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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    The shop had the good sense to cough up some cash to the cops pretty quickly it would seem. They tied the pipe down, so tough to see how they have no responsibility.

    Yes they tied the pipe down in the truck.. but

    ultimately it's the drivers responsibility to check the load before & during the drive home..

    The responsibility lays with the driver as soon as she left the shop... they have no control after she has gone !

  2. 8 hours ago, sirineou said:

    As a father of a rebellious twenty year old myself, that I love dearly, I can sympathise.

    A dad's worst nightmare,

    I wish him the best of luck in getting his daughter out of this mess. I would certainly bring a bulky envelope or anything else needed.

    I wouldn't bring a bulky envelope... I'd just say to her, you're old enough to get into trouble, you're old enough to get yourself out of it !!!

    If you can't get out of it I'll see you when you're released... in a few years time when you might have had time to mature & reflect on your actions.

    She was brought up and educated enough to know better, so why waste more cash... save it for his own retirement.

    I always say "if you can't do the time don't do the crime"... that applies to all others & my own kids !!

  3. 20 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Given the Buddhist view on the sanctity of life, it should be a very easy decision to make, and it wouldn't be to push people out to sea to possibly die. I also fail to see how genuine refugees threaten the security of a nation. Maybe you feel that genocide is OK if it doesn't involve you or your family.

    Thailand is for Thai people... there's no way they're going to open the borders for the refugees to flood across the border to become a huge issue here, let one in & thousands will follow

    I think Thailand breathed a sigh of relief when they headed west to Bangladesh


    1) They can't speak Thai

    2) They cannot support themsleves
    3) They have little or no chance of finding work

    4) Thailand isn't about to set-up refugee camps to house muslims for the next god knows how many years! 
    5) They have no citizenship as such, no passports & no documentation...

  4. Apart from the boats a budget was allocated by the Pattaya authorities to handle the problem. But those looking into an "incineration" solution are dragging their feet meaning that the trash is starting to take over the island.


    Meaning the budget got shared around & nothing got done.... sounds about right for local officials !!!

    A nice bonus each & don't forget to keep the trash below tree top level, no-one will notice !!!

  5. 3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Bare faced lies accompanied by figures plucked straight from thin air. Pattaya is as empty as I have ever seen it. If it such a booming time, why are so many bars and restaurants out of business and the others half empty?

    I would challenge this dumb cow to provide a shred of evidence to substantiate her PR focused BS.

    I agree, I read a post about three days ago from a Thai who represents businesses etc in the area, he said it's as flat as a pancake & pining all hope on the Russians saving the day next year !!!

    She's in cloud cuckoo land if she think's "high-end" women would sink so low as to come to a place like Pattaya..

    they will go & do their shopping in places like Singapore or Japan who entice them in with real incentives to spend!

  6. In my province we have a main Tesco Lotus branch just on the outskirts of the main town center, but we also have many Lotus lek smaller shops everywhere... unfortunately the one near my home falls very short of the "fresh mark" when it comes to vegetables... often they are already rotting inside the packaging I have to show the staff to remove them from the shelves..

  7. 6 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    " It has been transformed into a place of calm and order where families would be at home."


    I guess there has to be one street that is calm and orderly in all of Thailand.





    Alas if this comes to fruition then Pattaya will just re-locate to another location...
    unfortunately for you I believe this is your neck-of-the-woods...
    look-out west coast the trash is coming

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