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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. Well this is gonna turn out rather bad for his hotels in Thailand? What is he gonna call it a foreigner/alien surcharge? Sure that's gonna ensure that the foreign tourists stay at his hotels, isn't it?????
  2. Yet another story about a Chinese guy planning to build and operate an illegal business. I see a pattern developing here?????
  3. You speak the empirical truth, but its never gonna happen in Thailand?
  4. Strange that in most countries E cigarettes are quite legal and Marijuana is illegal, yet paradoxically in Thailand its the other way around?????
  5. "Boss" was on Interpol's Red List, but it magically disappeared!????
  6. Quite so. I realize some folks do eat bats, especially in, but not only, China. The Chinese eat almost anything. Rats are eaten a lot in Nigeria!
  7. I'm sure that must be a rare occurrence?????
  8. I can't believe that people have to actually be TOLD not to eat bats!????
  9. Yes it does have to Bangkok, it can take several weeks.
  10. Good question. It seems that whenever anything happens, especially something involving a foreigner the press are there? If you dont want the press, the police can be paid off so as not to invite them!
  11. Wouldn't this be called Vehicular Manslaughter? Should get jail time and banned for life, but in Thailand he has money and influence, so we'll let him off? Thailand Justice system SUCKS!
  12. Immigration may well ask what were you doing in Thailand for so long, where did you get your funds. May depend on your age, if you are under 50 say?
  13. And I used to collect stamps!????
  14. If "foreigners" weren't in the post it wouldn't be newsworthy?
  15. Right, how many tourists who go to Thailand for a good time carry their passports with them all the time? It would be the last thing on their mind. The cops dont even have a remote fingerprint scanner with them, which would help with this problem? Maybe they are just after money?????
  16. Quite so, over the past week there must have been half a dozen reports about Chinese criminals.
  17. Slow day at the office, obviously?
  18. Yes, maybe a Trichologist could help?
  19. I am pretty sure there are reports, maybe in local TV etc, but they dont want to advertise it, they only want to advertise how bad the dirty foreigners are?????
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