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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. On my early morning excursions on the bike I see many motorcyclists without lights. I makes me wonder why they value their life less than the price of a bulb?
  2. I hope they use filters.
  3. Nice... future official in the making.
  4. That may not be such a good idea if you want to stay pals with the EU.
  5. Considering every other variant became the latest dominant one, then I guess this will follow in the same way.
  6. Amazing Thailand, if only they had the backbone to do it six months ago.
  7. I use AiS all the time, 5 years never an issue.
  8. Don't be so sure, I've been with AiS for a long time... excellent service.
  9. That might work at the time of the build, however rising sea-levels can change that over time.
  10. Seems to be a very lucrative business, as long as palms are greased to keep the wolves away from the door.
  11. What does a 4-legged sausage taste like? I don't know they run so fast I can't catch one.
  12. Road races tend to have accidents, riders are aware of the potential risk, spectators it seems are oblivious to the risk. Both have a choice, go or stay away.
  13. But on the streets it's okay? Medicinal use only soon got dropped.
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