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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Quite so. There mat be some folks that do not inform immigration if they move accommodation, but surely the great majority do, so do immigration check on addresses where they know people have over stayed? Or just wait for tip offs?????
  2. Absolutely, a huge chip, more like a giant anvil?????
  3. Quite so, it was a question not really aimed at you personally!
  4. Even if you are correct and you may well be, why does it take 5 cops to seemingly arrest her? Or do they just like having their pictures taken? Totally ridiculous!
  5. We are not 'immigrants', the majority are tourists who stay for a few weeks, there are long stay folks on 'marriage or retirement visas', but there are very few actual immigrants?
  6. Quite so, maybe it makes it easier for the police to collect 'fines', they say do you want to go jail for a day, then go to court, or you can pay a 'fine' now and go?
  7. You have evidence Pattaya has a worse track record?
  8. Not sure if its 'legal', but many shops and retail outlets do it, that's why the cashier counts the change 3 or four times?
  9. They do not ask for names, as far as I know,they only need to know the number or if you are living alone, that is one person, then you get a reduction on the council tax bill.
  10. Good question? You could be living with a relative, partner, wife etc and they have the utility bills and council tax bills in their name? Question is do you need to be a 'resident' of the UK? Why would the bank care providing you have a UK address?
  11. Don't want to split hairs. You are correct what you say, maybe the right word is 'purchasing' 1 year education visas?
  12. Got to agree, the same thing happened last week with a woman and a man, 6 and 9 days overstay respectively. The only thing I can think of is the cops like having their picture taken?????
  13. Got to agree with you, but some folks say strange things!
  14. However you interpret my reply is up to you. I did say thanks for the links and responded with my own comments. I was not offended by what you said and i hope you took no offense! Have a nice day!
  15. Yes, but there isn't any prostitution in Thailand? well that's what the police say?????
  16. Another crackdown, I don't recall the first one? Not going to happen, Big Joke is concerned with Chinese Gray Businesses making billions of Baht?
  17. As they can't speak Thai, might be a problem?????
  18. Probably not, but maybe the US was just trying to be diplomatic?
  19. It depends on the airline, I suspect? Most airlines will ask for a ticket out of Thailand, in this case, after 45 days, its to cover themselves from any liability, as the 30 day extension is not guaranteed.
  20. Got to agree, its irrelevant where his wife is from! maybe a translation problem?
  21. I agree it was a fine post!???? A conversion from one thing to another is just that! However you believe what you want to believe! Have a good one!
  22. I didn't state anything, what I 'said' was "Visas I believe can only be obtained outside of Thailand, at an Embassy or Consul? " The Non Imm 0 visa , which is what I was referring to, would be a 'conversion' from the 30/45 visa exempt, so not a 'new' visa,
  23. The conversion from lets say a 30/45 visa exempt to a 15 month retirement extension,for the first year, is quite legal, but first you need to obtain a non Imm-0 visa, which only be done in Bangkok and it takes a few weeks.
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