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Everything posted by mikeymike100

  1. All I am saying is that its crude oil prices have increased which is affecting the price of airline tickets. Now the reason for the hike in crude oil is another matter completely.
  2. Oil prices have increased markedly, just look at gas prices at the pump. That means Aviation fuel, Jet A1 , will have increased. Fuel prices do get passed on to the passengers, its no secret, as it makes up approximately 40% of the standard running cost of an airline. https://www.iata.org/en/publications/economics/fuel-monitor/
  3. I'm not sure about any law, but I have seen restaurants", in Pattaya, and at least one shop with a sign saying "no shoes no shirt no service
  4. "A total of 4,356,700 baht in cash was seized." So what happens to the seized cash?? LOL Did they get a receipt?
  5. So are most 7/11s, but give it a week and things will be back to normal, I hope!
  6. I have seen the whole movie and i don't believe its supposed to be a debate on trans people as such. Matt Walsh is simply asking different people, ''What is a woman.'' Then he waits for a reply, some replies are comical, some reasonable and some a bit odd. He asks people in the street, medical professionals and some trans people.
  7. Agree and whilst some of it was comical, by and large it was quite disturbing and eye opening.
  8. The DSM-5 is the authoritative guide for diagnosing mental health disorders in the U.S. It’s also used internationally as a research standard. This text describes and lists the symptoms of hundreds of mental health diagnoses, conditions, and social problems. It promotes consistency and a common language among healthcare professionals and researchers. Each mental health diagnosis has a corresponding International Classification of Diseases (ICD) code developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) You are calling it BS?? LOL
  9. Its called a mental disorder. A diagnosis for gender dysphoria is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. The diagnosis was created to help people with gender dysphoria get access to necessary health care and effective treatment.
  10. "Malaysian tourists in Thailand expected to outnumber those from India" So more good new?
  11. I agree, however my local 7/11 has given up, because so may maskless were entering the premises!
  12. The price seems to be going up for these necklaces? It seems only Indians wear these necklaces, and it seems only lady boys/transgenders steal them? Is this a coincidence? LOL
  13. To be fair, yes in the US tips are expected for waitresses in restaurants, bars etc, but the service is generally pretty good in my experience Have you ever been to the UK?
  14. Do they write these headlines on purpose to stop tourists coming to Thailand? Or is it a mistake on purpose to upset all the tourists already here? Or is it they are actually xenophobic morons?
  15. Correct you are thinking logically in the real world, alas Thailand sometimes lives in the Twilight zone!
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