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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Yes, the most wisely used and the cheapest?
  2. I came across this video on twitter and thought it pertinent to the discussion. I am not a fan of Farage per se, but having watched the video I don't think the video shows any racism, he is just giving an opinion?
  3. I didn't make any comment, this is purely for information! I just came across it Exactly what are my "leanings"?
  4. Here's what Nigel Farage had to say about it:
  5. Its not only Caucasians that have been posting on those two threads! Be interested to know why you headed it : "Are caucasions obsessed by "racism""
  6. Got to agree, but comparing Changi with Suvarnabhumi is like comparing a Porsche with a tuk tuk! I am exaggerating, but you get the point?????
  7. " but he definitely has something that is not common." Agreed, well we can start with the fact he is worth over $200 billion USD?????
  8. "over 300 passengers struggling to catch a flight even though the airplane was about to take off, Matichon newspaper said." So were they running after the plane on the runway?????
  9. Exactly, you would think they would have multiple cameras covering all of the carousels, showing different angles?
  10. Agreed, and very eloquently put!
  11. If that's what you think, fine! Obviously the jury who were all native English speakers didn't?
  12. Good, case closed!????
  13. Musk's attorney said the tweet was not a statement of fact, but an insult, which is protected speech, in the USA. Musk eventually deleted the tweet and said "I did not accuse Mr.Unsworth of being a pedophile"
  14. The jury decided in one hour that Unsworth would not get any damages, says it all really?
  15. Not sure what you mean? Both Musk and OJ could afford very good attorneys. In Musk's civil case it was clear cut that Unsworth's counsel failed to prove he has been damaged by what Musk had said, it took the jury less than one hour to decide. In OJ's murder case again the jury took only 4 hours to decide he was not guilty? Although in the subsequent civil trial he paid out $33.5 million. Are you suggesting the jurors were paid off?
  16. We've been warned by a moderator to stay on topic! But to compare OJ Simpsons case to Musk's case is a bit of a stretch of the imagination?
  17. Musk won in court, so it fooled the Judge?????
  18. The article that you linked in your previous post states categorically what was said and what it meant. What you interpret is up to you?
  19. Whatever? What you stated was incorrect!
  20. You are incorrect! From the article: Mr Musk, who grew up in Pretoria, said "pedo guy" was "a common insult used in South Africa when I was growing up". "He said the expression was "synonymous with 'creepy old man'" and used to insult a person's appearance and demeanour." He called him a 'pedo' , not pedophile! The article explains. Plus Musk won the case!
  21. Totally agree. Now Fulani is milking this so called incident for all she can. On the BBC website she is calling it 'abuse' You cant make this up????? "Although it's not physical violence - it is an abuse." https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-63819482
  22. Musk may not be an 'Einstein' or have an IQ of 180, but I think he is 'street smart' in the business world. He did have a pretty good formal education which helped. No question he had some good luck too.
  23. I think Elon Musk is smarter? You don't get to become the worlds richest man by being not smart?
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