailand, find out how much money you have in another country, especially if you don't move it to Thailand?
  8. I see the usual crowd have the Tate brothers, guilty and hanged already? Whatever has happened, whatever they did we don't know exactly? If they did traffic minors or abuse women/girls and are found guilty then they should have the book thrown at them and spend a long time in prison, but at the moment there are only allegations and they should be afforded due process, which is assumed innocent until proven guilty in court!
  9. You are comparing Tommy Robinson to the Tate brothers?? WOW that is some stretch?
  10. You can always leave the country if you don't like it!
  11. "BBC Accused of Bias in Israel-Hamas Coverage: Over 1,500 Breaches of Guidelines" I'm surprised its only 1, 500 breaches of the guidelines. The BBC is getting worse, its so far left now its almost on a par with CNN!
  12. Are you suggesting that Thailand is a 'real' democracy???
  13. Whilst I agree with you 100%, the 'come back in time to be PM' which I assume was meant to be sarcasm, might actually come true in Thailand, its 'Amazing'
  14. Correct, they only think of one thing in Thailand......$$$$$$
  15. Maybe if the two muslims had not so viciously attacked the cops, in the first place, they would not be in the mess they are?
  16. Quite so, having XY chromosomes, makes him a biological male?
  17. it was a perfectly pertinent, legitimate question! So you can't answer?
  18. 'Khelif, who identifies as female despite having XY chromosomes" So a female can have XY chromosomes?? Surely if she does have XY chromosomes, she is a biological male, even though she female genitilia?
  19. Is it just a coincidence that these 'sort' of people work for the BBC, or is it the BBC attracts these sort of people?
  20. " The decision underscores the court's commitment to safeguarding the welfare of young offenders, even in the face of severe public scrutiny and media interest. " So don't they give up heir rights to welfare, when they commit murder? What about the victim's rights?
  21. You are absolutely correct, but for some reason Thai's lack the ability.
  22. Yes, you would think, as do I. Indians tend to eat in Indian food in general, there are plenty of Indian restaurants around. The Chinese, I have never seen eating in a restaurant,or in a bar so where do they eat? I don't see many Russians in Thai restaurants, I mainly see Europeans, Americans, Australians and Brits!
  23. Whilst I sense a bit of sarcasm in your post, which I like but you really shouldn't give him ideas?
  24. Quite agree, they always seems to be from M.E for some reason?
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