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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. The problem in Thailand is the Police are a law unto themselves. There is apparently no oversight, corruption is out of control and nobody does anything!
  2. Certainly agree with you that the high airfares will keep many people from going to Thailand. Currently at least double, or higher than pre covid days. Problem is with the current price of oil, when will they come down? Or are the airlines trying to get back some of the money they lost over Covid?
  3. Totally agree, we know the middle and end, we dont know the beginning. We dont know what caused the fight, who started it or why it happened.
  4. Are for real? Its night, its dark, what can you see?? There is a man on the floor not moving, what is the French guy supposed to do?
  5. Nonsense. Unless you are a medically trained professional, just moving the neck , or head could make things worse. Looking into his eyes would tell you nothing unless you knew dilated pupils are not a good sign, then what do you? It was night so seeing any blood would not be possible, never mind where it was from. Best not to mess with you don't know about.
  6. Right and that only if they get found guilty in a court of law. It seems many on this thread have decided the the French guys fate already?
  7. Whilst i agree with your sentiment, I guess if neither one of them was medically trained it would be difficult to know if the Thai guy was seriously hurt or not?
  8. I agree, but its the word "If" that is the problem. Its not clear what started the fight, or why it started, we really only know how it ended, with the Thai guy sadly hitting his head seriously. Whats makes things worse is that the video has been edited for some reason?
  9. Got to agree with you there! There is a dual justice system in Thailand, depending upon if you are Thai and how much money you have?
  10. You seem to be assuming the two French guys are guilty? Now they may be, but at the moment things are unclear as to exactly what happened?. As per usual social media has done its job though!
  11. You are assuming they are guilty? Its apparent that its not at all clear what exactly happened and why. It could be the French guys started the fight, or maybe an argument ensued? Anyway until it goes to court and a judge declares them guilty, they re not?
  12. If they do manage to get out on bail, I am pretty sure the Thai authorities will confiscate their passports!
  13. "Both men will be recommended for blacklisting, said Col Supharik." For good, I hope!!
  14. Love the sarcasm, but its a bit too near the truth?
  15. You are correct, if the riders are wearing helmets!
  16. Whilst I agree with your sentiment, surely there are many more Thais on motorbikes without helmets on the roads every day weaving in and out, not just on Sukhumvit, they are not immune?
  17. When you say Indonesia, do you mean Bali, or other places in Indonesia?
  18. Well you would have to define what exactly you means by "worst"?????
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