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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. My province has just announced their plan for booster #4 for this month 3 days total on site... I'll likely get my 5th around Xmas
  2. The "wait-n-see" method, always works.
  3. The people who have the funds will continue to go where they want to in the world. However the budget holidaymaker who likes sun sea & fun for a fortnight, might not travel around the world for it and come to Thailand any more, and possibly choose a cheaper Mediterranean destination.
  4. Forcing it through to become legal before the laws are enacted to regulate it. Does that help?
  5. Those with common sense will survive, those without will fall. Goes for all things.
  6. The first wave of SLAVES were relocated, however the generations that followed who were incarcerated from birth were not relocated but kept as SLAVES.
  7. Buddhism does, unfortunately in Thailand criminals are allowed to enter monk-hood and don Saffron as a covering to make people believe all is well. However the covering does not indicate that what is underneath follows the beliefs of Buddhism.
  8. Time they drained the ponzi scheme from convicts parading as monks dressed in Saffron.
  9. If the Baht rises it will possibly put off the lower end cheap charlies from coming, but most tourists who have saved funds for a holiday will have budgeted to spend for a fortnight or so and will continue to travel. The biggest issue would be inflation driving up flight costs, so people may stop looking at long haul destinations and look for something closer to home.
  10. New Omicron Subvariants Will Spread Across Thailand Shortly Should read: New Omicron sub-variants will spread across Thailand swiftly.
  11. Anutin should be hauled over the coals for this whole farce.
  12. Ask Anutin, this was his baby which he railroaded through without a care in the world. Coming from a so called health minister he should be dismissed.
  13. A year seems to be a long time to be held against your will, especially in an apartment complex. He must have gone out to get money/supplies. She had the opportunity to cry out for help.
  14. Medicinal purposes only... not sprinkled on your noodles... makes perfect sense.
  15. The old IRA days.... brings back memories although I didn't get over there.
  16. Considering it was legalised earlier this month that's farcical. Anutin should be dismissed for gross incompetence at forcing this through, considering he's the "health minister".
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