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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Yes indeed, the fact that the owner openly admitted it is proof!!
  2. Who is heading up this 'mafia'? Knowing Thailand and Phuket in particular, it could be the cops themselves?
  3. You don't go around charging people what you think? I do agree the guy was an idiot! Normally the person would get a someone round who can give a quote as to how much it will cost to repair the damage? But there again this is Thailand?
  4. If they deported all the drunks there would be hardly anyone left?????
  5. The USA have every right to be there, its international waters, having said that so do the Chinese!
  6. You may well be right, but didn't some guy, high up, in the army say the word coup is not in our vocabulary?
  7. "The condominium association is deeply concerned and hopes that the law enforcement authorities will swiftly address the situation and prevent any further occurrences." I should think so too! Why hasn't this loony tune been arrested?
  8. I fully agree, if you buy its a gamble, if you rent its no real gamble!
  9. Totally agree! We know for a fact that the majority of the RTP are corrupt, how many articles do we see on AN, on that very subject! The judges/judiciary are also corrupt, not all! We know there is double pricing from National Parks to restaurants, we know that foreigners are looked upon has having money! If this had been a Thai guy smashing the side mirror of a foreigners car there is not a hope in hell he would have received the same fine and damages! Definitely double standards!
  10. Fully agree with you! Here in Thailand, what with the traffic, crazy drivers, crazy motorcyclists etc it can be risky to live here! Problem is anyone could die tomorrow, we just don't know!
  11. Most purchases go thru without a hitch, if you use a reputable agent and lawyer!
  12. Correct, although its not just the police, its the whole judicial system, up to the very top? A Thai would NOT have been served the same fine and damages!!
  13. Do you really believe the court system in Thailand is just? If this had been 2 Thai guys, do you think the fine and damages and sentence would have been the same?
  14. Yes totally agree. There us some video evidence of the Australian guy being aggressive, which I saw, but its unclear and nobody got hurt. From face value and what we know its definitely over the top. If this was between two Thai guys we wouldn't have seen it even reported!
  15. You maybe getting mixed up with the Brits?????
  16. Found the video, if its the right on, lasts 21 seconds? Indeed the foreigner does seem to be somewhat aggressive, but its not that clear and we still don't really know what started this confrontation?
  17. The Thai man didn't 'beep' his horn? He honked it continually! From the article: "The two drivers, however, continued to harass each other with Monnapan honking his horn continuously and then both vehicles stopped on the road side before the foreigner hit and smashed the minivan’s side mirror and then fled" The foreigner as you say caused damage to the mirror. There seems to be no video, dashcam, evidence, so who started what is in question?
  18. Indeed, 'warning' someone sounds like a potential threat?
  19. Absolutely agree with you! The police in any event do seem to believe the locals over foreigners?
  20. Right it seems it was 2 guys having an argument and a side mirror was damaged? Surely if the Australian offers to pay for a new one, it should be the end of it?
  21. Correct, they obviously do not believe the foreigner?????
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