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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. What is worrying is why is this even being questioned?
  2. Very few folks believe Climate Change is NOT real, is has been changing for a very long time, billions of years! The question is, what is causing the climate to change, this is where the conversation gets muddied? And what if anything can be done?
  3. Exactly ! The USA wants to keep their classified stuff, classified and NOT allow it to be copied by China, which probably would have happened?????
  4. As many members, me included, said at the time it was announced some time ago that the US would never allow Thailand to purchase F35's, mainly for security reasons. The US don't want China getting their hands on its 'secrets', which would have surely happened?
  5. There can't be that many people who own an Aston Martin, a new one with red plates with accident damage would certainly stand out. All the RTP would need to do is contact Aston Martin dealerships, there cannot be that many, and find out who has purchased one recently? Then check them out?
  6. A Jack-fruit maybe more or less the same color, but a Durian unlike a Jack-fruit has seriously sharp spikes all over it, I tried opening one once, never again. That's apart from the smell.
  7. Fully agree about the men wearing shorts or boxer type, but hot women in thongs, wow!????
  8. Maybe you are being slightly unfair? Most of the Russian women I have seen are smokin hot!????
  9. According to the apps on my phone it is indeed going to be rainy, T-storms from today, going forward? Question is how accurate are the apps?
  10. A coffee shop in a 5 star hotel, maybe? In Starbucks, which is not cheap, cheesecake 140-160 baht, a cookie 75baht? "I’d pay that for a real French fresh quiche Lorraine with a side salad , delicious," I am sure it is delicious, but is it worth it?
  11. Right, the fact that immigration go to see obviously very ill patients in hospital knowing they have been involved in an accident and cannot go anywhere tells you all you need to know? Why not wait until the patient is up and about then go to see them, waive any 'extension' fee and give them a basket?
  12. "Lieutenant Sirisuvann has coordinated with all the hospitals, instructing them to inform the Phuket Immigration Division directly if any foreign patients, deemed by the medical staff as needing continuous treatment, wished to extend their stay in the kingdom." So if the foreign patients needed continuous treatment, that is they must stay in hospital, isn't it obvious they would need to stay in the Kingdom? Its not wishing to extend their stay, its because they were in a disastrous accident? Like they have a choice?
  13. So would I, the operators must have insurance, right? I have my doubts!
  14. Right, they must have had receipts and tickets proving they had paid, something very fishy??
  15. It smells bad as you say, but it tastes rather good? Or should I say not as bad as it smells?????
  16. Imported foods in general do seem to have gone up considerably here, but 290 baht a slice is just ridiculous?
  17. Yes, it seems that when a foreigner is involved it gets more attention?
  18. There seems to be an issue with 'everything' in Phuket?
  19. What do the police do? Its a genuine question!
  20. Simple answer is yes! Majorca, Benidorm, Ibiza were some favorites, too much drink and things get out of hand quickly!
  21. Quite so, are these the 'quality' tourists that Thailand want? Probably not. The problem is they come here on holiday to have a good time and think they can do anything they want? Hopefully they will learn a lesson, but I doubt it?
  22. Anglo American culture, I don't follow? These guys were from Manchester, England
  23. Why does it 'seem' to always involve Brits, usually younger ones, in these type of cases. have they stopped teaching 'manners and politeness' in that country?
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