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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Also in the 90's in Pat Pong, the bars name was Pussy Galore!
  2. What is racist about the story?
  3. No sense of humor?
  4. Absolutely, but with tattoos on his face/head its not like he wouldn't stick out in a crowd. I can only imagine how much it would hurt to have tattoos where he has them....Ouch!
  5. Right he was suffering from insomnia, chest tightness, high blood pressure and that the oxygen levels in his fingertips were low, according to a statement from the Department of Corrections.
  6. Nothing has changed. It states in the attached article: "It is not illegal to record officers in public, as a note, but the issue police had was the negative statement and inferences by the user when Chalong Police stated the officers were only performing their jobs and stopping traffic offenders, which keeps the streets safer for all."
  7. Dubai and Singapore have excellent medical facilities!
  8. They have 'supposedly 'been after this guy for years and were 'supposed' to have an Interpol RED notice out on him. Now if 'they' know where he is, why hasn't he been arrested? That's why I thought you were being sarcastic!
  9. Great sarcasm!!???? They would need to find him first?
  10. Yes indeed, but it does beg the question, is this just usual police ineptitude/laziness, or something else. Are they afraid to arrest these 'Arabs' because of what?
  11. OK, so attempted 'assault' is an offense?
  12. People have died from being tasered! https://www.reuters.com/article/us-axon-taser-toll-idUSKCN1B21AH
  13. I agree part of their job is to arrest potentially dangerous people. Cops 'should ' be trained to arrest dangerous people without themselves coming to any harm, that why they have strict procedures and mitigate risks when carrying out arrests. They don't purposefully go into dangerous situations ill prepared, what would be the point?
  14. Not familiar with Australian cops, but I am with US cops and USA airports. Even the US cops would not have shot him, in a crowded airport, with passengers in close proximity, chance of bullets flying, ricocheting ?? He would have been taken down and cuffed, arrested and charged!
  15. It may be an occupational hazard,and sure it happens, but its not part of their job! It certainly would not be in their job description? Policemen 'should' be trained to avoid getting assaulted! That's why normally if they are in a potentially dangerous situation, the first thing they do is call for backup?
  16. It certainly NOT part of their job to get assaulted as you state, its the exact opposite!
  17. Yes indeed, what type of visas have these people 'paid' for
  18. Attempting to commit a crime is an offense. You must of heard of 'Attempted Murder' or Attempted Robbery', or Attempted Rape' etc. Attempted Assault is an offense! Its usually not as serious as the actual crime itself
  19. In a crowded airport, highly unlikely I think!
  20. So the Indian guy goes back to his hotel and the Lady boys go back to the beach to harass more tourists? Only in Thailand?????
  21. Correct and apparently show no signs of leaving just yet?
  22. Correct, should have arrested and charged, but he is Chinese and they do not want to upset them, because it may affect tourism. Its all about the $$$
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