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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. They need the money for their plush jaunts around the world.
  2. A flea in Prayuts ear must have worked... this was no pleasantry meeting, it was a "what the hell is going on meeting" !!
  3. Damage limitation at work again...
  4. Scrub George, he'd be straight off to a bar in Patts and missing in action.
  5. The only time they're efficient at anything.
  6. Next doors kids are back home, some classes in school have been shut completely for 10 days, testing the rest of the school is ongoing.
  7. Lots of people in my area have infections, mostly on home isolation for 10 days.
  8. CP has a great business model... he spends, he accumulates, he invests and he gets rich. He also employees thousands of Thais. I have no beef with CP As for Red Bull.. ????
  9. Guys like this don't really worry about rewards, their deeds in getting the boys out will be enough for them. Recognition is nice but the memories last a lifetime. Cave diving is extremely hazardous, even for those trained to a high standard. These guys are of but a handful that combined could pull this off. Those boys will be grateful for the rest of their lives. With all the diving skills that Thailand had it wasn't enough for this team. And they came without reservation or of personal thoughts of self harm Heroes is the correct word.
  10. Catch them and give them 5 years in the army...
  11. Your concerns are well founded, wages for the vast majority are out of sync with the cost of living. The wealth divide is enormous, the civil service and above are sitting pretty on salaries and health benefits while others are just scrapping by daily. Then of course you have the ruling elite who are sitting on millions if not more and are clueless as to the daily struggles of many. Not only is it a wealth divide but it becomes a social divide and that never ends well.
  12. Of a graduate, many are below that figure at 9,00-10,000.
  13. I've been to some of these indoctrinations, more than fences get shook...
  14. If you don't like it don't do it, but don't tell me what I can or can't do.
  15. This is passing the buck time... Tourists have no say in what the rules are.. on arrival if they're told you must wear a mask or face problems then they would wear them. This is back pedaling again by those who tried to push this through and now don't want to be associated with the rising infection numbers.
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