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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Not quite accurate, the immunity only applies to anything that he did in his official capacity as President!
  2. Yes, the Guardian is a left wing newspaper and loves spreading disinformation. But even they say it just means 'extra screening' for people from certain countries, not a 'BAN', the only BAN is for terrorists, which obviously is a good thing!
  3. Wrong, he doesn't hate Muslims and he didn't ban Muslim travelers!!
  4. At least they could have checked if they had work permits....??
  5. Whilst you are correct, in that some were allowed to get away with it for decades, the scale of the abuse in Rotherham was on another level. Suggest you read the Jay report ! https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cy4ynzppk80o "Prof Jay described the abuse as "appalling". She found children had been raped by multiple attackers, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted and beaten. Some were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, while others were threatened with guns, made to watch "brutally violent rapes" and warned they would be next if they told anyone. In just over a third of cases, the victims were previously known to social services because of child protection and neglect issues. Prof Jay wrote in her report: "By far the majority of perpetrators were described as 'Asian' by victims, yet throughout the entire period, councillors did not engage directly with the Pakistani-heritage community to discuss how best they could jointly address the issue. "Some councillors seemed to think it was a one-off problem, which they hoped would go away." She added some council staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so."
  6. Quite so, its a real shame the police didn't spend as much time and effort on investigating the Pakistani grooming gangs! I know a few were convicted but just the tip of the iceberg!
  7. You are totally correct, the police would have 'swept' the house immediately after the incident as it was a major crime. As you say they would have recovered the Ricin and the jihadi training manual, Many questions remain, no mugshot of the perp, we have still only seen a picture of him as a kid. the name and ethnicity of the perp were withheld by the police. We were told only he was from Cardiff. The information on the Ricin and Jihadi Training manual was only revealed months after the incident and the day before the budget. Those people that tweeted and commented on facebook, although maybe ill advised , they could now have an element of truth in them. Yes something stinks to high heaven!
  8. Indeed, looking at the Daiy Mail just now........ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14007067/Inside-Democrat-implosion-Kamala-Harris-team-fear-Donald-Trump.html " "Democrats are spending another week wondering if Kamala Harris has let her momentum in the 2024 race completely slip away. A murderer's row of bad PR for the Harris campaign this week featured continued tanking in the polls, a widely panned CNN town hall, Donald Trump beating her to the Joe Rogan bump and even fellow Democrats slamming her rhetoric. Harris now trails Trump in the polling average in the crucial swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to Real Clear Politics. Fear is now gripping Harris' campaign and the 'vibes' are draining away as prominent Democratic lawmakers, as well as the liberal media, have been forced to publicly acknowledge the campaign is faltering at the final hurdle. One Democratic strategist admitted to The Hill: 'Yes, it's close, but are things trending our way? No. And no one wants to openly admit that. Could we still win? Maybe. Should anyone be even slightly optimistic right now? No.'"
  9. Maybe you are missing the point!
  10. Yes, can you imagine what Biden would do if Iran attacked the US, with hundreds of missiles???
  11. Absolutely, the present UK Government has enough of its problems that to go sticking its nose into another countries!
  12. Quite so, to differentiate between actual tourists and long term 'expats' would be far too difficult for them?
  13. Yes indeed, if Japan had not brought America into WW2, by attacking Pearl Harbor in the first place, the bomb would not have been used on them!
  14. Got to agree with you, if Iran does get Nukes, the world will be a more dangerous place!
  15. Quite so and its almost the start of high season so things are likely to get worse with more incidents similar to this!
  16. Obviously the 2 year sentence given to the previous vandals was not enough to deter further attacks, these heinous acts need to be treated as terrorism and a 10 to 15 year prison sentence imposed!
  17. So just like it is at the present moment?
  18. The Polish woman is very lucky that the Airline did not press charges! But the incident happened in Thai airspace and why didn't the authorities press charges, anywhere else like the USA or UK this would have been dealt with very severely!
  19. True enough, Indians generally eat Indian food, not surprisingly and that food gives them a peculiar body odor!
  20. Totally agree with you about the mushrooms and Muslims. I am in fact in Indonesia right now and have many Muslim friends, however I did NOT say being in fear of Muslims, who are mostly peaceful, I DID say, 'being in fear of 'Islam'', there is a subtle difference.
  21. Maybe Malaysia wouldn't be so bad, but in Saudi Arabia, it would be a HUGE problem.
  22. Do the UK tax people, Inland Revenue, know about this???
  23. "Scorer also noted the underfunding of the UK’s criminal justice system, which has exacerbated delays in bringing cases to trial. Sexual assault and rape cases now take up to six years to reach court" So according to the article it can take years for some cases to get to court, but a hateful post or comment on facebook etc and it takes days? Even then the sentencing is far more harsh than really serious cases. re Huw Edwards? I can see the UK has its priorities right??
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