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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Obviously now Covid has seemingly 'finished' folks have returned to Thailand, Pattaya? There have been reports of an influx of Russians and they don't want to go home, it seems, so the combination is lots of people want extensions etc?
  2. Right, but its only 'illegal' until the brown envelopes arrive, them magically it becomes 'legal'?????
  3. Quite! It seems the police are making up for lost time, as it were? How many brown envelopes were 'lost' during Covid, nobody can say, but they need to make up for the shortfall?
  4. Its very sad, but some people actually think they can! Strange world?
  5. Yes, medical care in a private hospital is a business, like any other business and what they want to do is make money, patients come in second place?
  6. 'Big Joke' was doing too well in his investigations, by the look of it? Question now is, will this investigation continue? or get buried?
  7. Yes indeed, its like a broken record? Over the past few weeks there have been multiple articles published on AN about Chinese gangsters, businessmen etc operating illegal casinos, clubs etc. Just yesterday an article was published on the "'Super Rich' Chinese gangsters who call Thailand home." The agents/IO's facilitating retirement extensions pales into insignificance compared to what the corrupt Chinese gangsters are getting up to? We are not talking a few hundred million baht, but possibly a few hundred billion baht all told?
  8. Yes, he probably helped to write the questions?
  9. The so called 'trial' was held in secret, he was not allowed to challenge the evidence! In Iran the law is what the regime says it is. If they don't like you in Iran, they charge you with being a spy and make up the evidence, which cannot be challenged in a secret court, you end up in prison for 30 years?
  10. I take your point, but in Iran the 'law' is what the regime says it is? In most countries there is a criminal trial in a public court where there is a prosecution and defense and evidence is presented and the lawyers can argue the case etc. Not in Iran? Trials are held in secret. "Rahnavard was not allowed to choose his own lawyer, challenge the evidence against him or ask for the trial to be held in public." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/12/scores-of-executions-feared-in-iran-as-23-year-old-hanged-in-public-execution
  11. He is not looking at agents fees for retirement extensions? He is looking for a much bigger kettle of fish? "He is investigating links in the IB ranks to the granting of favors to Chinese nationals looking to live and do business in Thailand. "
  12. All this started because one woman (Mahsa Amini) was not wearing a hijab and was arrested and died in custody. Mass protests have spread to many countries and the regime in Iran is getting scared and is now intimidating its citizens. It seems that the Iranian government is going to step up these type of executions? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/12/scores-of-executions-feared-in-iran-as-23-year-old-hanged-in-public-execution
  13. Its a 'permission' to stay!????
  14. I am absolutely not saying that! It was sarcasm, with a bit of humor to boot!
  15. I am actually agreeing with you. Most banks now check ID and visa status. Western Union have been doing it for around 5 years, I am not sure how long the banks have been checking visas? Before covid they didn't seem to?
  16. According to the news the raids on venues, Walking Street, Tree Town etc, have stopped, but it seems the police are targeting people still who have overstayed according to their(immigration) records. Whether this is thru intelligence or spy's/whistleblowers etc we don't really know? I assume everyone is innocent, until proved guilty?
  17. Absolutely. The 'real' criminals can walk around free cos they have paid protection money?
  18. They are not doing an immigration check? i.e, if you are an over stayer WU staff are not going to arrest you????? WU have been doing the check on 'visa status' for years, its because you are making a financial transaction in Thailand. Banks also check now? Sometimes?
  19. Its to lull everyone into a false sense of security, then they start raiding the venues again?????
  20. The OP was asking a perfectly civil question? Why do you feel the need to insult him?
  21. You really shouldn't give them ideas?????
  22. Right, if this guy had made it to the airport and paid 20,000, fine, he would have been banned for a few years, but at least he would be a free man?
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